1.LASIK and Ho:YAG laser thermokeratoplasty for treatment of primary hyperopia;准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术和钬激光热角膜成形术治疗原发性远视眼
2.Early clinical analysis of excimer laser in situ keratomileusis for treatment of primary hyperopia;LASIK治疗远视眼的初步结果分析
3.Central corneal thickness in hyperopia cornea and LASIK safety assessment远视眼角膜厚度的测量及准分子手术安全性的分析

1.The Comparison of pH Levels in Urine between Myopia and Hyperopia Children远视眼和近视眼儿童的尿pH值比较
2.Shortsighted people have to wear glasses, as do longsighted people.近视眼的人要戴眼镜,远视眼的人也要戴。
3.She's long-sighted and needs glasses to read.她是远视眼, 看书要戴眼镜.
4.The near point of either a presbyopie or a hyperopie eye is farther from the eye than normal.老花眼和远视眼的近点都比正常服的近点远。
5.Effect of cum correction for hypermetropia on myopia development in school children学龄儿童远视眼戴镜矫正对发生近视的影响
6.But there was significant difference in the average annual reduction of hypermetropia among the groups of low,middle and high powers of hypermetropia.轻度、中度、高度远视眼 ,远视平均每年降低的幅度比较 ,差异有高度显著性。
7.far point:The farthest point at which an object can be seen distinctly by the eye.视远点:眼睛能够看清楚物体的最远点.
8.Analysis of Psychogenic Behavior in Children with Hyperopic Amblyopia远视性弱视眼儿童的心理行为的分析
9.The Relationship between the Higher Order Aberrations and the Visual Quality in Hildren with Hyperopic Amblyopia;儿童远视弱视眼高阶像差与视觉质量的关系
10.Retinal macular thickness in patients with hyperopic monocular amblyopia远视性单眼弱视患者黄斑区视网膜厚度的研究
11.Study of changes in amplitude of accommodation in long stage after LASIK for myopia近视眼LASIK术后远期单眼调节幅度变化的研究
12.A Clinical Primary Study of the High Order Aberrations in Children with Hyperopia and Hyperopic Amblyopia;远视儿童及远视性弱视儿童眼高阶像差临床特点的初步研究
13.A Preliminary Investigation of Visual Evoked Potential Binocular Summation in Hyperopia Amblyopia Children;远视性弱视儿童双眼总和视觉诱发电位的初步研究
14.Do not view the sun with this binocular or even with naked eye .请勿使用此双目镜/双筒望远镜或裸眼直视太阳。
15.His eyes were bright blue, crinkled up into a permanent squint like a sailor's from gazing into the far distance.他的眼睛是蓝的,常常会象水手那样皱着眉头,眯起眼睛注视远方。
16.A near-sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.近视眼的人不能准确地调整眼睛看清远处的物体。
17.Having one section that corrects for distant vision and another that corrects for near vision, as an eyeglass lens.双光的一个矫正远视而另一个矫正近视的,如眼镜
18.The long-term clinical effects of binocular vision after LASIK in myopic anisometropia手术矫治近视性屈光参差后双眼视觉的远期效果观察

3)eyeglasses for long-sighted person远视眼镜
4)far visual acuity裸眼远视力
5)presbyopia (long sight)老花眼(远视)

能远视不能近视能远视不能近视 能远视不能近视   病名。明·倪维德《原机启微·附录》:“东垣曰,能远视不能近视者,阳气不足,阴气有余也。乃气虚而血盛也。血盛者,阴火有余,气虚者气弱也。此老人桑榆之象也。”即能远怯近症。详该条。