1.How a transparent and extendable automatic rollback mechanism design using State Exchange Object and Incremental State Saving technique was implemented in KD-PARSE,and a parallel discrete event simulation engine and supporting environment,to facilitate its optimistic synchronization algorithms used in parallel discrete event simulation.介绍了并行仿真驱动及支持软件KD-PARSE基于状态交换对象(SXO),采用增量式状态保存法,实现透明、可扩展自动回退机制以支持并行离散事件仿真中的乐观时间管理算法的方法,并给出了该回退框架的整体结构设计。
2.The similarities and differences of parallel and distributed simulation, the synchronization and rollback mechanisms were described first, then μsik was analyzed from 4 aspects: architecture,.该文首先阐明并行仿真与分布仿真的异同,以及并行仿真中的同步与回退机制,接下来对μsik从体系结构、数据结构、调度过程和事件发送过程等方面进行分析,然后在μsik中增加了两种事件发送机制:保守发送机制和限制的乐观发送机制,对改进的内核进行测试并对测试结果做了详细分析,结果表明增加的事件发送机制能够提高系统性能。
3.The paper analyzes and designs the process designers, process rollback, as well as access to executor of the dynamic process which often involve in the workflow management systems.本文针对工作流管理系统中经常涉及的流程设计器、流程回退以及获取动态流程执行者三个方面进行了分析和设计。

1.back space file on multifile tape多文件带的回退文件
2.The act of withdrawing or going back.后退撤回或退回的行为
3.Tending to go backward or recede.退回的有后退或退回倾向的
4.To shrink back, as in fear or repugnance.退却,后退缩回,如因害怕或厌恶而缩回
5.It came back with "return to sender" stamped on it.信被退回上面印着"退给发信人"。
6.It came back with“ return to sender” stamped on it.邮件被盖上退还邮寄人的印戳退回。
7.Exit already drawback goods go back, what tax to affect?出口已退税货物退回,影响哪些税?
8.sales returns and allowance journal销货退回及折让日记帐
9.returnable glass container可以退回的玻璃容器
10.You must turn in your kit before you leave the army.退伍时应将装备缴回.
11.lowance journal进货退回及折让日记帐
12.Return if undelivered.无法投递,请退回原处。
13.I returned the letter unopened.我把那封信原封退回了.
14.Undeliverable, returned to sender.无法投递, 退回原处。
15.Please return all empty milk bottles .请把空牛奶瓶全部退回。
16.These goods were compelled restitution.这些物品被责令退回。
17.Please return all empties.请把全部空瓶退回。
18.Can I return the goods to you?我可以把货物退回吗?

1.Correlation analysis of refractive regression after laser in situ keratomileusis;高度近视眼LASIK术后远期屈光回退的相关因素分析
2.Laser in situ keratomileusis retreatment for regression using a scanning-spot excimer laser system;飞点扫描准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术后回退的再治疗
3.Purpoes: To investigate myopic regression after excimer laser photorefractive keratecto-my(PRK) in patients with myopia.目的:探讨准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术后屈光回退的主要因素。
3)1.to send back (something delivered); 2.to turn back; to return to退回
4)To give ground;retreat.退回;撤退
6)assign back to售回予;退回

五不退──生净土五不退【五不退──生净土五不退】  ﹝出净土十疑论﹞  [一、大悲摄持不退],谓众生得生净土者,以阿弥陀佛大悲愿力,摄持不舍,故得不退转也。  [二、佛光照烛不退],谓众生得生净土者,常被佛光照烛,故菩提之心,日得增长,而不退转也。  [三、常闻法音不退],谓众生得生净土者,闻诸水鸟树林风声乐响,皆说苦空无我之法,是以常起念佛、念法、念僧之心,而不退转也。  [四、善友同居不退],谓众生得生净土者,以由彼国纯诸菩萨以为胜友,内无烦恼惑业之累,外无邪魔恶缘之境,故一生之后,即不退转也。  [五、寿命无量不退],谓诸众生得生净土者,即得寿命无量,与佛菩萨平等无二,故一生之后,即不退转也。