1.Objective:To investlgate the relationship between relaxed bulbar conjunctiva(conjunctivochalasis) and epiphora,and the effect of excision of the relaxed bulbar conjunctiva.目的 :观察球结膜松弛与泪溢的关系 ,探索手术治疗的效果。

1.Effect observation of conjunctiva resection and conjunctival fixation on epiphora of patients with conjunctivochalasis结膜切除加巩膜固定术对结膜松弛症患者泪溢症状改善效果观察
2.filled or brimming with tears.眼泪充满的或漫溢的。
3.Botulinum toxin for palliative treatment of epiphora in a patient with canalicular obstruction伴有泪小管阻塞的溢泪患者的肉毒杆菌毒素姑息治疗1例
4.The tears overflowed his eyes and ran down upon his cheeks.泪水从他眼眶里溢出来,从腮帮上淌下来。
5.The tears that swam in his faded blue eyes were not altogether those of unhappiness.他那双憔悴的蓝眼睛里盈溢着的不全是辛酸泪。
6.Methods: Eigty-two normal eyes and56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied.方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查,并对图像进行分析。
7.That same morning, when she had gathered up her prints and slides without a sound, her jaw set, the tears had come rolling down by themselves.今天上午,她咬着牙关,一声不吭地收拾那些照片和幻灯片的时候,眼泪不争气地溢出来了。
8.Tears fell upon the leaf of the book, perhaps, or blistered the pages of his manuscript, as the passionate young man dashed his thoughts down.当热情洋溢的年轻人奋笔疾书的时候,眼泪曾滴落在稿纸上,或者曾使一些字迹变得模糊不清。
9.However, when the country is in the atmosphere of great joy, who would remember the blood and tears we shed in the time of wars?然而,当祖国到处洋溢着欢悦的气氛时,有谁还会记起那些战争年代我们流过的血与泪?
10.lachrymatory effect催泪作用,催泪效果
11.Causing or tending to cause tears.使人流泪或易于流泪的
12.turn on [off] the waterworks流泪 [忍住泪],哭泣 [停止哭]
13.Nursing for patients with duct obstruction by lacrimal laser and lacrimal canal therapy泪道激光联合泪道植管治疗泪道阻塞的护理
14.repentant sighs [tears]后悔的叹息 [眼泪]
15.BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS""热血、汗水和眼泪"
16.repress one's emotions [tears]忍住感情 [眼泪]
17.copious flowers, tears, words许多花、 眼泪、 话
18.Broken Blossoms落花泪(美国影片)

1.Objective To investgate the treatment methods and the pathogenesis for aged conjunctivochalasis with epiphora.目的探讨老年人因结膜松弛溢泪的治疗方法及发病机制。
2.When extubation was done at postoperative 2 months,there was no epiphora,laceration of lacrimal point,malformation of eyelid or shedding of silicione tube.术后2个月拔管时,无溢泪、泪小点裂伤、眼睑畸形、硅胶管脱落发生。
1.OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of acupuncture therapy in treating epiphora due to dysfunction of lacrimal ducts.目的 观察针刺治疗泪道功能不全之泪溢症的临床疗效。
6)functional epiphora功能性溢泪
