2)applanation tonometry压平眼压测量法
3)differential tonometry差示眼压测量法
4)intraocular pressure measure眼压测量
1.Objective:To compare the difference of intraocular pressure measured by non-contact tonometer(NCT)and Goldmann applanation tonometer.方法 :对 112例 ( 2 2 0眼 )志愿者分别进行 NCT和 Goldmann压平眼压计眼压测量及中央角膜厚度测量 ,并对其中 16 8眼进行自动验光检查。

1.Influences of the tonometer type and posture on IOP measurement不同眼压计类型和测量体位对青光眼眼压测量值的影响
2.Application and Research for Piezoelectric Bimorphs in Measuring Intraocular Pressure压电双晶片在眼压测量中的应用研究
3.Different condition on measure results of rabbit intraocular pressure不同测量条件对兔正常眼压测量值的影响
4.Research on the Technology of Laser Interference in Non-Contact IOP Measurement System;用于非接触眼压测量仪的激光干涉技术研究
5.The correction of Goldmann applanation tonometer with Pentacam System in measurement of IOP before and after LASIKPentacam系统对LASIK手术前后眼压测量值的修正
6.Role of Nocturnal Intraocular Pressure Monitoring in Diagnosis of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma夜间眼压测量在原发性开角型青光眼诊断中的作用
7.Study on Measurement and Device for Intraocular Pressure Non-contact Measuring Based on Aerostatic Technology基于空气静压技术的非接触眼压测量方法与装置的研究
8.Correlation of Intraocular Pressure Measurement and Central Corneal Thickness before and after Lasik;Lasik术后眼压测量值的变化与中央角膜厚度改变的关系
9.Changes of measured value of intraocular pressure after laser in situ keratomileusis and its correlation with central corneal thicknessLASIK术后眼压测量值变化及与角膜中央厚度的相关性分析
10.The applanation tonometer atend to underestimate the true IOP after CK.结论:CK术后压平式眼压计测量眼压值偏低。
11.Comparison between intraocular pressure measured with ICARE rebound tonometer and NCT tonometerICARE回弹式眼压计与NCT眼压计测量结果的比较
12.Methods The IOP of affected and fellow eyes of 46 patients with CRVO were measured with TX-10 Tonometer.方法 应用TX- 10眼压计对4 6例(46只眼) CRVO患者的眼压进行测量。
13.IOP on sclera measured by Tono-Pen is reliable;结论:使用Tono-Pen眼压计测量眼压时,巩膜壁眼压值可为真实眼压值提供可靠参考;
14.Comparison of intraocular pressures at different parts of eyeballs by Tono-Pen applanation tonometer眼球不同部位Tono-Pen眼压计测量结果比较
15.The central part of cornea is the best site for measuring intraocular pressure.角膜中心是测量眼内压的最佳位置。
16.1. Examine the IOP of the normal rats with handheld tonometer (TONOPEN-XL).⒂肨ONOPEN—XL测量正常大鼠眼压。
17.The study on the changes of NCT measured intraocular pressure before and after LASIKLASIK术后非接触式眼压计测量值的变化
18.The measurement of scotopic pupil diameter with noncontact tonometer非接触眼压计测量暗适应下瞳孔直径

applanation tonometry压平眼压测量法
3)differential tonometry差示眼压测量法
4)intraocular pressure measure眼压测量
1.Objective:To compare the difference of intraocular pressure measured by non-contact tonometer(NCT)and Goldmann applanation tonometer.方法 :对 112例 ( 2 2 0眼 )志愿者分别进行 NCT和 Goldmann压平眼压计眼压测量及中央角膜厚度测量 ,并对其中 16 8眼进行自动验光检查。
6)24-hour IOP monitoring24h眼压测量
1.Purpose: To determine the value of 24-hour IOP monitoring in routine clinical practice of the suspects of normal tension glaucoma(NTG).目的:评价24h眼压测量在正常眼压性青光眼疑似患者诊断中的意义。

[英文]:Bailliart tonometer[解释]:一种压迹眼压计。用一种带有刻度尺的弹簧代替不同重量的砝码,可直接显示角膜与巩膜的压力刻度读数。眼压计的脚板可互换。视其测量角膜或巩膜的压力而定。