1.Clinical assessment of 0.1% Pranoprofen eye drops on the treatment of acute allergic conjunctivitis0.1%普拉洛芬滴眼液治疗急性变态反应性结膜炎的疗效
2.Investigation of Suspendedly Cultured Bovine Lens Capsule and the Prevention of after Cataract by Matrine, Diclofenac Sodium and Pranoprofen;本文通过建立牛晶状体前囊膜悬浮培养的模型,观察晶状体上皮细胞增殖情况;在药物防治方面观察苦参素、双氯酚酸钠(diclofenac sodium)、普拉洛芬(pranoprofen)等对牛晶状体上皮细胞(bovine len epithelial cell,BLEC)增殖的。

1.The Efficacy of Administration of Pranoprofen 0.1% Eyedrops on the Control of the Inflammation after Cataract Surgery;0.1%普拉洛芬滴眼液在白内障手术前后应用对术后炎症的控制作用
2.Efficacy of Single and Combined Use of Pranoprofen Eyedrops in the Anti-inflammatory Treatments after Cataract Surgery;普拉洛芬滴眼液在白内障术后单独和联合应用的抗炎疗效评价
3.Clinical study of the effectiveness of topical pranoprofen after laser iridotomy普拉洛芬滴眼剂应用于激光虹膜切开术的临床观察
4.Clinical assessment of 0.1% Pranoprofen eye drops on the treatment of acute allergic conjunctivitis0.1%普拉洛芬滴眼液治疗急性变态反应性结膜炎的疗效
5.Clinical assessment of Pranoprofen eyedrops on postoperative inflammation of cataract extraction and non infection inflammation of the anterior segments of the eye普拉洛芬滴眼液治疗白内障术后炎症和非感染性眼前段炎症的临床评价
6.Any of the Finnic languages of the Lapps.拉普兰语拉普兰人的芬兰族语言中的任一种
7.A branch of Finno-Ugric that includes Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp.芬兰语芬兰-乌戈尔语的一支,包括芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语和拉普语
8.common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.传播洛矶山斑疹热和拖拉伦斯菌病的普通扁虱。
9.Nello and Patrasche were coming back from Antwerp.尼洛和帕特拉斯基正从安特卫普往回走。
10.That meant that Stephen Blackpool's chances were better to wash off his injustice.这就意味着斯蒂芬?勃拉克普尔比较易于洗刷自己的不白之冤了。
11.The Santa Claus beloved by children the world over is said to live in the Lapland region of northern Finland.全世界小孩都喜欢的耶诞老人,传说居住于芬兰北部的拉普兰。
12.Study on Pharmacokinetics and Residues of Ipriflavone in Cage Layers;依普拉芬在笼养蛋鸡体内的药物动力学及残留分析
13.Effects of Deficient Phosphorus and Iprifglavone on Egg Proroduction, Bone Metablism and Endocrins in Cage Layer;低磷及依普拉芬对笼养蛋鸡骨代谢、内分泌及生产的影响
14.Effects of Ipriflavone on Osteoporosis in Ovariectomized Rats and Its Possible Mechanisms Through NO Pathway;依普拉芬防治去卵巢大鼠骨质疏松的实验研究及其NO调控机制探讨
15.Party of Serbs: Zagreb; f.1993; Leader Milorad Pupovac.塞尔维亚人党:札格拉布;1993年成立;领导人-米洛拉德·普波瓦茨。
16.Carlos Juan Finlay Prize卡洛斯·胡安·芬莱奖
17.Dec. 19, 2006 - Federal health officials pushed today for stronger warning labels for common over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen.联邦卫生局今天宣布要加强普通OTC止痛药物,如扑热息痛,阿司匹林,布洛芬的警告标记。
18.CONCLUSION: Arginine ibuprofen syrup were bioe-quivalent with ibuprofen tablets.结论:精氨酸布洛芬糖浆和布洛芬片生物等效。

Pronoprofen Eye Drops普拉洛芬滴眼液
1.Determination of Pronoprofen in Pronoprofen Eye Drops by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定普拉洛芬滴眼液中普拉洛芬含量
3)pranoprofen eye drops普拉洛芬滴眼剂
1.OBJECTIVE To evaluate the efficacy and safety of pranoprofen eye drops in relieving reactions of postoperative inflammation of laser iridotomy.目的:评估普拉洛芬滴眼剂在减轻激光虹膜切开术(LPI)术后炎症反应中的疗效及其不良反应。
4)pranoprofen/therapeutic use普拉洛芬/治疗应用
