1.Surgery is the most way of treating strabismus,thus undercorrection,overcorrection and the deterioration are the researching hot spot after operation.斜视是眼科常见疾病,手术是治疗斜视的重要方法,斜视矫正术后欠矫、过矫、眼位回退问题一直是研究的热点,本文就斜视术后再斜视的相关原因及治疗做一综述。
2.·CONCLUSION:Myopic shift exists in pediatric pseudophakic eyes,so the degrees of IOL of younger child should be based on the principle of a low degree of undercorrection.结论:儿童人工晶状体眼仍存在视觉发育的近视趋向,故较小年龄患儿人工晶状体度数应以低度欠矫为原则。

1.Clinical Study on Laser in Keratomileusis for Treatment of Undercorrection after Radial Keratotomy;LASIK矫治RK术后屈光欠矫的临床观察
2.deformity-correcting appliance, orthopaedic畸形矫正器械,矫形用
3.Research on the Working Instruction and the Corrective Technology and Way of the Community-based Correction;社区矫正的矫治规程和矫治技术研究
4.a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit.表明欠多少钱的欠款单。
5.The act of yawning.打哈欠打哈欠的动作
6.He owed three month's back rent.他欠了三个月的欠租。
7.Of, relating to, or exhibiting mannerisms.矫揉造作的,关于或展示矫揉造作的
8.trial and error correction尝试错误矫正 尝试错误矫正
9.To Remedy ametropia and strabismus of children.目的 :矫正屈光不正 ,矫治隐斜和斜视。
10.Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted.矫枉必须过正,不过正不能矫枉。
11.International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics国际言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会
12.Can Invisalign End the Traditional Orthodontics;隐形矫治器是否是传统矫治器的终结
13.Study of Straighten Force Calculational Model for Even-Roller Plate Straightener七辊板带矫直机矫直力计算模型研究
14.Undervoltage (Voltage Drop).欠电压(电压降低)。
15.These buns haven's been steamed long enough.这一屉馒头欠火 。
16.She is in debt to her neighbors for 5000 yuan.她欠邻居5000元.
17.(2) To withhold the taxes due;(二)扣缴所欠税款;
18.purchase liabilities aging schedule购货欠款赊欠期间分析表

1.Laser subepithelial keratomileusis after undercorrected laser in situ keratomileusis;LASEK治疗LASIK术后屈光欠矫
4)stalwart; brave and strong; chivalrou矫矫

矫矫1.勇武貌。 2.刚强貌。 3.卓然不群貌。 4.高峙貌。 5.飞动貌。 6.昂扬得意貌。