1.Application and study of a new aniseikonia test based on the computer;新型计算机不等像检测软件的研制及试用
2.Effects of defocus and aniseikonia by anisometropia on stereoacuity;实验性屈光参差产生的视网膜像模糊和不等像视对立体视影响的研究
3.Objective To investigate the difference between the actual figure and theoretic figure of aniseikonia in anisometropic amblyopia patients; examine the stereoacuity of anisometropic amblyopia patients and ametropic amblyopia patients, and analysis the related factors, to give guideline for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia patients.目的 研究屈光参差性弱视患者的不等像值与理论值(0。
2)Unequal image不等像视

1.Effects on Aniseikonia and Stereopsis Induced by Related Factors of Hyperopia Anisometropia;远视性屈光参差不等像视与立体视的相关因素研究
2.visual defect in which the shape and size of an ocular image differ in the two eyes.两眼中的视觉图像不等。
3.Single-phase plot can be used by computers, TV sets and Video recorders, but not for lighting.单相插座仅供电脑、电视机、录像机等使用,不得用于照明线路。
4.The Clinic Research of Aniseikonia and Stereopsis in Anisometropia Patients;屈光参差与不等像及立体视的关系及影响因素研究
5.The TV picture isn't very sharp.电视图像不太清晰.
6.Like most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the same, that she would treat them all alike.像所有老师一样,她注视着她的学生,说她爱他们,不偏不倚,平等对待每一个人。
7.age of parallax inequality【地物】视差不等的潮龄
8.have perfect, poor, blurred, etc vision视力极好、 不好、 模糊等
9.He can' t see, hear, etc very well.他的视力、 听力等不太好.
10.signal can be delivered to the video system (TV, VCR, etc.) The quality信号可以分别传送到相应的视频系统(如电视,录像机等)。视频
11.Things like videophone and videoconferencing are usually called video services. This type is also regarded as multimedia services.比如可视电话、会议电视等,这些被称作视像业务,也叫多媒体业务。
12.The content includes monitoring object, transport network, hard disk video recorder, remote monitoring and querying.主要涉及监控对象、输网络、字录像、地监视查询等。
13.Multi-view Range Images Integration Based on a Generalized Iso-surface Equation;基于广义等值面提取的多视场深度像融合
14.Image inpainting can be used to retouch damaged images and videos,remove text and conceal errors in videos.图像修补可用于被损坏的图像和视频修复、视频文字去除以及视频错误隐藏等。
15.But then came colored TVs, VCRs, cable TV, satellite TV, HDTV and so forth.但是随后就有了彩电、录像机、有线电视、卫星电视、高清晰度电视,如此等等。
16.Real Images and Visual Equality--On the Image Logic and Ethic Issue in Video Anthropology;真实全景与视觉平等:简论影视人类学中的影像逻辑与伦理问题
17.Information has different carrier such as text、sound、static picture、motion picture etc.信息搭载可以选用不同的载体,如文本、声音、静态图像、动态图像等等。
18.an unlikely tale, excuse, explanation, etc不太像真实的说法、 托词、 解释等.

Unequal image不等像视
4)binocular aniserkonia双眼影像不等
1.Methods: Sixty-four cases who received LASIK were divided into 4 groups by different binocular diopter with the binocular aniserkonia (BA) designed by Liugeping and BA.目的:探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)对近视眼患者双眼影像不等(B A)的影响。
6)unequalsized retinal image不相等的网膜像

Harnack不等式(对偶Harnack不等式)Harnack不等式(对偶Harnack不等式)quality (dual Hatnack inequality) Harnack in- 【补注】一直到G的边界的H助nack不等式,见【AZI.l翻..‘不等式(对停H山丸朗k不等不)[ Har.改沁-勺函勺(d切红Hat’I犯‘k如为uaJ卿);rap.姗二p魄HcT助(月加湘oe)] 给出正调和函数的两个值之比u(x)/“(y)的上界和下界估计的一个不等式,由A.Hai,剐火(汇IJ)得到.令u)0是n维E议当d空间的区域G中的一个调和函数;令E。(y)是中心在点y处半径为;的球{x:}x一y!<;}.若闭包万了刃.CG,则对于所有的、“凡(,),o0是常数,亡“(省:,…,氛)是任一。维实向量,叉‘G.不等式(2)中的常数M仅依赖于又,A,算子L的低阶项系数的某些范数以及G的边界与g的边界之间的距离. fy,1, …粤馨 对于形如u:+Lu“0的一致抛物型方程(算子L的系数可以依赖于t)的非负解:(x,t),类似于1压ar-恤比不等式的不等式也成立.在此情形下,对于顶点在点(y,动处开口向下的抛物面(图a) {(x,t川x一,I’<。,(T一t),:一v,簇t簇:}的内部的点(x,t),只能有单边的不等式(fs」): u(x,r)(M妇(y,T),这里,M依赖于y,T,又,A,料,,,算子L的低阶项系数的某些范数,以及抛物面的边界与在其中“(义,t))0的区域的边界之间的距离.例如,如果在柱形区域 Q二Gx(a,b],中“〕O,此外,歹CG,并且如果刁G与刁g之间的距离不小于d(>0),而d充分小,那么在gx(a一矛,bJ中不等式 。(、.t、___/,、一。1,.:一:.八 1。,二之二止,二止匕成几11止二一一丈‘.+一+11 u气y,T)\下一I“/成立(协J).特别地,如果在Q中u)0(图b),且如果对于位于Q中的紧集Q,和QZ有 占“们山n(t一:)>0, (义,t)‘Q- (y.下)〔QZ那么有 n知Lxu(x,t)簇M nunu(x,t), (x,‘)‘QZ(x,‘)‘Q-其中M“M(占,Q,QI,QZ,L).函数 ·、·,‘卜exn(‘睿,、‘一暮“:)—对于任意的k,,…,气,它是热方程u,一△拟“0的解—表明在抛物型情形下双边估计的不可能性,