1.The staining effects of lens anterior capsule , the success rate of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC), the integrity of capsule r.结论 台盼蓝染色是一种简单安全的晶状体前囊膜染色技术 ,提高了前囊膜的可见度 ,有助于白色白内障超声乳化术连续环形撕囊术 (continuouscurvilinearcapsulorhexis ,CCC)和整个手术的顺利进

1.It is demonstrated that continuous circular capsulorhexis could maintain the integrity of the capsular bag and increase the chance of achieving a fixation of IOL in the bag.说明连续环形撕囊术可保持囊袋的完整性,增加人工晶体襻囊袋内固定的比例。
2.Application of orbicular capsulotomy and nucleus division in small incision ECCE for cataract surgery in visual rehabilitation完整撕囊联合劈核小切口白内障囊外摘除术在防盲手术中的应用
3.Clinical Observation on Circular Tearing Capsulorhexis by Manual Small-incision Cataract Surgery环形撕囊手法小切口白内障手术临床观察
4.The beginning of tearing capsule shoud be closed to the center of interior capsule and the capsulorhexis size should be in 5~6 mm.撕囊起点应靠近囊中央 ,撕囊直径以 5~ 6mm为宜
5.Objective To evaluate the safety and effect dividing nuclear with capsulorhexis forceps in phacoemulsification.目的探讨撕囊镊分核技术在晶状体超声乳化吸出术中应用的效果。
6.Clinical analysis of laparoscopic ovarian cortex divulsion to remove ovarian cysts腹腔镜卵巢皮质撕开法剥除卵巢囊肿手术临床分析
7.Posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in cataract extraction and IOL implantation白内障人工晶状体植入术中连续环形撕后囊膜的研究
8.Controlled continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in short axial length and shallow anterior chamber eyes短眼轴浅前房眼超声乳化术中的控制性连续环形撕囊(英文)
9.anterior capsular stripping off the anterior scapular glenoid neck;(2)关节囊前部撕脱或者关节囊破裂;
10.Methods It was used in phacoemulsification for dividing nuclear with capsulorhexis forceps.方法25例(25眼)老年性白内障晶状体超声乳化吸出术采用撕囊镊分核技术。
11.The Follow-up Result of Partial Skin Loss of Scrotum Repaired by Skin Flaps阴囊部分撕脱伤皮瓣修复的随访结果
12.Continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis through tension air bubble of anterior chamber张力性空气泡下连续环形撕囊的临床报告
13.Ultrasound capsulotomy instrument for continuous circular capsulorhexis in maturation period cataract surgery超声截囊仪在成熟期白内障连续环形撕囊的临床应用
14.Relationship of optic materials with anterior and posterior capsule opacification as well as capculorhexis contraction of lenses光学材料与晶状体前后囊混浊及撕囊收缩量的关系
15.Clinical Analysis of 70 Cases with Uterine Laceration of Micheal Stark Caesarian Section新式剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂70例分析
16.High elasticity facilitates capsulotomy and affords ocular protection against high-frequency mechanical insults.高弹性特征可易化撕囊难度和提供机械震动的吸收。
17.Effect of double capsulorhexis combined with anterior vitrectomy in congenital cataract双撕囊联合前部玻璃体切除治疗儿童先天性白内障
18.The Correlated Anatomical Study on Amputation and Avulsion of Branch of Trigeminal Nerve;三叉神经周围支切断撕脱术的相关解剖学研究

Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis环形撕囊术
1.Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis for posterior capsule opacity during catara ct surgery;白内障术中后囊浑浊的连续环形撕囊术
4)continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis连续环形撕囊术
1.Anterior capsule staining for continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in mature or hypermature cataract;成熟或过熟白内障眼连续环形撕囊术中晶状体前囊的染色
2.AIM:To determine the tearing angle and tearing force,and effects of associated pressures in tearing of various materials and human lens capsule in continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC).目的:针对不同材料及连续环形撕囊术中人晶状体囊,测量其撕裂角度和力度,并评价所产生的压力。
1.Non-staining capsular decompression capsulorhexis in 500 eyes;非染色囊袋减压撕囊术500眼临床报告
2.Trypan blue capsule staining for continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in cataract surgery;台盼蓝囊膜染色剂在白内障连续环形撕囊手术中的应用
3.Clinical study on the application of subaqueous continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in phacoemulsification;水下连续环形撕囊在晶状体乳化术中的应用
6)continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis of posterior capsular(PCCC)后囊连续环形撕囊术

阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术阴茎干全周皮肤撕脱后阴囊皮肤埋藏术 手术名。阴茎皮肤撕脱伤修复术之一。硬膜外麻醉 、腰麻或全麻。清创,尽可能多保留阴茎皮肤缺损近侧有生机之皮肤,剪除缺损远侧之皮肤及包皮,达近阴茎冠2~3mm处,以防术后淋巴水肿。在阴囊前壁做两平行横切口,深及内膜,距离同阴茎皮肤缺损。自两切口向中间分离形成皮下隧道,将阴茎自隧道穿进,遮盖阴茎皮肤缺 损,露出阴茎头。将隧道之近远二缘与阴茎皮肤间断缝合,留置气囊导尿管。待愈合后,将阴茎自阴囊上移下,并以两侧皮瓣包绕阴茎两侧及腹侧缺损,皮片两缘对合成锯齿状,以免日后因瘢痕挛缩影响勃起。术后加压包扎,用抗生素预防感染,雌激素防止阴茎勃起,1周后拆线并拔除导尿管。 