1.Influence of different ways of eye dripping with tropicamide eyedrop on mydriasis of patients;不同点眼方式对托吡卡胺滴眼液扩瞳效果的影响
2.·METHODS:Two hundred and twelve children with suspicious refractive errors were subjected to mydriatic refractomefry with 5g/L tropicamide mydriasis and 10g/L atropine mydriasis,and then the refractive results were compared.目的:了解5g/L托吡卡胺滴眼液与10g/L阿托品眼膏扩瞳对不同年龄阶段儿童验光结果的影响。

1.Atropine Mydriasis Versus Occlusion as the Therapeutic Method of Amblyopia;阿托品扩瞳与遮盖法治疗弱视的比较
2.Comparative study of tropicamide and atropine in mydriatic refractometry托吡卡胺与阿托品扩瞳验光结果对比研究
3.it showed that tropicamide eyedrops has little influence on mydriasis whether uplifting eyelid of patients or not.[结论 ]提起上睑与否对托吡卡胺滴眼液的扩瞳效果影响不大。
4.Causing dilatation of the pupils.瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
5.Prolonged, abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug.瞳孔扩散由于疾病或者药物引起的眼睛瞳孔变长、不正常的扩大
6.The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room进入黑暗的房间时,瞳孔就扩大
7.The pupil of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.进入黑暗的房间时,瞳孔就扩大。
8.Dilated pupils are generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol-induced intoxication.瞳孔的扩张通常被认为是醉酒的特征。
9.The pupils of his eyes, as he gazed at Monte Cristo dilated horribly.他呆瞪瞪地望着基督山,瞳孔扩得大大的。
10.Screening for retinopathy: This is performed when pupils are dilated, either by fundoscopy or retinal photography.视网膜病筛检:眼底镜或视网膜镜检查,扩张瞳孔。
11.an alkaloid extracted from the nightshade family; used as an antispasmodic and to dilate the eye pupil.从茄属植物中提取的生物碱;用于抗痉挛和扩大眼睛瞳孔。
12.musculus dilatator pupillae瞳孔开肌(musculus)
13.En route, cardiac arrest occurred for the second time, and on arrival in theatre the patient was pulseless with fixed, widely dilated pupils.在运送途中,再次发生了心搏停止;到手术室时,病人脉搏消失,瞳孔固定并扩大。
14."Paleness, nausea, sweating, and then pupil dilation, yawning, deep rapid Breathing, and rapid heartbeat usually precede it."往往先有面色苍白、恶心和出汗,然后瞳孔扩大、打哈欠、呼吸加快、心跳加速。
15.an alkaloid with anticholinergic effects that is used as a sedative and to treat nausea and to dilate the pupils in ophthalmic procedures.一种具有反副交感神经生理作用、用于镇静、治疗恶心及在眼科手术中扩大瞳孔的生物碱。
16.Pain, shame, ire, impatience, disgust, detestation, seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his ebon eyebrow.痛苦,羞耻,愤怒,烦躁,嫌恶,憎恨,似乎一下子都在他那浓眉下扩大的瞳孔里战栗地冲突起来。
17.Hitomi Yoshizawa吉泽仁美(吉泽瞳)
18.A substance that causes constriction of the pupil of the eye.缩瞳药能导致瞳孔缩小的药物

pupil dilation瞳孔扩张
3)pupillary dilation瞳孔扩大
4)mydriatic test扩瞳试验
5)A mydriatic drug.扩瞳药
6)dilation of the pupil瞳孔的扩大
