
1.Clinic applications of blepharoplasty in upper facial rhytidecomy上睑成形术在上面部除皱术中的临床应用
2.Observation of curative effect of botulinum toxin A for treatment of facial wrinkles治疗用肉毒毒素A在面部除皱中的疗效观察
3.The application of Nlite Laser united to Botulinum Toxin for correction of facial wrinkleNlite激光联合A型肉毒毒素在面部除皱中的应用
4.The Anatomical Study of Prevention of the Zygomatic Branches of the Facial Nerve in Facial Rhytidectomy;面部除皱术中避免面神经颧支损伤的解剖学研究
5.Clinical Study of Coronal and Endoscopic Approaches for Upper Facial Rejuvenation;冠状切口与内镜小切口上面部除皱术的初步临床应用比较
6.Patient-Reported Satisfaction with BTXA Treatment of Wrinkles on Upper Part of the Face关于BTXA面中上部除皱的患者满意度调查
7.Application of SMAS-flap double suspension techniques in midface rhytidectomySMAS筋膜瓣双重悬吊在面中部除皱术中的应用
8.Clinical applacation of rhytidectomy in one stage repair of facial small area skin and soft tissue defecet除皱术在一期修复面部小面积皮肤及软组织缺损中的应用
9.To perform cosmetic surgery on(the face), especially in order to remove wrinkles or sagging skin.整容做面部整容手术,尤指为了去皱纹或消除松弛的皮肤
10.Analysis for 106 Cases: Continuous Suspension of the Midface Fabric Fat Pad for Rejuvenation;面中部纤维脂肪垫连续悬吊除皱术106例临床分析
11.The application of radio frequency technique combined with electro-acupuncture rhytidectomy in facial rejuvenation射频联合电针除皱在面部年轻化美容术中的应用
12.Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction,* augmentation, and a tummy tuck.手术康复后,她决定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手术:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皱。
13.Conclusion The eyebrow incision operation can retain the nature eyebrow while the face aged become young.结论:保留自然眉的眉部切口眼周除皱术,同时可完成多项改善面部老化的手术操作。
14.This high-quality face pack gives a proven challenge to wrinkles.这种高级面膜,消除皱纹,立见功效。
15.The Impact of the Shaping Craft of Leather Shoes on the Removal of Vamp Fold;皮鞋成型工艺对消除鞋面褶皱的影响
16.Spread a bit of this cream on your face and rub evenly for a while. It can smooth away wrinkles if you persist.取本面霜少许搽于脸部,并均匀地按摩片刻,长期使用本品能消除皱纹。
17.(used of the skin of the face) contracted into wrinkles.(用于面部皮肤)收缩成皱纹的。
18.Experience on applying botulinum toxin type A to treat facial wrinkle for 300 examplesA型肉毒毒素治疗面部皱纹300例

Face lift面部除皱术
3)upper facial lift上面部除皱术
4)Wrinkles on upper part of the face面中上部除皱
5)Malar pad中面部除皱术
6)Facial wrinkles面部皱纹
1.Botulinum toxin type A in reducing facial wrinkles: clinical observation in 100 cases;A型肉毒毒素消除面部皱纹100例临床观察
2.OBJECTIVE To explore the maintain time,long-term effect of multiple injections,effect difference at different location and drug interaction of using BTX A for treatment of facial wrinkles.方法:用肉毒毒素A注射面部皱纹568例,其中490例仅进行额纹、鱼尾纹、眉间纹的注射,43例注射上述三部位加下睑皱纹,35例注射额纹、鱼尾纹、眉间纹加鼻唇沟纹;其中3例仅注射额纹、鱼尾纹、眉间纹及1例注射上述三部位加鼻唇沟纹的3mL注射液中加入了2%利多卡因0。
3.Objective To observe the botulinum toxin type A treatment of facial wrinkles using the results.目的:观察A型肉毒毒素治疗面部皱纹的运用效果。

青春洋溢除皱果汁用料:姜两片, 葡萄15-20粒, 柠檬两片, 胡萝卜一根;做法:将所有配料洗净,葡萄去籽,用果汁机榨出果汁即可饮用;功效:含丰富维他命c,e及少量维他命b群,促进皮肤新陈代谢.