1.This method is simple and easy,and has favorable effect in the treatment of tear hypersecretion induced by central or psychic and peripheral nerve stimulation,but symptoms may be only relieved at some extent in early cases of some with dry eye syndromes,and neurophic or refractive surgery tear hyposecretion.这一操作简单易行,对治疗中枢性或精神性及周围神经受刺激引起的泪液分泌过多有显著疗效;对某些早期干眼症和神经营养性或因屈光手术引起的泪液分泌减少患者,症状得到一定的缓解。

1.The quality or condition of being bilious.胆汁质胆汁分泌过多的特点或情况
2.a glandular disorder caused by excessive cortisol.考的索分泌过多引起的一种腺
3.Hippocrates: Because of an excess of black bile and a deficiency of choleric humour.希波克拉底:由于黑胆汁分泌过多而胆汁分泌不足.
4.A hormone imbalance, especially too much of the male hormone androgen, can also result in thinning hair.激素分泌不平衡,尤其是雄性激素分泌过多也会导致头发稀疏。
5.Thinning-This could be a sign of either an overor under-active thyroid.头发稀疏——这可能是甲状腺分泌过多或过少的迹象。
6.Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland.目的 利用普羅卡因封闭泪腺治療泪液分泌过多症。
7.The most common type occurs when the liver secretes Bile with too much cholesterol to stay in solution.最常见的形式是发生在肝脏分泌过多含胆固醇的胆汁留在溶液中。
8.A hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates and regulates the activity of the thyroid gland.甲亢由于体内甲状腺激素分泌过多引起的一种发生在甲状腺亢进中的症状
9.a glandular disorder caused by excessive ACTH resulting in greater than normal functioning of the adrenal gland; characterized by obesity.促肾上腺皮质激素分泌过多而引起的腺病,结果造成肾上腺功能超出正常水平;突出症状是肥胖。
10.Oer-actiity of the gland causes hyperthyroidism, which makes body processes gallop at a faster pace than is necessary.甲状腺激素分泌过多引起甲状腺机能亢进症,由此导致机体活动亢进。
11.The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.有些人的耳道的腺体分泌的耳蜡过多。
12.The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands.内分泌内分泌腺特有的分泌过程
13.Genius itself, it seems to me, is but an over-supply of glandular secretions.据我看来,天才仅是腺分泌的供给过多的结果。
14.Too many hormones make the glands produce too much oil.大量荷尔蒙刺激皮脂腺分泌出过多的皮脂。
15.polyendocrine disorders多发性内分泌腺疾病
16."Polycystic ovary syndrome:Endocrine disorder in women, characterized by high androgen levels and infrequent or absent ovulation."多囊卵巢症候群: 妇女内分泌疾病,因雄激素过高而阻碍了排卵。
17.An enzyme complex found in intestinal and pancreatic juices that functions in the breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids.肠肽酶肠内分泌物和胰液中的一种酶合成物,在将多肽分裂成氨基酸的过程中起作用
18."The pancreas has both exocrine and endocrine portions. It secretes digestive juice through ducts, and secretes the hormone insulin into the blood stream."胰腺内、外分泌部分都有。它通过导管分泌消化液,又向血流分泌这种胰岛索激素。

4)Pituitary ACTH hypersecretion垂体ACTH分泌过多

分泌过多    分泌过多    又称"分泌亢进"。指某些内分泌和外分泌器官、细胞分泌的某种物质过剩,如甲状腺机能亢进症,甲状腺分泌激素过多。