1.The effect and protection of sunglasses on eye health太阳眼镜对眼部健康的防护和影响

1.A:Hey, where did you get those sunglasses? They are so cheesy!喂,你从哪儿弄来那副太阳眼镜?真劣质!
2.Parrot: Steven! Did you see arnold wearing his new sunglasses?鹦鹉:史蒂文!你看到阿诺戴着他的新太阳眼镜了吗?
3.The younger woman, wearing sunglasses and with a novel spread on her lap, was elegantly dressed.那个戴太阳眼镜、身上摊本小说的女人,衣服极斯文讲究。
4.wore sunglasses to protect my eyes;戴太阳镜保护我的眼睛;
5.Eyeglasses to sunglasses in less than 60 seconds.不到60 秒,便可由普通眼镜变成太阳镜。
6.Do you want to buy glasses or the sun glasses?(1)、请问您是要配眼镜还是买太阳镜?
7.Wearing sunglasses can shield the eyes from sunlight.配戴太阳镜能使眼睛 免遭阳光照射.
8.People often wear dark glasses when the sun glares.太阳耀眼时,人们往往就戴上深色眼镜。
9.Our major products include sunglasses, swimming goggles, spectacle cases, arts and crafts like sailing boat and etc.主要产品有太阳镜、游泳镜、眼镜盒、帆船工艺品等。
10.We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun.我们戴太阳镜以保护我们的眼睛免遭太阳晒伤。
11.Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain.太阳镜可以保护眼睛免受强光的伤害。
12.He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜保护眼睛免受强光伤害。
13.Do not view the sun with this binocular or even with naked eye .请勿使用此双目镜/双筒望远镜或裸眼直视太阳。
14.He was wearing sun-glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.他戴着太阳镜以保护眼睛不受阳光的伤害。
15.glasses that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun.把太阳的强光变暗或变淡以保护眼睛的眼镜。
16.These sunglasses wrap around your eyes to protect them on all sides.这幅太阳镜戴在你眼上,从四面保护你的眼睛。
17.To protect your eyes,wear sunglasses with a special coating that locks UV light.戴镀有防紫外线膜的太阳镜来保护眼睛。
18.Your optomentrist is tired of telling you he doesn't have ruby-quartz sunglasses already.你的眼镜师已经厌烦了告诉你他没有红石英太阳镜。

3)sunglass lens太阳眼镜片
4)Wearing sunglasses戴太阳眼镜
5)clip-on sun glasses夹套太阳眼镜
6)sunglasses lenses sun clips太阳镜,太阳镜夹

太阳眼镜  镜片带颜色以保护眼睛不受强烈太阳光线照射的眼镜。人的眼睛受强烈可见光的长期照射,除眩目外,还会引起眩盲。强蓝光进入人眼易产生散射,危害视网膜视紫素,造成雪盲和夜盲。红外线对人眼有灼热作用。紫外线可造成眼睛角膜损伤,还会造成眼球玻璃体混浊和早期白内障。尤其在高山、雪地、海洋等处太阳光中的紫外线反射特别强烈,都需要配戴太阳眼镜。用于遮挡强烈阳光的镜片颜色较深,对可见光的透过率为15~35%;用于装饰性眼镜的镜片颜色较浅,对可见光的透过率为40~60%。    太阳眼镜按镜片材质可分为玻璃镜片和塑胶镜片。玻璃镜片质硬、稳定、耐磨损。塑胶镜片重量轻,工艺简单,质软易划伤。太阳眼镜片按其遮光原理可分为吸收式和反射式。玻璃吸收式镜片主要是在碱硅酸盐玻璃组成中加入铁、钴、镍、铬、铜等金属氧化物作着色剂;塑胶吸收式镜片可在塑胶镜片中用有机染料着色制成有色材料,也可用硅胶与眼镜玻璃胶合或在塑胶镜片表面染色制成表面吸收镜片。吸收式太阳眼镜可分别呈现灰、茶、绿、粉红、黄等色调,各自有选择地吸收可见光和吸收紫外线、红外线。典型的太阳眼镜片的分光透过率曲线见图。因为光度眼镜镜片厚度不均,加工成镜片后,不同部位会呈现明显色差,因此吸收式太阳眼镜片通常做成平光太阳眼镜,而表面吸收镜片可制成无色差光度太阳眼镜。反射式镜片是在镜片表面镀膜,利用膜的反射作用减少镜片透光率。例如真空镀铬或镀银,光线反射率为25~75%。