1.Clinical report on the lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue via nasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy;经鼻内窥镜泪囊鼻腔造口自体组织移植泪道再造术的临床初步报告

1.Nursing Care for Patients Undergoing Lacrimal Sac Fossa Ostomy,Lip Mucosa Transplantation,and Lacrimal Duct Reconstruction Under Nasoendoscopy经鼻内镜下泪囊窝造口唇黏膜移植泪道再造术患者的护理
2.Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue经鼻内窥镜自体组织移植泪道再造术的应用解剖
3.Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction by grafting of autogenous tissue经鼻内窥镜泪囊鼻腔造口自体组织移植再造泪道的应用解剖(英文)
4.Lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of great saphenous vein or labial mucosa via Lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of great saphenous vein or labial mucosa via endoscopic transnasal dacryocystorhinostomy A group comparison in 18 cases经鼻内窥镜泪囊窝造口大隐静脉或唇黏膜移植再造泪道:18例分组比较(英文)
5.Preparation of Radioactive Probe and an Experimental Application Research on Inhibiting Restenosis of Lacrimal Passages after Probing Treatment;放射性泪道探针制备及抑制泪道再狭窄的作用与机制研究
6.Ectopic reconstruction of lacrimalis puncticulum on traumatic canaliculus lacrimalis laceration异位再造泪小点术治疗外伤性泪小管断裂的临床疗效
7.Many find relief simply from using artificial tears on a regular basis.多数人在固定使用人造泪后就找到了解决之道。
8.Abstract: Objective: To illustrate the value of digital subtractiondacryocystography in the diagnosis of lacrimal duct obstruction.文摘:目的:评价数字减影泪道造影术在临床检查泪道阻塞中的应用价值。
9.Nursing for patients with duct obstruction by lacrimal laser and lacrimal canal therapy泪道激光联合泪道植管治疗泪道阻塞的护理
10.Methods: Eigty-two normal eyes and56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied.方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查,并对图像进行分析。
11.When she noticed his glistening eyes that had been washed over by his tears, she lowered her eyes, unable to look at him.Mechanically, she stretched out her hand and said, "Goodbye."唐小姐见他眼睛里的光亮,给那一阵泪滤干了,低眼不忍再看,机械地伸手道:“再会——”
12.Endonasal Anatomy of Lacrimal Sac to Andoscopic Transnasal Dacryocystorhinostomy;鼻腔泪囊造口术的泪囊鼻内解剖研究
13.Lovers' tear is coming on again tomorrow《情人泪》明天将再度上演。
14.Study of lacrimal duct probing in the treatment of congenital dacryocystitis泪道探通术治疗先天性泪囊炎150例
15.Objective To evaluate clinical effect of lacrimal duct dru g irrigation after lacrimal duct plasty by laser.目的 评价激光泪道成形术后泪道灌注药物与泪道插管的临床效果。
16.To observation the effect of lacrimal passage obstruction treating with Nd :YAG laser and tractus lacrimalis intubate泪道激光联合泪道插管治疗各型泪道阻塞的疗效观察
17.Analysis of lacrimal duct laser combined with lacrimal duct drainage tubes for treatment of lacrimal obstruction泪道激光加置泪道引流管治疗泪道阻塞的疗效分析
18.Probing of lacrimal passage combined with neotype silicone nasolacrimal intubation in treating lacrimal passage diseases泪道探通联合新型硅胶泪道引流管治疗泪道疾病

lacrimal duct reconstruction泪道再造术
1.Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue;经鼻内窥镜泪囊鼻腔造口自体组织移植泪道再造术的应用解剖
2.Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue经鼻内窥镜自体组织移植泪道再造术的应用解剖
1.Analysis of CT Dacryocystography in 36 cases;CT泪道造影方法研究(附36例分析)
4)radiography of lacrimal duct泪道造影术
5)vaginal reconstruction阴道再造
1.Pudendo-femoral skin flap for vaginal reconstruction;阴股沟皮瓣转移阴道再造术16例体会
2.Tissue engineering of vaginal reconstruction;组织工程技术在阴道再造中的应用
3.Conclusion The penile-scrotal flap is a good material for vaginal reconstruction of male to female transsexuals.目的:探讨阴茎、阴囊皮瓣在男变女易性癖患者的外阴及阴道再造中的应用。
6)reconstructed urethra再造尿道
1.The comparing study of long-term microenvironment of reconstructed urethras made of skin from different body areas;应用会阴不同部位皮肤再造尿道远期微环境对比研究

风泪风泪 风泪   病证名。《银海精微》:“不赤不疼泪出,是谓之风泪。”本病多由肝肾不足或肝经郁热所致。参见迎风流泪条。