1.Objective: To observe the effect of treating blepharoptosis by simplex skin excision.方法:对21例75岁以上老年性上睑下垂患者39只眼手术前、后测量肌力、上睑缘角膜映光距离(MRD)、眼睑下垂量;术后观察双侧眼睑形态、睑裂高度。

1.She suffered from ptosis of left eye and received ptosis correction under the impression of senile ptosis in Japan 1 year ago.其曾因左上眼睑下垂被误诊为老年性眼睑下垂,于一年前赴日接受矫正手术。
2.A modified technique for the correction of adult-acquired ptosis by aponeurosis replication with adjustable sutures is supposed to provide the surgeon with added controls over the final result.本文报告以可调节性缝合法治疗后天性眼睑下垂病人的临床经验。
3.Locus Mapping and Mutation Detecting for Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome(BPES) and a Study of the Candidate Gene to Schizophrenia;家族性眼睑下垂基因的定位、突变检测以及RGS4与精神分裂症相关性研究
4.Her eyes dropped before his searching gaze.在他那问询的目光下她垂下了眼睑。
5.For an instant Madame Merle's colour rose and she dropped her eyes.梅尔夫人的脸红了一下,她垂下了眼睑。
6.Senile ptosis by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis提上睑肌折叠术联合眼睑皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上睑下垂
7.Madame Defarge cast down her eyes, and reflected a little.德伐日太太垂下眼睑想了想。
8.After 4 weeks: the Upper Eye Gel helps reduce sagging and drooping**.使用四周之后:上眼胶可以减少眼睑的松弛和下垂。
9.Frontal-muscle-flap-suspending procedure under general anesthesia for the treatment of single-eye severe congenital ptosis in children全身麻醉下额肌瓣悬吊治疗小儿单眼重度先天性上睑下垂
10.Ptosis or/and diplopia were the chief complaints in 9 cases (23.08%).以上睑下垂、复视为主诉到眼科首诊的患者有9例,(2308%)。
11.Modified Levator Muscle Shortness for the Correction of Congenital Ptosis with Severe Cases提上睑肌缩短改良术矫正重度上睑下垂
12.Marcus Gunn ptosis treated by levator myectomy and frontalis tendon suspension提睑肌切除额肌腱膜悬吊术治疗Marcus Gunn 上睑下垂
13.Advanced shortening of levator palpebrae superioris muscle for moderate and severe congenital blepharoptosis改良上睑提肌缩短术治疗中重度上睑下垂
14.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂
15.Treatment of aponeurotic ptosis by plication of levator aponeurosis提上睑肌腱膜折叠术矫治腱膜性上睑下垂
16.Therapeutic effect of levator advancement on patients with borderline severe congenital ptosis提上睑肌缩短术矫正临界重度先天性上睑下垂
17.Shortening operation of the levator palpebrae muscle in children with severe ptosis提上睑肌缩短术治疗儿童重度上睑下垂
18.Again there was that moment of splintered sapphires before the lids, dropping like scales, extinguished it.她眼眶中又闪烁出蓝宝石的光彩,接着眼睑象鱼鳞般地垂落下来,双目又黯然失色了。

1.Objective: To observe the effect of treating blepharoptosis by simplex skin excision.方法:对21例75岁以上老年性上睑下垂患者39只眼手术前、后测量肌力、上睑缘角膜映光距离(MRD)、眼睑下垂量;术后观察双侧眼睑形态、睑裂高度。
6)lid tumor/surgery眼睑肿瘤/外科学

眼睑下垂眼睑下垂blepharoptosis  又称“上睑下垂”。由于上睑提肌功能不全或消失,或其他原因所致上睑部分或全部不能提起,使上睑呈下垂位置。分为完全性及部分性、单眼性或双眼性、先天性与后天性、真性与假性等不同类型。双侧眼睑下垂见于先天性上睑下垂、重症肌无力;单侧上睑下垂见于蛛网膜下腔出血、白喉、脑脓肿、脑炎、外伤等引起的动眼神经麻痹。治疗的目的在于解除视力障碍及改善面容,除部分后天性上睑下垂外,一般都需通过手术矫治。