1.The use of an ultrapulse CO_2 laser in lower blepharoplasty;经结膜高能超脉冲CO_2激光眼袋矫治术

1.He has pouches under his eyes.他的眼睛下面垂着眼袋
2.Dispel fatigue of eyes, baggy, black orbit, reduce the wrinkle.消除视疲劳/眼袋/黑眼圈,减少皱纹.
3.Nick uses K-Y Jelly as a remedy for under-eye puffyness( frozen in a ziplock bag) and for an alternative to hairgel!尼克使用在塑料袋里冰冻的K-果冻代替发胶来对抗眼袋下垂。
4.In first place came "ageing", followed by work, boredom and bags under the eyes.第一个是“衰老”,接下来是工作、厌倦和眼袋
5.It is mostly engaged in producing plastic mesh bag.专业主要从事塑料网眼袋的生产与经营。
6.His eyes were grey and bloodshot with huge black bags underneath them.灰色的眼睛充满了血丝,下方垂着两个巨大的眼袋,乌黑的一片。
7.Under Eye Cream: with Derma-Refine Technology is formulated to accelerate cellular metabolism. Puffiness, dark circles and crepiness are visibly reduced.下眼霜:运用真皮组织修复科技,加速细胞新陈代谢。有效减少眼袋、黑眼圈和幼纹。
8.His eyes were swollen and his head asleep.他的眼睛浮肿,脑袋昏沉。
9.We train their brains, muscles and eye-hand coordination.对训练脑袋、肉及手眼协调很有帮助。
10.The old lady began to rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.老太太开始在口袋里摸索,找她的眼镜。
11.Development of disposable eye wash irrigator and clinical application一次性洗眼受水袋的研制与临床应用
12.They looked askance at us there and talked with their heads close together.他们那边斜着眼看我们,把脑袋凑在一起嘀咕。
13.Her head was hammering and throbbing and the bright, sunlight stabbed into her eyes.她的脑袋还在轰响和震颤,而耀眼的阳光又刺痛了她的眼睛。
14.It was concluded that cold compress with alcohol or glycerin which is cheap and easily used could markedly decrease the inflammation of the operated eye.乙醇、甘油冰袋价廉易取,内眼术后冷敷可明显减轻术眼的炎性反应。
15.Study of Cultured Lens Anterior Capsule and Capsular Bag in the Other Anterior Chamber of the Same Rabbit;兔眼晶状体前囊及囊袋在同体另眼前房内培养的研究
16."I have seen blue eyes and golden hair there, and they looked charming when Samson held them up."“我在这几看见过不少蓝眼睛金头发的脑袋,参孙提起那脑袋的样子可真迷人。”
17.His eyes were small and set too wide apart and his ears were small and set close to his head.他的两只眼睛小而分得很开,一双耳朵小而紧贴在脑袋上。
18.His head hits a large rock, and he can no longer see anything.他的脑袋撞到了一块大石头,结果眼睛失明,从此什么都看不到了。

lower eye pouch下睑眼袋
1.Conjunctival fornix small incision to remove the lipid in lower eye pouch;穹隆部结膜小切口下睑眼袋去脂整复
3)lower eyelid下眼袋
1.The cause and treatment of complications in lower eyelid blephamoplasty;下眼袋整形术并发症原因分析及处理
4)Fascia ligament of orbital muscle眼袋整形
1.Fascia ligament of orbital muscle slinga new ideal for lower eyelid blepharoplasty;眶肌筋膜韧带提紧——眼袋整形的新思路
1.Restitution of post-blepharoplasty lower lid retraction.;眼袋术后下睑退缩的整复
6)onion cloth网眼袋布
