2)ambiyopia treatment弱视诊断

1.Amblyopia diagnosis model based on C4.5 decision tree algorithm基于C4.5决策树算法的弱视诊断模型
2.Intelligent fault diagnosis by combination of CPCA monitoring and knowledge-based diagnosisCPCA监视与知识诊断相结合的智能诊断
3.A correct diagnosis must be made on the basis of deduction by the four diagnosis techniques, that is inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation.准确的诊断必须以四种诊断方法,即视诊、听嗅诊、问诊和触诊为基础。
4.Developing Curriculum Evaluation and Improving Educational Diagnosis of MR Children;促进课程评量,完善弱智儿童教育诊断
5.Diagnosis and Adjustment of Marketing Myopia and Hyperopia营销近视症与远视症的诊断和矫正
6.Early Observation and Synthetical Diagnosis of Weak Chicken;弱雏鸡的早期饲养观察及疾病综合诊断
7.Research on Weak Feature Extraction and Diagnosis Methods of ElectricMechanical Equipment;机电设备微弱特征提取与诊断方法研究
8.Evaluation of a Systematic Management Model in Outpatient Department for Amblyopia弱视患儿系统化门诊管理的效果评价研究
9.medical X-ray TV diagnosing system医用X射线电视诊断系统
10.high resolution medical X-ray TV diagnosing system高分辨力医用X射线电视诊断系统
11.Clinical Diagnosis of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy前部缺血性视神经病变的临床诊断
12.The diagnosis of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy前部缺血性视神经病变诊断要点探讨
13.Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of optic neuritis磁共振成像在视神经炎诊断中的应用
14.Diagnosis of Ischemic Optic Neuropathy by Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound经颅多普勒超声诊断缺血性视神经病
15.Diagnosis and Analysis of 200 Cases Pathological Nipple Discharge by Breast Fiberoptic Ductoscopy;200例乳头溢液乳管内视镜诊断分析
16.CT diagnosis and clinical value of retinoblastoma视网膜母细胞瘤的CT诊断和临床价值
17.Efficiency analysis on B-ultrasound diagnosis for retinopathy of premature infantsB超诊断早产儿视网膜病有效性分析
18.Problem on pathology diagnosis of benign breast lesions乳腺良性病变病理诊断应重视的问题

ambiyopia treatment弱视诊断
3)low vision clinic弱视诊所
4)Weak diagnosis弱诊断
