
1.There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday.下礼拜一将有全日蚀
2.The sun was blotted by the moon.月亮遮暗了太阳,日蚀
3.They accurately predicted solar eclipses.他们精确地预告了日蚀
4.annular eclipse ;eclipse of the sun by the moon when a ring of sunlight can be seen round the moo环蚀(在月球周围可见到一圈阳光的日蚀).
5.Astronomers can predict an eclipse.天文学家们能够预测日蚀
6.Passage between the two realms is restricted to solar eclipses.连接两个领域的通路受限于日蚀
7.The solar eclipse was thought prognosticative of the fall of the country.日蚀过去被认为是国家灭亡的预兆。
8.They predicted accurately every eclipse of the moon and sun, the return of every comet.他们正确地预报每一次月蚀和日蚀,每一次慧星的出现。
9.The Eclipse was also intended to devastate entire worlds.日蚀级亦能够把任何一个世界从版图上抹去。
10.May darkness and deep shadow claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm its light.5愿黑暗和死荫索取那日。愿密云停在其上。愿日蚀恐吓它。
11."Let darkness and black gloom claim it; Let a cloud settle on it; Let the blackness of the day terrify it.伯3:5愿黑暗和死荫索取那日.愿密云停在其上.愿日蚀恐吓他。
12.It is a page to tell you the formation of solar and lunar eclipse. Its copy right belongs to Hong Kong Observatory.有关日蚀及月蚀的物理知识,资料来自香港天文台,版权属其所有,所以只用作教学用途。
13.Umbra- You need Samples values equal to or greater than2 to see any influence of this button.日蚀-采样值必须不小于2,查看该按钮的任意想过。
14."Today, there will be a total eclipse of the sun."今天将出现日全蚀。
15.Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering (JSCE)日本防腐蚀工程学会
16.Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone.天长日久的风雨冲蚀了墓碑上的名字。
17.The sun is partly eclipsed (by the moon).太阳(被月球)遮住一部分(日偏蚀).
18.Cultivation and Management of Rhus succedanea L.;日本野漆树在红壤侵蚀区的栽培管理

"Solar Eclipse" Phenomenon"日蚀"现象
3)an annular eclipse of the sun日环蚀
4)The sun is totally eclipsed.日全蚀了。
5)This is losing soler eclipse.这是日蚀。
6)calculate an eclipse of the sun预测日蚀
