2)Blue/Yellow visual field蓝/黄视野

1.Comparison of white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry on visual field loss in glaucoma patients标准白色视野与蓝/黄视野检测不同阶段青光眼视野的对比研究
2.Comparing analysis of visual field defect in chronic glaucoma detected by blueon-on-yellow perimetry and white-on-white perimetry蓝/黄视野与白/白视野检查在慢性青光眼视野缺损诊断检查中的对比分析
3.Value of blue-on-yellow perimetry of macular program in the early diagnosis of glaucoma黄斑程序蓝/黄视野检查在青光眼早期诊断中的作用
4.Application of the blue-on-yellow perimetry with photopic negative response to the flash electroretinogram on the early disgnosis of primary open angle glaucoma蓝/黄视野与视网膜电图明视负波反应在原发性开角型青光眼早期诊断中的应用
5.A referential norm of blue/yellow perimetry threshold for normal population正常人群蓝、黄视野阈值的参考标准
6.Blue-on-yellow Perimetry in Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy;蓝黄视野在糖尿病视网膜病变早期诊断中的研究
7.Correlation between HRT-Ⅱ, OCT and Blue-On-Yellow Visual Field Defects in the Diagnosis of Early Primary Open Angle Glaucoma;HRT-Ⅱ、OCT与蓝黄视野在青光眼早期诊断中应用的比较
8.Determination of flavonoids in wild Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino in south-east of Guizhou Province黔东南野生绞股蓝中总黄酮含量的测定
9.Viewing the Cultural Differences between China and the West by Colors of Yellow and Blue;从“黄”与“蓝”透视中西文化差异
10.You then start climbing until all you can see is blue sky ahead.然后开始向上爬升,直到视野中只有蓝天。
11.A visual defect characterized by the inability to discern blue and yellow.蓝色盲,第三原色盲具有不能区分黄色和蓝色的视觉缺陷
12.Retinal Thickness and Visual Field of Diabitic Macular Edema;糖尿病性黄斑水肿的视网膜厚度和视野的研究
13.The Ritual Process and Functions of DUJIE Ceremony--DUJIE ceremony of Landian yao people in Mendong town with the views of Cultural anthropology度戒仪式过程与功能——文化人类学视野下的猛硐乡蓝靛瑶度戒仪式
14.Study of Central 10°-Perimetry in Early Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration;非渗出性老年性黄斑变性早期中心视野的研究
15.Primary colors of the spectrum are red, yellow and Blue.原色是红、黄、蓝。
16.primary color原色(红、蓝、黄三色)
17.Abnormalities of blue-on-yellow flash ERG in non-exudative age-related macular degeneration非渗出性年龄相关性黄斑变性的黄背景光蓝闪光视网膜电图的观察
18.The Yellow River, stretching across his whole field of vision, rushed along, its entire surface reflecting red.黄河正在他的全部视野中急驶而下,满河映着红色。

Blue/Yellow visual field蓝/黄视野
3)Blue-on-yellow perimetry蓝黄视野
1.ObjectiveTo probe into early diagnostic value of blue-on-yellow perimetry (BAT) in diabetic retinopathy(DR).目的 探讨蓝黄视野(Blue-on-yellow perimetry, B/YP)在糖尿病视网膜病变(Diabetic retinopathy, DR)早期诊断中的应用价值。
