1.A meta-analysis of therapy comparison between bimatoprost and timolol in ocular hypertention eye卢美根与噻吗心安治疗高眼压疗效对比的Meta分析

1.A meta-analysis of therapy comparison between bimatoprost and timolol in ocular hypertention eye卢美根与噻吗心安治疗高眼压疗效对比的Meta分析
2.The Prisoner of Zenda(1937)卢宫秘史(美国影片)
3.Luce s Propaganda of Aiding China and Song Meiling s Visit to America in 1942-1943;卢斯的援华宣传与1942-1943宋美龄访美
4.Rio de Janeiro Inter-American Mutual Aid Treaty里约热内卢美洲国家间互助条约
5.average implicit cross-commercial rate of the rouble to the US dollar卢布对美元的平均内隐交叉商业汇率
6.weighted average of the official rate of the rouble to the US dollar卢布对美元的官方汇率的加权平均数
7.The dollar is a~ currency, but the rouble is not.美元是可兑换货币,但卢布则不是。
8.Louvre Museum, Paris 10:46 P.M.巴黎卢浮宫美术博物馆,夜10时46分。
9.Shen Congwen and Rousseau s Views on Sense of Aesthetics;沈从文与卢梭—一种美学观念上的沟通
10.Rousseau and the Conversion of 19~(th)-Century Aesthetic Paradigm;卢梭与19世纪西方审美范式的转换
11.Lukaqi is wonderful and “the Leftist Association” time realism esthetics;卢卡奇与“左联”时期的现实主义美学
12.Small is Beauty Design of Luxembourg Pavilion,Expo 2010 Shanghai小也是美 2010上海世博会卢森堡馆设计
13.Comment on the Relationship between Lukaqi Aesthetics and Marxist Aesthetics;卢卡奇美学与马克思主义美学的关系评析
14.There are many delicately-carved stone lions on the guardrails of Lugou bridge.卢沟桥的桥栏上有许多雕刻精美的石狮子。
15.Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. --Clare Boothe Luce勇气是所有其他美德往上爬的梯子。——卢斯
16.He could order a dinner almost as well as Mr. Luce.他点菜的本领几乎可以与卢斯先生媲美。
17.And the very name of the restaurant is the "CaféUSA" - gallingly Gallic!而该餐厅的名字是"美国Café",恼人的高卢语!
18.RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Dec. 22(AP)美联社巴西里约热内卢12月22日电 (朱 方译)

3)R. americanus美国根霉
1.americanus is treated as a distinct species and redescribed under the name R.americanus的模式菌株进行了比较研究后, 发现二者除都是同宗配合菌和在接合孢子囊和配囊柄的大形态上有一定相似性外, 在无论是孢子囊阶段抑或是接合孢子阶段的各个方面都存在着很大差异, 因此将美国性根霉变种提升为种, 取名美国根霉改级新组合R。
5)tea root美卫茅根
6)radix senega美远志(根)
