1.Clinical study of Liposic in treating dry eye patients立宝舒卡波姆眼用凝胶治疗干眼的临床观察

1.Clinical study of Liposic in treating dry eye patients立宝舒卡波姆眼用凝胶治疗干眼的临床观察
2.Shu Bao sanitary bath utensil limited company is the individual proprietorship that Hong Kong Shu Bao sanitary bath and clean utensil corporation establish in the China continent.舒宝卫浴有限公司是香港舒宝卫浴洁具公司在中国大陆设立的独资企业。
3.To Optimum Extraction Process for Preparation of Dai Medicine Houshubao through Orthogonal Test正交试验优选傣药喉舒宝的提取工艺
4.Deep see fish oil improves the ability of immunity.配合天然薰衣草和甘菊萃取精华,舒缓宝宝的心情的同时,令宝宝头发清爽滋润,柔顺易梳理。
5.Can the baby hold herself up yet? Hold up your leg.宝宝能自己站立了吗?抬起腿
6.Plush soft Teddy bears toys for all seasons, holidays and babies, high quality materials which very soft and comfortable!!!软手抱玩具熊长毛绒玩具所有季节,假期和宝宝、质材料很软,舒适!!!
7.It's warm, cozy, sweet-smelling, and done with their favorite person - Mom.亲喂时,宝宝是温暖的、舒适的,并有甜美的乳汁,还有他们最爱的妈妈。
8.Babies normally fuss for many reasons: overtiredness, overstimulation, loneliness, discomfort, etc.宝宝通常哭闹的原因很多:过度疲劳、度刺激、到孤独、舒服等等。
9.Refastenable Tapes can be refastened the diaper and be convenient for a better fit, making your baby more comfortable.随意贴可重复使用多次,方便调整松紧,使您的宝宝穿着更舒适。
10.Plush soft Teddy bears toys for all seasons,holidays and babies,high quality materials which very soft and comfortable!!!软手抱玩具熊长毛绒玩具所有季节,假期和宝宝、优质材料很软,舒适!!!
11.The pagoda is reflected upside down in the water.宝塔影子倒立在水里。
12.The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain.巍巍宝塔屹立在山巅。
13.Kuo Pao Kun could have opted to rest comfortably on a bed, but he chose to stand.郭宝崑本来有舒服的床可以躺着,他选择了站着。
14."What a precious deposit!" said he with a tender sigh, as he received the picture.他接过画象时轻舒了一口气,说:“真是无价之宝
15.Fun, food, costumes, jewel, etc. keep your mood bright.趣味、美食、衣饰、珠宝......能保持我们心情舒爽。
16.An Experimental Study on Su Xin Bao for Animal Model with Deficiency of Heart-Qi舒心宝治疗心气虚模型动物的实验研究
17.Clinical Study on Xinshubao Pill for Treating Angina Pectoris of CHD;心舒宝片治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床研究
18.Determination of Protocaechuic Aldehyde in Xinshubao Capsules by HPLCHPLC法测定心舒宝胶囊中原儿茶醛的含量

1.To Optimum Extraction Process for Preparation of Dai Medicine Houshubao through Orthogonal Test;正交试验优选傣药喉舒宝的提取工艺
1.Influence of Shutangbao on superoxide dismutase and malondialde hyde of diabetes mellitus rat;舒糖宝对糖尿病大鼠超氧化物歧化酶、丙二醛的影响
2.Efficacy of SHUTANGBAO on blood lipids in diabetic mice;舒糖宝对糖尿病小鼠血脂的影响
3.The effect of Shutangbao on cardiac muscle structure in mice with diabetes mellitus;舒糖宝对糖尿病小鼠心肌结构的影响
1.HPLC method measurement XinShuBaopiece the content of Dan phenolic acid B.;HPLC法测定心舒宝片中丹酚酸B的含量
5)Xinshubao Tablet心舒宝片
1.Determination the Content of Paeonolum in Gushubao Capsule by HPLC;HPLC测定骨舒宝胶囊中丹皮酚的含量

含碘喉症片 ,碘喉片药物名称:碘喉片英文名:别名: 含碘喉症片 ,碘喉片适应症: 用于喉炎、扁桃腺炎等。 用量用法: 口含 :每隔1~2小时含1~2片。 类别:耳鼻喉科药