1.Clinical effect of Siliba on refractory amblyopia难治性弱视服用思利巴临床疗效观察

1.Clinical effect of Siliba on refractory amblyopia难治性弱视服用思利巴临床疗效观察
2.Analysis of the effect of combined therapy of SI LI BA and traditional synthesis method in older children's amblyopia思利巴联合传统综合疗法治疗年长儿童弱视疗效分析
3.Philosophical Criticism of Utilitarian Economy--Interpretation of George Bataille s “General Economy”;功利主义经济的哲学批判——解读巴塔耶“普遍经济”思想
4.Effect of medilac-vita combined with ribavirin and smecta in treatment of infantile rotavirus enteritis妈咪爱联合利巴韦林、思密达治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒肠炎的观察
5.A native or inhabitant of Bavaria.巴伐利亚人巴伐利亚本土人或居民
6.A Song of Billy Budd s Innocence in Billy Budd, Sailor;《比利·巴德,水手》中比利·巴德的天真之歌
7.and we were near the ocean in Santa Barbara, California.我们在加利福尼亚的圣巴巴拉海滩。
8.Stuttering almost uncontrollably, Billy rejects the idea.毕利结结巴巴地拒绝了这个建议。
9.G-g-give me that b-b-book,' said Henry, unable to stop stammering.`给、给、给我那本、本、本书,'利结结巴巴地说.
11.Barsad leaned back in his chair, and stammered, "What do you mean?"巴萨往椅背上一靠,结结巴巴地说,“你是什么意思?”
12.Rationality and Creativity--Views on Bartok s Style of Music Creation in His"Eight improvisations of Hungarian Peasant Songs;理性与创造——从《八首匈牙利民歌主题即兴曲》看巴托克的音乐创作思维
13.On the Issues between the Theory of Civilizational Interaction and Studies of Universal History;文明交往论和通史研究问题的思考——《中东国家通史·叙利亚和黎巴嫩卷》编后记
14.BADIA, Giulio di Lorenzo朱利奥·迪洛伦佐·巴迪亚
15.Buckley-Leverett theory巴克利-莱弗里特理论
16.Marley's subsequent album,巴布?马利接下来的专辑,
17.Bulkley pressure viscosimeter巴尔克利压力粘度计
18.Soviet Republic of Bavaria巴伐利亚苏维埃共和国

1.Design of a Low-Power Butterworth Polyphase Filter;低功耗的巴特沃思复数滤波器设计
2.This paper introduces the basic methods for designing the low-pass filter,taking Butterworth filter as an example.文章以巴特沃思滤波器为例介绍低通滤波器的基本设计方法。
3.Butterworth-type and Bessel function-type two ways are used for design of Bandpass filter for receiver,and with the help of EDA simulation tools,the bold plot and the group delay characteristics of the filters designed are compared.采用巴特沃思型和贝塞尔函数型2种方法进行接收机带通滤波器设计,借助EDA对该滤波器进行波特图和群延迟特性的比较。
3)Ba Si Ba characters八思巴字
1.However, there is a lack of systematic investigation due to the fact that Mongolian Word Rhyme is only used asthe collateral evidence when we discuss the phonetic system of the Phonology of Central China; or there is amisconception of the character of its entering tones because our preconceived prejudice has shadowed the actualfunctions of the phonogram of Ba Si Ba characters.但或因在探讨《中原音韵》音系时《蒙古字韵》仅属旁证,故而缺乏对其本身的系统考察;或因囿于先入为主的成见而抹煞了八思巴字表音的实际功能,导致对其入声的性质产生误解。
1.Basiba: the Unification of Tibet,and the Nationality Solidarity;八思巴:民族和合,西藏一统
2.On Basiba s Contribution of National Unification;八思巴对祖国统一的贡献
5)Ba Ersi巴尔思
6)Phagspa script八思巴文
1.This paper is a specific research on the variant font of Phagspa script.本文是专题研究八思巴文一种字体-变形体和用它写成的文献资料的论文。

沃思,C.F.  时装设计的先驱,巴黎高级时装的奠基人。1825年生于英国林肯郡,1895年3月10日去世。12岁起在家乡布店学徒,后进一家织物零售店当合同簿记员。1845年迁居巴黎,开始学习服装设计。他的夫人玛丽穿着他设计的服装展示街头,成为世界上第一位时装模特儿。此后,沃思通过奥地利驻法大使夫人梅特涅公主的关系,得到拿破仑三世欧仁妮皇后的赞助,被聘任为宫廷服装师。1858年,沃思在法国佩斯开设沃思女装订制店,至1864年已拥有 100多名匠师。他使用缝纫机批量生产高级时装,并率先聘用时装模特儿,预展时装作品,开创时装表演的先河。该店在普法战争期间一度停业,1874年复业并改名沃思特制服饰店,1900年在伦敦设分店,1945年转售他人但沿用原店名。沃思的时装作品不囿于传统。他设计的豪华礼服反映了第二帝国时期高贵典雅的风尚;他为欧仁妮设计的"公主线"对后世影响很大。由于沃思领导了巴黎时装新潮流,服饰史称他为"时装之父",称19世纪末为"沃思年代"。