1.Conclusion Blepharosphincterectomy is a simple method with reliable effect for treatment of senile blepharlosis.目的比较皮肤轮匝肌切除法与睑缘间切开法矫正老年性下睑内翻的疗效。
2)palpebra obicularis muscle resection睑轮匝肌切除术
1.Objective: To observe the effect of the palpebra obicularis muscle resection on senile entropion.目的:观察睑轮匝肌切除术治疗老年性睑内翻疗效。
3)orbicularis muscle flap眼轮匝肌皮瓣
1.Objective:Introduce a method for facial skin defect reconstruction using the orbicularis muscle flap.目的:总结如何应用眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复面部皮肤缺损。

1.Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形
2.The Research of Orbicularis Oculi Flap for Reconstruction of 1/3-1/2 Eyebrow Defects;眼轮匝肌皮瓣在修复眉内侧1/3-1/2缺损的临床研究
3.Repairing of cicatricial ectropion with orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复瘢痕性睑外翻
4.Repairing of Eyelid Ectropion Using Temporal Flap Pedicled with Orbicularis Oculi Muscle;应用眼轮匝肌蒂颞部皮瓣矫正睑外翻
5.Anatomical basis of transplantation for temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle眼轮匝肌蒂颞区皮瓣移位术的解剖学基础
6.To provide anatomical basis for transplantation of temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle to repair soft tissue defects of middle jaw faces.目的 :为眼轮匝肌蒂颞侧皮瓣转位修复中颌面软组织缺损提供解剖学基础。
7.Method: Via the incision on the upper eyelid skin,orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi.经上睑皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露睑板。
8.Retroorbicularis oculus fat (ROOF) is in reality an extension of the brow fat pad that lies along the superior orbital rim and directly deep to the orbicularis muscle.后眼轮匝肌脂肪延着上眼眶塉深入眼轮匝肌并且是后眉部脂肪垫的延伸。
9.The brow fat pad lies directly posterior to the eyebrow skin and orbicularis oculus muscle and aids in smooth gliding of the eyebrow with animation.后眉部脂肪垫位于眉毛皮肤及眼轮匝肌之后方,可以帮助脸部表情动作时眉毛有顺畅的滑动。
10.Effect of Hyperthyroidism on the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle in Rabbits;甲状腺功能亢进对家兔眼轮匝肌的影响
11.Using pediculated orbicular muscle grafting for severe lower eyelid entropion带蒂眼轮匝肌翻转术治疗严重下睑内翻
12.Diagnostic Value of Single Fiber Lectromypography of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle in Myasthenia Gravis眼轮匝肌的单纤维肌电图对重症肌无力患者的诊断价值
13.Vertical orbicularis muscle flaps in secondary philtral column deformities of the unilateral cleft lip口轮匝肌垂直交错瓣修复单侧唇裂术后继发人中嵴畸形
14.②ever excision of the orbicularis muscle would affect the contour of the eyelid and exacerbate the ectropin.②过多切除眼轮匝肌,影响下睑轮廓并增加外翻的可能;
15.Improved skin incision and the orbicularis oris muscle function reduction in the repair of bilateraI clef Iip改良皮肤切口及口轮匝肌功能性复位在双侧唇裂修复中的应用
16.Effects of different recording methods for orbicularis oculi muscle activity on acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs不同眼轮匝肌活动记录方法对豚鼠痕迹性眨眼条件反射建立的影响
17.Also it is worthwhile to observe the partial atrophy of orbicularis oculi and the courses of small vasa of the macula.对二硫化碳引起部分眼轮匝肌萎缩现象及黄斑区小血管走行变化值得观察。
18.39 Cases of Infected Wounds Repared by Musculo Cutaneous Flap Plugging;皮瓣肌皮瓣肌瓣填塞修复创伤及感染创口39例

palpebra obicularis muscle resection睑轮匝肌切除术
1.Objective: To observe the effect of the palpebra obicularis muscle resection on senile entropion.目的:观察睑轮匝肌切除术治疗老年性睑内翻疗效。
3)orbicularis muscle flap眼轮匝肌皮瓣
1.Objective:Introduce a method for facial skin defect reconstruction using the orbicularis muscle flap.目的:总结如何应用眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复面部皮肤缺损。
4)orbicularis myotomy眼轮匝肌切开术
5)the upper eyelid musculocutaneous flap上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣
