1.Anterior palpebral layer retropulsion for the treatment of severe or recurrent upper eyelid trichiasis眼睑前层后徙术矫正严重及复发性上睑倒睫

1.Superior rectus recession combined with anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle for DVD in 30 cases上直肌后徙联合下斜肌后徙转位治疗分离性垂直斜视
3.The effect of anterior transposition of inferior oblique muscle on ocular motility下斜肌后徙转位术对眼球运动的影响
4.Anterior palpebral layer retropulsion for the treatment of severe or recurrent upper eyelid trichiasis眼睑前层后徙术矫正严重及复发性上睑倒睫
5.Using of supernormal lateral rectus muscle recession in the surgery of large-angle exotropia外直肌超常量后徙在某些大角度外斜视矫正术中的应用
6.They followed it as it moved after pasture.当马随着牧草迁徙时,他们紧跟其后。
7.Superior oblique tuck and inf. oblique recession was applied.手术方法为上斜肌缝摺术合并下斜肌徙后术。
8.The Cultural Pursuit in Migration, the Loyalty to the Faith Overseas;迁延流徙中的文化追寻,利涉大川后的信念执守
9.On the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Sports for the Tajike Minority after Its Immigration to the Plain;迁徙入平原后塔吉克族传统体育的传承与发展
10.After Yu Shun gained the hegemony of the Huaxia alliance he moved the capital to Ping Yang.平阳城为尧所筑,虞舜继尧为华夏盟主后,由蒲坂而徙都平阳。
11.After several incidents of attacking campers, all bears were emigrated from the park.发生几起宿营者袭击动物的事件之后,所有的熊都从公园迁徙走了。
12.In the fifth winter of Dali period, he visited Hengyang and other places, and moved to Guizhou in the Dali eleventh year.大历五年冬天,先后游历衡阳、耒阳等地,大历十一年流徙到桂州。
13.The operative procedure of inferior oblique muscle recession was considered useful and safe on managing superior oblique palsy.可见下斜肌徙后术于治疗上斜肌麻痹为一良好之方法。
14.Each year, millions of monarch butterflies travel from Canada to Mexico and back again.每年都有数百万只君主蝶从加拿大迁徙到墨西哥,然后再飞回来。
15.Come October, the country's second deepest fjord, Tysfjord, fills with billions of migrating herring that winter there on the way to spawning grounds.每到十月,数十亿只迁徙中的鲱鱼涌进挪威第二深的提斯峡湾,在那里过冬后继续前往产卵地。
16.Restoration work for the112 year old steam locomotive is complete and is being moved to Daibag( Taipei) train station for display.有百十二年历史耶蒸汽火车头《腾云号》复修了后今阿日徙去台北车站展乎郎参观。
17.Place-names of the present east district of Tainan in the Chin dynasty reveal that the district was an underdeveloped area.消失的地名,透露出地表景观改变与人群迁徙之后,居民对空间符号的淡忘,是区域转变的消息。
18.It is generally believed that humans originated in Africa about two hundred thousand years ago and migrated to other continents one hundred thousand years later.一般认为,人类在二十万年前源于非洲,十万年后陆续迁徙到其它大陆。

suspending and recession悬吊后徙
1.Objective To compare suspending and recession of external rectus with over-routine-quantity reces- sion of external rectus in treatment of large angle exotropia and observe the clinical effect.目的探讨大角度外斜视行外直肌悬吊后徙术与外直肌超常量后徙术的比较,观察手术效果。
3)Slanted recession斜向后徙
4)Recession operation后徙术
5)over-routine-quantity recession超常量后徙
1.One group underwent suspending and recession of external rectus,the other group underwent over-routine-quantity recession of external rectus.目的探讨大角度外斜视行外直肌悬吊后徙术与外直肌超常量后徙术的比较,观察手术效果。
6)recession of rectus muscle直肌徙后术
1.Method of part hang-back apply in Park s incision of recession of rectus muscle;部分悬吊法在parks切口直肌徙后术中的应用
