残疾鉴定,Disability evaluation
1)Disability evaluation残疾鉴定
2)disability evaluation残废鉴定
3)survey on damage to cargo残损鉴定
4)disability identification残情鉴定
1.Objective to investigate the thinking of disability identification in the hospital under electronic medical record platform.目的探讨电子病案平台下医院残情鉴定的工作思路。
disability evaluation残废鉴定
3)survey on damage to cargo残损鉴定
4)disability identification残情鉴定
1.Objective to investigate the thinking of disability identification in the hospital under electronic medical record platform.目的探讨电子病案平台下医院残情鉴定的工作思路。
5)Disabled appraisal伤残鉴定
6)Medical identification of disabled children病残儿鉴定
