后表面,posterior surface
1)posterior surface后表面
1.Changes of corneal posterior surface elevation before and after LASIK;LASIK手术前后角膜后表面前凸变化的研究
2.Correlation of corneal stroma thickness and corneal posterior surface protrusive values after LASIKLASIK术后角膜基质床厚度与后表面前凸相关性研究
3.Objective:To investigate the distribution of the higher-order aberrations(HOAs, 3rd to 6th order)of anterior and posterior surface of the cornea in the population;to evaluate the symmetry of the HOAs of anterior and posterior surface of cornea between right and left eyes of individuals;and to study the variations in the HOAs of anterior and posterior surface of cornea with aging.目的:观察角膜前后表面高阶像差(3~6阶)的分布情况;探讨角膜前后表面波前像差在左右眼之间的对称关系;探讨角膜前后表面高阶像差随年龄的变化。

1.Posterior Corneal Surface Changes after Myopic Laser in Situ Keratomileusis;LASIK术后角膜后表面改变的临床研究
2.glass surface worked after manufacture玻璃,制成后表面经过加工
3.The treated surface is unfading, non yellowing and glossy.处理后表面洁净、失光、褪色、泛黄。
4.The Surface Characters of Dental Ceramic after Finishing and Polishing;牙科陶瓷磨抛后表面性状的实验研究
5.surfactant rear表面活性剂段塞后缘
6.Portable: Surfaces behind access doors and non-textured surfaces of computer.便携式:接口后面的表面及计算机的非咬花表面.
7.The flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip.舌面舌尖后平的上部表面
8.The surface texture produced by such a treatment or coating.涂饰后的表面通过最后这道工序制造的表面纹理
9.custard sprinkled with sugar and broiled.表面撒糖的奶油冻,然后烤制。
10.similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces.象白蛱蝶但后翅表面有红色的斑点。
11.The hang of the curtains showed that somebody was standing behind them.窗帘悬挂的样子表明有人站在后面。
12.Then, with a Bunsen burner, the surface is thoroughly seared.然后,用本生灯彻底烧灼表面。
13.a semblable hit - and - run accident.表面上像是一起撞车后逃跑的事故
14.Squalor and poverty lay behind the city's glittering facade.这城市表面繁华, 背后却肮脏和贫困.
15.Place a comma after every value in a multiline list.在多行列表的每一个值后面加逗号。
16.Do not touch the bracket contact surface after the accelerator has been applie施用催化剂后不要碰支架接触表面。
17.Made a few cosmetic changes when she took over the company.她接管公司后做了一些表面化的改革
18.Listen to the following paragraph and complete the table.请听下面这篇短文,然后完成表格。

Posterior corneal surface角膜后表面
1.Changes in the posterior corneal surface after conductive keratoplasty;传导性角膜成形术后角膜后表面的改变
2.Corneal topography of the posterior corneal surface was obtained by t he scanning slit topography system before and one month after surgery.目的 研究准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)后角膜后表面的改变 ,分析角膜后表面变化的相关影响因素。
3.However, according to the biodynamic principle of a closure glomus梕yeball, the posterior corneal surface tends to change its curvature with the decrease of the corneal thickness responding to the action of intraocular pressur.就LASIK而言,角膜后表面的改变有可能直接或间接地影响手术疗效,并有可能成为一些并发症的直接或潜在的危险,故有必要对LASIK术后角膜后表面的变化进行研究。
3)corneal posterior surface角膜后表面
1.The evaluation of corneal posterior surface topography by Orbscan-Ⅱ system in myopic eyes;近视LASIK术前角膜后表面地形图的测量分析
2.The evaluation of corneal posterior surface topography by Orbscan-Ⅱsystem in myopic eyes;ORBSCAN-Ⅱ对近视患者角膜后表面地形图的测量分析
3.Our present study was to investigate the corneal posterior surface topography in different clinical stages of keratoconus.目的分析各期圆锥角膜后表面的形态特点,为完善圆锥角膜形态特点的描述提供参考。
4)back-surface mirror后表面镜<光>
5)rear housing face后壳体表面
6)posterior corneal surface height角膜后表面高度

1227表面活性剂分子式 C21H37NCl 性状 又名1227表面活性剂、奥斯宾TAN。无色至微黄色透明粘稠液体,稍具芳香味。分子量338.67。易溶于水,在水溶液中离解成阳离子活性基因,振荡时能产生大量气泡。稳定性好,能耐热、耐光、耐压。无挥发性,长期贮存性质不变。无毒。活性物》40%,PH值 6.7~7.0。 生产方法 主要采用缩合法。以十二醇和溴氢酸为原料,在硫酸催化剂存在下,进行溴化反应,生成溴代十二烷,再与二甲胺进行酸化反应,生成十二烷基二甲基叔胺,然后与氯化苄进缩合反应而得。 用途 离子型表面活性剂。主要用作化妆品的杀菌清洗剂、头发调理剂、柔软剂和乳化剂。与皮肤和毛发有良好的亲和性,有柔软的感觉,使头发易于梳理。并具有优良的杀菌性,只需万分之几的浓度,即可用于消毒.