视网膜静脉周围炎,retinal periphlebitis
1)retinal periphlebitis视网膜静脉周围炎
1.Vitrectomy and eudo laser treatment of retinal periphlebitis;玻璃体切除术联合激光治疗视网膜静脉周围炎
2.Retrospective analysis of semi conductor laser for the treatment of retinal periphlebitis;半导体激光治疗视网膜静脉周围炎的疗效分析
3.The research survey and review of retinal periphlebitis by western and traditional Chinese medicine;视网膜静脉周围炎的中西医研究概况
2)Eales disease视网膜静脉周围炎
1.Objective To investigate the effect of FFA on the laser therapy of Eales disease.目的探讨荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)在视网膜静脉周围炎(Eales病)激光治疗中的作用。
2.AIM:To observe the effect of argon laser photocoagulation(ALP) for retina on the treatment of Eales disease.目的:观察氩激光视网膜光凝治疗视网膜静脉周围炎(Eales病)的效果。
3.Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effects of vitrectomy for Eales disease with vitreous hemorrhage.目的 :评价玻璃体切割术治疗视网膜静脉周围炎伴玻璃体出血的疗效。
4)Retinal vein视网膜静脉

1.Systemic factors associated with retinal vein occlusion视网膜静脉阻塞的全身性发病因素
2.Analysis on Treatment of 36 Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion;36例视网膜静脉阻塞治疗临床分析
3.The Experimental and Clinical Studies on Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Treated by Two-step Laser-induced Chorioretinal Venous Anastomosis;“二步法”激光诱导脉络膜视网膜静脉吻合术治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞的实验和临床研究
4.The Experimental Research of the Argon Laser Followed by the Nd:YAG Laser-induced Chorioretinal Venous Anastomosis in the Retinal Vein Occlusion;Nd:YAG激光诱导视网膜—脉络膜静脉吻合术治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的实验性研究
5.Optical Coherence Tomography on retinal thickness around the fovea in retinal vein occlusion视网膜静脉阻塞中心凹周围视网膜厚度的OCT观察
6.Experimental Study on Retinal Structural and Functional Changes after Retinal Vein Occlusion in Cats;猫眼视网膜静脉阻塞模型视网膜形态结构和功能变化的实验研究
7.Retinal Infusion Injury in Intervention Fibrinolysis by Micropuncture of Retinal Vein;视网膜静脉微穿刺介入溶栓视网膜灌注损伤的实验研究
8.An experimental study on the effect of huoxuelishui method on antioxidant capacity of retinal vein occlusion活血利水法对兔视网膜静脉阻塞后视网膜抗氧化能力影响的研究
9.Clinical analysis on retinal vein obstruction in 55 patients with diabetic retinopathy retinal vein obstruction in diabetic retinopathy:a clinical analysis糖尿病视网膜病变合并视网膜静脉阻塞55例临床分析
10.The Study of Surgical Chorioretinal Venous Anastomosis Via Pars Plana Approach;显微玻璃体手术建立视网膜静脉脉络膜吻合的研究
11.Electromicroscope observation following hyperbaric oxygen therapy for retinal vein occlusion视网膜静脉阻塞的高压氧治疗电镜观察
12.Clinical Study on Retinal Vein Occlusion Treated by Argon Ion Laser氩激光治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的临床研究
13.A Clinical Study on the Obstruction in Retina Vein Tneated by Reinfoncing Qi andActivating Blood Circulation.益气活血法治疗视网膜静脉阻塞临床研究
14.The Clinical Observation of TCM Combined with Laser Treatment of RVO中药结合激光治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的临床观察
15.venula temporalis retinae inferior视网膜颞侧下小静脉
16.venula nasalis retinae inferior视网膜鼻侧下小静脉
17.superior temporal venule of retina视网膜颞侧上小静脉
18.superior nasal venule of retina视网膜鼻侧上小静脉

Eales disease视网膜静脉周围炎
1.Objective To investigate the effect of FFA on the laser therapy of Eales disease.目的探讨荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)在视网膜静脉周围炎(Eales病)激光治疗中的作用。
2.AIM:To observe the effect of argon laser photocoagulation(ALP) for retina on the treatment of Eales disease.目的:观察氩激光视网膜光凝治疗视网膜静脉周围炎(Eales病)的效果。
3.Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effects of vitrectomy for Eales disease with vitreous hemorrhage.目的 :评价玻璃体切割术治疗视网膜静脉周围炎伴玻璃体出血的疗效。
4)Retinal vein视网膜静脉
6)Peripheral vein周围静脉
1.Nursing of critical neonates receiving total parenteral nutrition through peripheral veins;危重新生儿周围静脉全胃肠外营养的护理

肥胖生殖无能色素性视网膜炎多指(趾)综合征肥胖生殖无能色素性视网膜炎多指(趾)综合征 病名。亦称LaurenceMoonBiedl综合征、BiedlBardet综合征。原因未明,常染色体上仅一个隐性遗传基因,或同一染色体有2个遗传基因,根据其早期对胚胎作用的外显率强弱而产生不同的遗传形式。最显著的病变在肾(慢性肾小球肾炎或肾积水)、垂体、睾丸、眼(色素性视网膜炎)、继发性生殖腺发育不全。男性多见,常在儿童期发病。表现为精神缺陷,夜盲,进行性视力减退(先中心视力),最后失明。可有下列全部或部分征象:肥胖,多指(趾),生殖腺发育不全,视网膜色素变性,白内障,斜视,小眼畸形,体毛稀少或缺如。男性假性女性型乳房、精子缺乏,女性闭经、乳房不发育。视网膜电图、激素测定、染色体检查等对诊断有一定帮助。常在幼年死于感染,存活至成年者则发展至全盲,其他症状可停止发展。治疗可对症处理。