内眦开大术,medial canthoplasty
1)medial canthoplasty内眦开大术
1.Objective In order to explore a new method to perform the medial canthoplasty applied with upper eyelid fold formation in a single procedure.目的:探索重睑成形术同期行内眦开大术的新术式。
1.Epicanthoplasty with Z-plasties and fixing with canthal ligament;“Z”成形加眦韧带固定法内眦赘皮矫正术
2.Objective Through the anatomy gross dissection,measurement and histologic examination were taken on medial canthal ligament(MCL) which would explore the reason about the complication of epicanthoplasty and find the possible method to resolve it.目的:通过解剖观察测量和组织学观察内眦部解剖结构,探寻内眦赘皮矫正术术后并发症产生原因和可能的解决办法。

1.Anatomic study of medial canthal ligament and its application in Epicanthoplasty内眦韧带的解剖研究及其在内眦赘皮矫正术中的应用
2.An Approach to Minimally Invasive Correction of Epicanthus with Double-eyelid Operation at the Same Time;重睑同期行内眦赘皮微创矫正术探讨
3.Treatment of Epicanthus by Double Eyelid Construction Combined with Z-plasty重睑术联合反向Z字成形术矫正内眦赘皮
4.Treatment of epicanthus with the modified Y-V Plasty and double eyelidplasty simultaneously重睑术同期改良Y-V成形术矫正内眦赘皮
5.Treatment of epicanthus by double eyelid construction combined with Y-V advanced crescent-shaped skin flap in one stage重睑术同期Y-V推进新月形去皮法矫正内眦赘皮
6.Asymmetric Z flap in double-eyelid blepharoplasty of epicanthal folds内眦赘皮与上睑皮肤松弛同期矫正的设计及效果观察
7.Transverse incision surgery for epicanthoplasty with double eyelid fold reconstrustion横切口内眦赘皮联合重睑成形术疗效观察
8.The extension of "L" shaped lower eyelids incision for the treatment of the epicanthus“L”形下睑延长切口治疗内眦赘皮
9.Objective Anatomy of mose was studied on cadavers in order to explore a comparative ideal technique for correction of epicanthus.目的 在鼻侧腱膜解剖研究基础上进一步提高内眦赘皮的修复方法。
10.Correction of severe nipple inversion by using wedge-shaped corium and glandular tissue flaps楔形真皮乳腺瓣法矫正重度乳头内陷
11.Application of canthus vascular pedicle island flap in plastic and内眦血管蒂岛状皮瓣在颜面整容修复中的应用
12.Extraction of cavernous angioma in orbit muscle conus by skin-conjunctiva path.外眦皮肤结膜径路摘除眶肌锥内海绵状血管瘤
13.Relationship between Interpupillary & Innercanthal Distance and Maxillary Anterior Teeth of People with Normal Occlusion正常者瞳孔间距、内眦间距与上颌前牙的关系
14.Esotropia correct Operation and Astigmatism内斜视矫正术与角膜散光(附59例分析)
15.E. Defects along inner margins of the iris may be from surgical correction for glaucoma.青光眼手术矫正会引起虹膜内缘缺陷。
16.Research on the Working Instruction and the Corrective Technology and Way of the Community-based Correction;社区矫正的矫治规程和矫治技术研究
17.Eye socket reconstruction with free radial forearm flap in anophthalmic orbital syndrome and contracted eye socket前臂游离皮瓣眶内移植矫正眶内容缺失和眼窝闭锁
18.E. Defects along i er margi of the iris may be from surgical correction for glaucoma.青光眼手术矫正可以引起虹膜内缘缺陷。

1.Epicanthoplasty with Z-plasties and fixing with canthal ligament;“Z”成形加眦韧带固定法内眦赘皮矫正术
2.Objective Through the anatomy gross dissection,measurement and histologic examination were taken on medial canthal ligament(MCL) which would explore the reason about the complication of epicanthoplasty and find the possible method to resolve it.目的:通过解剖观察测量和组织学观察内眦部解剖结构,探寻内眦赘皮矫正术术后并发症产生原因和可能的解决办法。
4)Medial canthopexy内眦韧带固定术
1.Epicanthus anchor through epicanthus transverse incision with simutaneous double eyelidplasty;重睑成形术同期横切深部固定矫治内眦赘皮
2.Y surgical operation to correct epicanthus;Y型切口矫治内眦赘皮50例
3.Skin-muscle double-layer platy to correct epicanthus in 39 cases;皮肤—肌肉双层成形术矫正内眦赘皮39例
6)palpebrale mediale内眦韧带
1.Fold and suture palpebrale mediale to rectify epicanthic type epicanthus;内眦韧带缩短矫正睑型内眦赘皮

内眦褶  在眼内角的特殊皮肤褶皱,在或多或少程度上把泪阜遮盖住,又名蒙古褶。内眦褶通常是上眼睑褶皱的延续,内眦褶与半月褶皱或残余的第三睑不同,半月褶也是眼内角的褶皱,它是由结膜所组成的。在猿猴的半月褶中照例藏有软骨板,这在人体中很少见到。    在人类学观察中,不仅要注意有无内眦褶,而且要注意其发达与否。内眦褶有很大的年龄变化。在有的群体里,如俄罗斯人、德国人、成年人完全缺失内眦褶,而在儿童中会有出现;同样,在儿童中内眦褶出现率达100%的群体里,内眦褶的频率随年龄明显地减少,有时40岁以后特别地稀少。例如,朝鲜人,在20~25岁的年龄组中,有92%具有内眦褶,在26~29岁的年龄组中,有77%具有内眦褶,在40~50岁组中,只有36%,而在50岁以上只有15%了。因此,当根据内眦褶的频率和发达程度对各地区类群作资料对比时,必须考虑到对比类群的年龄。女性的内眦褶比同年龄的男性稍多。内眦褶的发育有很大的地理性差异,在中亚、东亚和北亚的相当大地区的居民中,具有内眦褶的成年男性常常超过60%;哈萨克人不超过25%,伏尔加河流域的鞑靼人不超过 5~7%,在俄罗斯人、 欧洲人中及澳大利亚、美拉尼西亚、印度、非洲的本地居民中,除了布须曼人外都没有内眦褶。中国黎族的出现率为48.5%,而山东地区出现率达90%之多。    内眦褶的发育与鼻梁的高度有明显的关系,很发达的内眦褶仅仅见之于低鼻梁的群体中,鼻梁的高度和内眦褶之间在群体内部存在着负相关;但是,低鼻梁对于内眦褶的出现不是必要的条件,无论从整个群体来说(例如黑人)或从个别个体来说,低鼻梁的人可以完全缺乏内眦褶。