睑板腺,meibomian gland
1)meibomian gland睑板腺
1.Expression of estrogen receptor alpha and beta in meibomian gland tissue of rats;雌激素受体α、β亚型在大鼠睑板腺组织的表达
2.Results Meibomian glands and Zeis glands in fetus of 4 months w.目的探讨性激素受体在睑板腺和Zeis腺的定性和定位分布。

1.incision and curettage of chalazio睑板腺囊肿切开刮除术;睑板腺囊肿切开刮除术
2.Abnormal Property of Meibomian Secretion and Dry Eye Syndrome睑板腺分泌异常与干眼症的临床研究
3.Expression of nm23 in carcinoma of meibomian gland and analysis of prognostic influence睑板腺癌nm23的表达及对预后的影响
4.Compare the clinicopathologic features of basal cell carcinomas and sebaceous adenocarcinomas of the eyelids眼睑基底细胞癌与睑板腺癌的临床病理学对比观察
5.Image Analysis of AgNORs in Tarsal Adenocarcinoma睑板腺癌核仁组成区嗜银蛋白(AgNORs)图像分析
6.Abnormal Property of Meibomian Secretion and Dry Eye Syndrome Caused by Lipid Tear Deficiency睑板腺分泌物性质异常与脂质缺乏性干眼症
7.Experimental study on rabbit’s tasal plate and palpebral conjunctiva transplantation for repairing of tarsus defect兔异体睑板睑结膜移植修复眼睑缺损实验研究
8.A clinical observation of preserved donor tarsal plate transplantation for repair of tarsus defect保存异体睑板修复睑板缺损的临床观察
9.Nursing of eyelid reconstruction using self-plantar dermis replacing tarsus自体足底皮替代睑板行眼睑再造术的护理
10.The report of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造的初步报告
11.Method: Via the incision on the upper eyelid skin,orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi.经上睑皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露睑板。
12.Clinical Observation of Eyelid Reconstruction with a Preserved Foreign Tarsus异体睑板行眼睑全层缺损修复的临床观察
13.Transplantation of original dissociate tarsus plate conjunctiva and rooted valve to re-make tarsus below自体游离睑板结膜和带蒂皮瓣移植再造下睑
14.Application of Micro-invasive Shortincision and Conjunctional Fascial Tissue over Tarsal Plate in Double Eyelidplasty微创小切口睑板前联合筋膜重建的重睑术
15.Sty common says " steal stythe eye of a needle " , the gland that it is eyelid is local inflammation, cause eyelid to have bump and tenderness.麦粒肿俗称“偷针眼”,为睑腺局部发炎,引起眼睑有肿块及压痛。
16.Conclusion The treatment of blepharoptosis by cutting out the tarsus and conjunctiva partly is simple and easy.结论 部分睑板结膜全层切除术治疗轻度上睑下垂设计简单 ;
17.To study the effect of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis.目的 :探讨用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造术的效果。
18.Lengthening the tarsal plate with a foreign scleral strip to cure relapsed upper eyelid cicatricial entropion异体巩膜条睑板延长术治疗复发性瘢痕性睑内翻

carcinoma of meibomian gland睑板腺癌
1.Expression of nm23 in carcinoma of meibomian gland and analysis of prognostic influence睑板腺癌nm23的表达及对预后的影响
3)carcinoma of meibomian glands睑板腺癌
1.Expression and dependablity of p16 protein in carcinoma of meibomian glands;p16蛋白在睑板腺癌中的表达及相关性
2.Moths method to cut carcinoma of meibomian glands and anodic skin flap transposition to reconstruct eyelid;Moths法切除睑板腺癌及上方皮瓣转位眼睑重建术11例
5)meibomian gland carcinoma睑板腺癌
1.Eyelid reconstruction after resection of meibomian gland carcinoma睑板腺癌术后眼睑缺损的整复
2.Expression and significance of telomerase in meibomian gland carcinoma睑板腺癌中端粒酶的表达及意义
6)adenoma of meibomian gland睑板腺腺瘤;睑板腺腺瘤
