1.Effect of Rolipram on the Airway Intraepithelial Dendritic Cells in Murine Models;咯利普兰对哮喘小鼠气道树突状细胞的作用
2.Immune mechanisms of rolipram in preventing NOD mice from type 1 diabetes;咯利普兰诱发NOD小鼠bcl-2、bax在脾脏、胰腺的差异性表达
3.Inhibitory effect of rolipram on lipopolysaccharides-induced acute lung injury in mice;咯利普兰对脂多糖诱导的小鼠急性肺损伤的抑制作用

1.Suppressive Effect of Phosphodiesterase Type 4 Rolipram Inhibition on the Inflammatory Response Induced by Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Rat Model.;咯利普兰对体外循环时炎症反应影响的研究
2.Effect of Rolipram on the Airway Intraepithelial Dendritic Cells in Murine Models;咯利普兰对哮喘小鼠肺内树突状细胞的影响
3.Effect of rolipram on the signal transduction pathway in depressed mice咯利普兰对小鼠抑郁模型信号转导通路的影响
4.Effects of Rolipram on Global Cerebral Injury Induced by Ischemia-Reperfusion咯利普兰对全脑缺血-再灌注损伤大鼠的影响
5.The Study of Therapy Effects of Methylprednisolone and Rolipram in Spinal Cord Injury;大剂量甲基强的松龙、咯利普兰治疗脊髓损伤的实验研究
6.Baby Sally, named for her aunt, gurgled and pulled at Franklin's white wig.小萨利用了她姑姑的名字,她咯咯地笑着,拉着富兰克林的白色假发。
7.a civil servant in Northland.菲利普是北兰政府的公务员。
8.left Plymouth, England on a journey that was to last five years.离开英格兰的普利茅斯,开始了长达五年的旅行。
9.The tripartition of Poland among Austria, Prussia, and Russia in the18th century.在18世纪波兰被奥地利、普鲁士和俄国三国瓜分
10.The AC Milan has a deeper bench than the Sampdoria.ac米兰队的板凳深度强于桑普多利亚队。
11.Relative Bioavailability and Bioequivalent of Citalopram Tables in Healthy Volunteers;西酞普兰片的生物利用度和生物等效性研究
12.Risperidone Plus Citalopram Therapy in Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.利培酮合用西酞普兰治疗强迫症对照观察
13.C Gryffindor: I think she fancies you.另一个格兰芬多学生:我想他是看上你咯。
14.a war of England and Prussia against France and Austria (1756-1763); Britain and Prussia got the better of it.英格兰和普鲁士反对法国和澳大利亚的战争(1756-1763);英国和普鲁士从中得到利益。
15.Oh, you felt it that was in the realm of your authority?哦,你觉得这是你的权利范围内咯?
16.In1815 he was defeated in Waterloo( Belgium) by an alliance of English and Prussian forces.在1851年,拿破仑被英格兰和普鲁士联合军队击败在比利时的滑铁卢。
17.Trollope travelled to many parts of the world, inspecting postal services in north Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the West Indian.特罗洛普广游世界,曾去北非、澳大利亚,新西兰、西印度群岛考察邮务。
18.Kuwait City is pretty far from Des Plaines, Illinois.科威特城距伊利诺伊州的德斯普兰斯有千里之遥,

1.Delineation and geological implications of the Carboniferous strata in Burang,Xizang;西藏普兰石炭纪地层的厘定及其地质意义
2.New explanation of detachment structures in the Burang and Gyironggou regions,southern Xizang;西藏普兰、吉隆沟一带藏南拆离构造新认识
