1.Metrological Certification Pushes Forward the Development of Measurement & Testing Centre in Unclear Industry;计量认证促进了核工业检测试验工作的开展
2.Talk About the Sport Dancing Exercise Value and the Sport Dancing Development of Colleges in Our Province;论体育舞蹈的锻炼价值及在黑龙江省高校的开展情况
3.The Influence Factors on the Development of the Gym Dance in Chinese Colleges;我国高校体育舞蹈开展现状分析

1.Thoughts on Carrying out the Logistics-based Service by the Railway Sector;铁路开展物流化服务的思考铁路开展
2.Deeply Carry out the Work of Making Public the Affairs of Enterprises and Promote the Enterprises Healthy Development;深入开展厂务公开 促进企业健康发展
3.exhibiting openly in public view.公共场合的公开展览。
4.To stretch or extend or to be stretched or extended.(使)展开,(使)扩展使展开或使扩展,展开或扩展
5.unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state.打开、解开、展开或从卷起的状态解开、打开、展开。
6.Study on Deployment Simulation of Space Inflatable Structure空间充气展开结构展开过程仿真分析
7.Transformation between the XOS Expansion and COD Expansion of Logical Functions逻辑函数XOS展开式和COD展开式的转换
8.It is adhered that the opening up promotes the exploration and the exploration seeks the development.坚持以开放促开发,以开发求发展。
9.The state or quality of being open, expanded, or unblocked.开放,不闭合公开的、展开的或打开的状态或性质
10.Ursell-Mayer cluster expansion厄塞尔-迈耶集团展开法
11.The afforestation movement rapidly spread.植树运动迅速展开了。
12.stretch out and wiggle around,或舒展开来活动活动,
13.I shall not dispute about it now;现在我不就此展开辩论;
14.in line subroutine expansio直接插入子程序展开
15.move out of a curled position.从卷缩的状态伸展开。
16.expanding-spread vertical-loop technique展开排列垂直回路技术
17.The bird expanded its wings.那只鸟展开了双翅。
18.She spread her wings and flew lightly down.她展开双翅轻轻飞下。

1.Considerations on Developing Bilingual Education in Physical Education Institutes;对在体育院校中开展双语教学的几点思考
2.The article Makes an inquiry into the present situation of Korfball,and elaborates that the development of korfball in colleges promotes the reform of athletics content.结合合球运动的开展现状,分析高校开展合球运动促进高校体育教学内容的改革,为高校开展和发展合球运动提出积极措施。
3.These are the advantageous condition to develop the winter sports.在分析改革开放前后我国开展冬季大众体育运动及其特点的基础上,就新时期如何丰富、完善和满足人们在冬季余暇时间文化体育娱乐的需求,提高其生活品位,对如何开展以冰雪运动项目为主的冬季大众体育活动提出一些建议。
3)carry out开展
1.The effective approached to positively push and carry out the work of the construction of teachers morality was elaborated as well.阐述了开展群众性师德建设活动应坚持的原则,指出了工会开展群众性师德建设活动的优势和特色,论述了高校工会要通过加强组织领导,明确工作职责,提倡高尚师德,制定师德规范等措施,积极推进和开展师德建设,并把深入开展群众性师德建设活动作为高校工会的一项经常性工作。
2.In the new circumstances, this paper considers it is necessary to carry out the education of "three stresses" (stress on study, stress on politics and stress on uprightness) on the college students.本文认为 ,在新的历史条件下 ,应当在当代大学生中努力开展讲学习、讲政治、讲正气的“三讲”教育 ,并从理论和实践结合的层面阐述了它的重要性、必要性 ,提出了具有一定现实指导意义的操作意
4)carry on开展
1.Therefore, it is of significance to carry on credibility education.中共中央颁发的《公民道德建设实施纲要》把“诚信”作为基本道德规范的一个重要方面提了出来 ,既弘扬了中华民族的传统美德 ,又顺应了时代发展的潮流 ,所以开展诚信教育意义重大。
1.Rapid development and forming simulation for deep drawing parts of orthotropic sheet metal;正交异性板料拉深件快速展开与成形模拟
2.Mixed Mesh of Triangle and Quadrangle for Irregular Boundary Surface Development;不规则边界曲面的四边形-三角形混合网格展开法
3.The development of a circular cone helicoids with the axis of cone surface and drawing in cad;心轴为圆锥的锥形螺旋面的展开及CAD制图
1.Research on development methods and application of CAD system of prac tical sheet metal expansion;实用钣金展开CAD系统的开发技术与应用研究
2.A frame expansion method of operator is used to the phase shift operator of split-step Fourier propagator.针对裂步Fourier传播算子在速度强横向变化介质中的不足,将算子的框架展开方法应用于Fourier传播算子中的相移算子,提出了一种波场传播的局部裂步Fourier传播算子,并把它应用于波动方程叠前深度偏移成像。
3.The channel model suitable for TDOA techniques is discussed, and the typical location TDOA algorithm, Taylor series expansion method, is analyzed.讨论适合于TDOA定位的信道模型,分析1种典型TDOA定位算法———Taylor级数展开法,并针对其收敛问题提出改进方法。

开展①使从小向大发展;使展开:~批评与自我批评 ㄧ~科学技术交流活动。②从小向大发展:植树造林活动已在全国~起来。③展览会开始展出:一年一度的春节花展明天~。④开朗;开豁:思想~。