1.Study on processing of natural refreshing beverage from Rhizoma polygonti and Dictyophora;天然清爽型黄精竹荪复合饮料的研制
2.The Study on Relativity between the Activity of CMCase and the Culture Characters from Dictyophora Strains;竹荪菌株的纤维素酶活与培养性状的相关性研究
3.An Experimental Study on the Arenfast Mechanism of the Extract from Dictyophora;竹荪提取液对砷中毒小鼠肝脏的保护作用

1.The Study of Ecological production of Dictyophora idusata in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区竹荪生产及其生态化栽培的初步研究
2.Structural Characterization, Chain Conformation and Morphology of a Polysaccharide Isolated from the Fruiting Body of Dictyophora Indusiata竹荪多糖的结构表征、链构象及形貌研究
3.Study on the Antimicrobial Effect of Dictyophora Indusiata Fisscher Mycelium and Dictyophora Indusiata Fisscher Fruitbody长裙竹荪菌丝体和子实体抑菌活性的比较研究
4.Experimental Analysis on Influence of Extract from Dictyophora duplicata on Blood Parameters of Arseniasis Rats竹荪提取液对砷中毒大鼠血细胞参数的影响
5.Wu Sun-fu and Tu Chu-chai were rather startled.荪甫和竹斋都吃了一惊。
6."Now, Chu-chai-" cried Wu Sun-fu, trying to interrupt Tu Chu-chai's tale of woe;“竹斋——”吴荪甫叫着,想打断杜竹斋的抱怨话;
7.but Tu Chu-chai brushed the interruption firmly aside:可是杜竹斋例外地不让荪甫插嘴:
8.The two men looked at each other and burst out laughing.杜竹斋和荪甫互相看了一眼,同声大笑。
9.The big drawing-room was flooded with light and filled with people. When Old Mr. Wu stepped into the room, he was met by-his son and son-in-law.满客厅的人!迎面上前的是荪甫和竹斋。
10.The other two cars also stopped.荪甫和竹斋的车子也跟着停止。
11.Tu Chu-chai looked at Wu Sun-fu in amazement, but before he could reply the latter went on:杜竹斋愕然看了荪甫一眼,还没有回答,荪甫又接下去说:
12.If the truth were known, Tu Chu-chai had probably let on to Wu Sun-fu that he, Li Yu-ting, had suggested (though with the best will in the world) that Tu Chu-chai should try to curb Wu Sun-fu's insistency on paddling his own canoe.说不定他一片好心劝杜竹斋抑制着吴荪甫的一意孤行那番话,杜竹斋竟也已经告诉了荪甫!
13."Mr. Shang, look, Tu Chu-chai's on his own. It looks as if Wu Sun-fu won't bite."“仲老,你看,只有杜竹斋一个,光景是荪甫不上钩罢?”
14.He followed behind with his wife, Tu Chu-chai, Fu-fang, and Huei-fang.竹斋,荪甫,吴少奶奶,二小姐,四小姐,都跟了进去。
15."You know I've a security loan from Mr. Tu Chu-chai, which is due very soon. I wonder if you'd be good enough to put in a word for me?"“杜竹翁那边到期的押款,要请荪翁居中斡旋。”
16.So, for all his stirring speeches, Wu Sun-fu had failed to strike even a spark of enthusiasm from Tu Chu-chai Knitting his brows, Wu Sun-fu pressed him further:吴荪甫那样辣硬的话并不能激发杜竹斋的雄心; 吴荪甫皱了眉头,再逼进一句:
17.As he said this, Tu Chu-chai looked hard at Wu Sun-fu, and there was a note of incredulity in his voice.杜竹斋又打断了吴荪甫的话头,钉住了吴荪甫看,有点不肯相信的意思。
18.When the lips stopped for a moment, Wu Sun-fu laughed bitterly and shouted,当杜竹斋的嘴唇皮略一停歇的时候,吴荪甫忽然冷笑着大声喊道:

Dictyophora indusiata竹荪
1.Isolation,Purification of Soluble Polysaccharide DiA by Acid Extraction from Dictyophora indusiata and Identification of ITs Monosaccharide Components;长裙竹荪子实体酸提水溶性多糖DiA的分离、纯化及组成单糖的鉴定
2.Extraction of the Submerged Myceliun Polysaccharideof Dictyophora indusiata by Complex Enzymatic Technique;酶法提取竹荪深层发酵菌丝体多糖的研究
3.Using the method of routine analysis and automatic analysis instrument of amino acid , the nutritive components of the mycelia and fruitbody in Dictyophora indusiata were determined and analysed.采用常规营养分析法和氨基酸自动分析仪对竹荪菌丝体与子实体营养成分进行了测定。
3)Dictyophora indusiata Fisch竹荪
1.Dictyophora indusiata Fisch is regularly cultured in the culture medium made from bamboo or leaf trees.竹荪通常用竹子、阔叶树等作为培养基栽培,采用适当处理后的杉木屑栽培竹荪,取得进展。
4)bamboo shoot wine竹荪酒
1.Besides,the typicality and distinctness of the bamboo shoot wine should be well maintained to meet the consumption demands.通过对政策及对原辅料的了解,在市场调查的基础上,完成了营养型竹荪酒的开发和生产。
5)Dictyophora indusiata长裙竹荪
1.Isolation,Purification and Identification of Polysaccharide Di-S2P from Dictyophora indusiata;长裙竹荪多糖Di-S2P的分离纯化和鉴定
2.Effects of Cultivating Dictyophora indusiata Using Several Raw Materials on Cold Frame;几种生料阳畦栽培长裙竹荪效果比较
3.several kinds of culture media are selected in which master culture ,mother spawn and cultural spawn of Dictyophora indusiata grow up easily.在我国北方首次培养出长裙竹荪
6)Dictyophora gown长裙竹荪
1.Extracts of Dictyophora gown antibacterial properties were studied in this paper.对长裙竹荪浸提液的抑菌特性进行了研究,主要针对细菌、霉菌以及酵母菌进行了抑菌实验。
2.This paper studies the biological preservatives from the gown Dictyophora, the optimum conditions: Dictyophora gown were shoot Fruitbody smash the heads of 80 screen, add ed 95 % ethanol , by trasonic treatment 45 kHz 20 min, added 0.研究了从长裙竹荪中提取一种生物防腐剂,最佳提取工艺条件为:长裙竹荪子实体粉碎过80目筛,加入95%乙醇经45kHz超声波处理20min,加入0。
