1.Two hundred and eighty-one cases of hyperprolactinemia were randomized into two groups: treatment group in which 216 cases were treated by “Xiaopi Decoction” and control group in which 65 cases were treated by Bromocriptine.将 2 8 1例高催乳素血症 (HPRL)患者随机分成两组 ,治疗组 (2 16例 )用中药消癖汤治疗 ,对照组 (6 5例 )用溴隐停治疗 ,观察血中泌乳素 (PRL)和相关激素水平及临床症状体征变化情况。
2.Methods:The control group of 32 cases was treated with Levodopa and Bromocriptine while the treatment group (treated with traditional Chinese and western medicine) of 40 cases was treated first in the same way as the control group and then given the oral administration of Yichan decoction,12 weeks were as one course of treatment.方法 :对照组 32例采用美多巴和溴隐停治疗 ,治疗组 (中西医结合组 ) 4 0例在此治疗基础上加用抑颤汤口服 ,12周为 1个疗程 ;结果 :据帕金森病UPDRS功能评定量表评分 ,治疗组疗效高于对照组 (P<0 。
3.Objective:To investigate the effects of bromocriptine and rosiglitazone and metformin on insulin resistance metabolism of lipids and oxidative stress in rats with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).目的:观察溴隐停、二甲双胍、罗格列酮分别对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)大鼠胰岛素抵抗、血脂和氧化应激作用。

1.Study the effects of bromocriptine and rosiglitazone and metformin on insulin resistance metabolism of lipids and oxidative stress in rats with polycystic ovary syndrome溴隐停与罗格列酮和二甲双胍对PCOS大鼠胰岛素抵抗、血脂和氧化应激作用比较研究
2.Clinical Observation of 101 Cases of Hyperprolactinemia Treatmented with Bromocriptine溴隐亭对高泌乳血症101例治疗观察
3.Follow-up and Analysis of Prolacatinomas after Bromocriptine Treatment泌乳素垂体腺瘤口服溴隐亭的随访分析
4.The Research Development of Bromocriptine in the Treatment of Prolactinomas溴隐亭治疗垂体泌乳素腺瘤的研究进展
5.Different serum prolactin levels after oral administration of bromocriptine in liver cirrhosis patients溴隐亭对肝硬化患者催乳素水平的影响
6.Aim To establish an HPLC for determination the content of bromocriptine mesylate Tablets.目的建立高效液相色谱法测定甲磺酸溴隐亭片的含量。
7.A randomized, double-blind trial of bromo-criptine efficacy in nonfluent aphasia after stroke一项关于溴隐亭治疗卒中后非流利性失语疗效的随机双盲试验
9.The Comparative Research on Microprolactinoma Treated with Transsphenoidal Surgery, Bromocriptine, and Gamma Knife;催乳素微腺瘤经蝶手术、溴隐亭与伽玛刀治疗的对比研究
10.Study of Estrus Induction with Bromocriptine and Cloprostenol on Tibetan Mastiff应用溴隐亭和氯前列烯醇对藏獒诱导发情的研究
11.Effect of Kidney-Replenishing Herbs on the Morphous of Corepus Luteum in the Improved SD Rats Model of Bromocriptine-Induced Abortion补肾益气方对改良溴隐亭致大鼠流产模型黄体功能的影响
12.The other, a mere blur of light upon the darkness, indicated the position of the anchored ship.另一处亮光只是黑暗中隐隐约约的微光,表明大船停泊的位置。
13.His back had throbbed for the rest of the morning with a dull constant ache.他背上还是隐隐感到一阵阵钝痛,不停地痛了一个上午。
14.There seemed no end to the hidden enemies at whom he raved.他极力反对的隐蔽的敌人似乎还没有停止活动。
15.Study on Reversing HCC Multidrug Resistance Combination Therapy with Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Bromocriptine in Vitro and in Vivo;人肿瘤坏死因子α联合溴隐亭逆转肝细胞肝癌多药耐药性体内外实验研究
16.The Mechanism Whereby the Kidney Replenishing Herb Promote the Secretion of Prolactin and the Effect of This Herb on the NK Cells in the Model of Bromocriptine-induced Abortion;中药治疗溴隐亭致流产鼠影响PrRP及其受体的表达和NK细胞活性的研究
17.Bromocriptine Different Administration in the Treatment of Female Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia of Infertility;溴隐亭不同给药法在治疗女性特发性高泌乳素血症性不孕中的应用
18.Expression of Heparanase in Placenta in Spontaneous Abortion Rats with Bromocriptine and the Effect of LMWH乙酰肝素酶在溴隐亭致自然流产大鼠胎盘中的表达及低分子肝素的保护效应

Bromocriptine mesilate溴隐停
1.Study on the effects of bromocriptine mesilate and clomifene citrate onreproductive characters of broody hen;溴隐停与克罗米芬对鸡抱窝行为及醒抱后生产性能的影响
2.This experiment were researched into effect of clomifene citrate and bromocriptine mesilate on rate of laying hen performance,rate of hatchable egg,average egg weight,rate of double egg,rate of broken egg.5 mg,连喂4d,间隔4d再喂服克罗米芬4d,剂量不变;II组30只鸡,每只每天喂服溴隐停0。
1.Methods The expression of IL-2 receptor alpha chain(IL2Rαchain,CD25αchain) and adhesive molecules LFA-1(CD11) on the surface of T lymphocytes,which was stimulated by prolactin and bromocrytine(BRC),respectively or cosimultaneously,were detected by flow cytometry.方法PRL与溴隐停(BRC)分别和联合刺激培养的T淋巴细胞,利用流式细胞术检测刺激前后T淋巴细胞表面细胞因子受体IL-2Rα链(CD25α链)和粘附分子淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1,CD11)表达的变化情况。
1.Observation of the treatment of central high fever with Ergolactin;溴隐停治疗中枢性高热临床观察
2.[Methods] Four hundreds and fifty-three patients with hyperprolactinemia(HPRL) were randomly divided into TCM treatment group(366 cases treated with Shugan(dispersing the stagnated liver-QI) Qingre(clearing away heat) Huatan(resolving phlegm)) and ergolactin control group(87 cases).[方法]将453例HPRL患者随机分成两组,治疗组(366例)用疏肝清热化痰之中药组方治疗,对照组(87例)用溴隐停治疗,观察血中催乳素(PRL)和相关激素水平及临床症状体征变化情况,并进行随访。
1.The Application of Bromocriptine for Female Hyperprolactinemia and Infertility (A Report of 46 Cases);溴隐亭治疗女性高泌乳素血症并不育46例分析
2.Bromocriptine inhibits adjuvant arthritis in rats;溴隐亭对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的影响
3.Effect of Bromocriptine and its mechanism on the fertility in the mouse;溴隐亭对小鼠生育的影响及其作用机理

溴麦角隐亭片药物名称:溴麦角隐亭片英文名:Bromocriptine别名: 保乳调 ,溴隐亭 ,溴麦亭、溴麦角隐亭、溴麦角环肽 ,抑乳停,麦角溴胺,α-麦角隐亭外文名:Bromocriptine ,PARLODOL适应症: 临床用于治疗帕金森病,治疗与催乳素有关的生殖系统功能异常,如闭经、溢乳症、经前综合征、产褥期乳腺炎、纤维囊性乳腺瘤、男性阳萎或性欲减退。还可用于肢端肥大症及垂体腺瘤等。 用量用法: 口服:治疗帕金森氏病:每日15~30mg或20~40mg,分3次口服。 用于闭经、溢乳症,从每日1.25mg/次开始,逐渐增大剂量直至每日7.5mg,分3次于睡前或进餐时服。 用于肢端肥大症:从每日1.25mg剂量开始,一般增至每日15~20mg,分2~4次服。 注意事项: 不良反应呈剂量依赖且有可逆性。但一些病人用任何剂量都可发生恶心、呕吐及体位性低血压。常见鼻卡他症状。大剂量时可出现精神病变化。个别病人有小腿痉挛,肢体发冷,心动过缓或急性左心衰竭等。视力模糊、肝功能障碍、胃肠道出血等不良反应也有报道。 禁用于严重心绞痛、重度精神病史、周围血管病、溃疡病及肝脏病患者。妊娠期妇女不宜使用。灰黄霉素可降低本品对肢端肥大症的疗效。 规格: 片剂:2.5mg/片。 类别:生殖系统药/退奶药及抗乳腺小叶增生药