1.Inventory of China's Legal Government in 20082008年中国法治政府建设大盘点
2.Though utilizing the characteristic of Visual FoxPro in develop of application ,we design a manage system about inventory of petroleum products in Fushun No.利用VisualFoxPro在应用程序开发上的特点 ,设计出石油二厂油品盘点数据库管理系统 ,由计算机来代替人工执行一系列操作 ,使统计人员可以轻松快捷地完成油品盘点管理的任务。

1.8 print out control sheet inventory checking list, and two-ply inventory cards.列印盘点控制表,盘点清单及盘点卡一式二联。
2.1 inventory cards second copy should be arranged in sequential order on the day of inventory taking.盘点卡第二联于盘点当日须立即排序。
3.Close up shop and stop Business for yearly stocktaking.年底盘点,关店歇业。
4.Closed For Stock-Taking今日盘点,暂停营业
5.Business at a standstill for stocktaking.商品盘点,暂停营业
6.take stock(of sth)(in a shop,warehouse,etc)(商店、仓库等)盘点存货.
7.Stock-taking today. Business as usual tomorrow.今日盘点,明日照常营业。
8.net identifiable assets acquired已收购可盘点净资产
9.fair values of the net identifiable assets可盘点净资产公允价值
10.Closed for stock-taking today and tomorrow.今明两天盘点,暂停营业。
11.year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表
12.Trade Between China and Canada: A Summary from 1990 to 2006;中加贸易盘点:1990-2006
13.Optimize the Inventoy of Drug Phanuacy Inventory Data Processing by Excel Software利用Excel软件优化药房药品盘点盘点数据处理
14.The period inventory system is also called the physical inventory system because it relies on the actual physical count of inventory.定期盘存制由于需要依靠实地盘点,因而亦称为实地盘点制。
15.Taking a physical inventory means making a systematic count of all merchandise on hand.存货的盘点是指对所有库存商品进行系统的盘点
16.9 department heads must check the sequential number of inventory checking list and inventory cards.各课长必须检查及核对存货盘点清单及盘点卡之流水号码。
17.Merges a pack with the in-focus pack.将磁盘组与处于焦点的磁盘组合并。
18.deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust.厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。

Drug checking药品盘点
3)Dynamic checking program动态盘点
4)Stocktaking mode盘点方式
5)cultural inventorying文化盘点
1.This paper begins with an ontological exposition about urban culture,proceeds with antypological analysis of spatial culture and cultural inventorying of urban space,thus expounds and prop.文章通过城市空间文化的本体述要、城市空间文化的类型学分析和城市空间的文化盘点,深入探讨并提出了保护与建构城市空间文化或文化的城市空间的具体对策和途径。
6)inventory manage盘点管理
1.On the base of successfully developing a MRPII software system,the author researched inventory manage s strategy and the software developement.在成功开发一套MRPII软件系统的基础上 ,本文对整个盘点管理策略及软件开发进行了研究。

盘点1.检查清点。 2.今亦指清点存货。