1.Sixteen kinds of drugs as possible antidotes were administered respectively to the mice at different dosages and time, and by different ways.为研究多噻烷急性中毒的解毒药物 ,首先建立小鼠多噻烷急性中毒模型 :给小鼠 50 %的多噻烷 2 50mg/kg(LD50 189 3mg/kg) ,经口灌胃染毒 ,使其引起重度中毒 ,选用 16种药物 ,以不同的剂量、时间和途径给药。

1.an antidote for snakebite;毒蛇咬伤的解毒药
2.An antidote against poison, especially a confection formerly held to be an antidote to all poisons.解毒药解除毒性的解毒剂,尤指用来对付一切毒药的解毒膏
3.A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.解毒药,解毒剂用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂
4.an antidote against snake-bites, malaria, food poisoning蛇咬、 疟疾、 食物中毒的解毒药.
5.Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗?
6.Analysis of the Relation of Clearing Heat and Expelling Miasma medicine and antivirus medicine浅析清热解毒药与抗病毒之间的关系
7.This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药
8.Study of Toxic Theory of the Peptides Toxins from Amantia Fuliginea and Pilot Study in Alexipharmic for These Toxins;灰花纹鹅膏菌毒素毒理研究及解毒药物初探
9.Studies of Cell DNA Damage Induced by Febrifuge and Detoxifying Herbs;清热解毒药对细胞DNA的损伤性研究
10.Research on the Levels and Speciations of Eight Mineral Elements in Chinese Herbal Medicine of Clearing Away Heat and Toxic Material八味清热解毒药中矿物元素水平及形态的研究
11.Antidote: Remedy to counteract the effects of a poison or toxin.解毒剂: 抵消毒药或毒物效果的药品。
12.A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison.解毒剂一种药物复合剂,以前用于解毒
13.The Chinese patent drug "Ganmao Chongii"(granular infusion for influenza) can clear away heat and toxic materials.中药感冒冲剂,清热解毒。
14.Make: Harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine, or the effect that cites drug, or alexipharmic, or add curative effect.使:调和众药药性,或引药的作用,或解毒,或增疗效。
15.Democracy is the antidote to terrorism.民主是消除恐怖主义之毒的解药。
16.Determination of paeoniflorin in Qingwen Jiedu tablets by RP-HPLCHPLC法测定清瘟解毒片中芍药苷的含量
17.The Analysis of Zhuang Folk Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Modern Medicine′s Advantages in Wind Disease Treatment壮 中 西医药治疗风毒病优势解析
18.Degradation of Organophosphorus Insecticides on Chinese Cabbage Using Detoxifying Enzyme解毒酶对小白菜中有机磷农药降解作用的研究

1.Antidotes play an important role in cure of poisoning.解毒药物在中毒患者救治中具有重要作用。
4)anti antidote抗解毒药
5)Wound healing delay解毒洗药
6)antipyretic-detoxicate drugs清热解毒药
