1.Determination of Baicalein,Baicalin and Chlorogenic Acid by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis;区带毛细管电泳法测定黄芩甙元、黄芩甙和绿原酸
2.Determination of Baicalein,Baicalin,Chlorogenic Acid and Caffeic Acid in Sanjing Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid by Capillary Electrophoresis;毛细管电泳测定三精双黄连口服液中的黄芩甙元、黄芩甙、绿原酸和咖啡酸
3.Study on the Inhibitory Activity, in vitro , of Baicalein and Baicalin against Skin Fungi and Bacteria;黄芩甙元和黄芩甙对皮肤真菌与细菌抑制作用的研究

1.Determination of Baicalein,Baicalin and Chlorogenic Acid by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis;区带毛细管电泳法测定黄芩甙元、黄芩甙和绿原酸
2.A Study of Effect and Mechanism of Baicalin on Human Hepatocellular Line BEL-7402 in Vitro;黄芩甙对肝癌细胞体外作用及机制的实验研究
3.Protective Effects of Baicalin on Severe Acute Pancreatitis黄芩甙对重症急性胰腺炎保护作用的研究
4.Inhibitory effects of Baicalin on proliferation of hepatic stellate cells and synthesis of extracellular matrix黄芩甙抗肝星状细胞增殖及胶原合成的作用
5.Extraction of Baicalein in Scutellaria Baicalensis by Enzymic Dissolution and Alcohol黄芩酶解及黄芩苷元乙醇提取工艺研究
6.The Contrastion of Inhibitting Effects of PNS, Astragalus, Baicalin and Danshensu on Experimental Hepatic Fibrosis;三七总皂甙、黄芪、黄芩甙和丹参素抗实验性肝纤维化的疗效对比及作用机制探讨
7.sucrose at 2% and glucose at 3% or 4% did not favor accumulation of baicalin;蔗糖为2%,葡萄糖为3%或4%时,都不利于黄芩甙的积累;
8.Effects of Scutellarin on Contents of cAMP in Hypothalamus and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Rabbits With Fever野黄芩甙对发热家兔下丘脑及脑脊液中环磷腺苷含量的影响
9.Synthesis of New Polaring Macroporous Adsorption Resins and Research on Adsorption Properties for Baicalin;新型极性大孔吸附树脂的合成及其对黄芩甙吸附性能的研究
10.The Experimental Study on Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Scutellairin;野黄芩甙抗炎作用的实验研究及半数致死量测定
11.Effects of baicalin on L-type calcium current and trigged arrhythmia in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes黄芩甙对大鼠心室肌细胞触发性心律失常的影响及其机制
12.Effects of Breviscarpin on Excitatory Amino Acid in Hippocampus of Rats Following Transient Cerebral Ischemia黄芩素甙对脑缺血后大鼠海马组织兴奋性氨基酸含量的影响
13.Protective effects of Baicalin on oxidative stress in rats with severe acute pancreatitis黄芩甙对重症急性胰腺炎大鼠胰腺氧化应激的保护作用
14.Effect of Baicalin on expression of ICAM-1 and P-selectin in rats with severe acute pancreatitis黄芩甙对重症急性胰腺炎大鼠胰腺ICAM-1和P-选择素表达的影响
15.Effects of baicalin on TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-10 in rats with severe acute pancreatitis黄芩甙对重症急性胰腺炎TNF-α、IL-6及IL-10的影响
16.Study on Effects of Astragalus Polysaccharide and Baichlin on Growth Performance, Blood Indicator and Immune Action in Weaned Piglet;黄芪多糖和黄芩甙对断奶仔猪生产性能、血液指标和免疫机能影响的研究
17.Technique Improvements of Severe Acute Pancreatitis Model Establishment and Experimental Study on Protective Effects of Baicalin Treatment in Severe Acute Pancreatitis in Rats;重症急性胰腺炎大鼠模型制备技术改良及黄芩甙保护机制实验研究
18.Inhibition of Baicalin on poly ADP-ribose polymerasein rats with severe acute pancreatitis黄芩甙对重症急性胰腺炎大鼠胰腺聚ADP-核糖聚合酶活性的抑制作用

1.Study of Renoprotective Effect of Baicalein on Rats with Diabetic Nephropathy;野黄芩甙元对糖尿病大鼠肾脏保护作用的研究
1.Anti-bacterial Finishing on Silk by Natual Plant- Baicalin;黄芩甙在真丝上的抗菌整理研究
2.Determination of Baicalein,Baicalin and Chlorogenic Acid by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis;区带毛细管电泳法测定黄芩甙元、黄芩甙和绿原酸
3.Study on Extracting Process of Baicalin from Scutallaria baicalensis Georg.;黄芩中黄芩甙的提取工艺研究
1.Baicalin-Zn is a crude extraction of Radix Scutellariae, and the complex of metal ion Zn and Baicalin.黄芩甙锌(Baicalin-Zn)为天然药物黄芩的粗提物黄芩甙和金属离子锌的络合物,黄芩甙锌在药理学方面作用广泛,如具有抑制脂加氧酶、清除超氧自由基、对红细胞膜自氧化损伤的保护、抗炎抗变态反应、提高机体的免疫力等作用。
1.Objective To study the antipyretic action of scutellarin on fever in rabbits.目的探讨中草药黄芩茎叶提取物—野黄芩甙对发热家兔的解热作用。
2.Objective: Our aim was to study the antipyretic mechanism of scutellarin.目的:从中枢发热介质的角度探讨野黄芩甙的解热机制。

黄芩甙元[中文名称] 黄芩甙元[英文名称] baicalein[别 名][化学名称] 4h-1-benzopyran-4-one,5,6,7-trihydroxy-2-phenyl-[分 子 式][分 子 量] 270.23[物理性质] 黄色针状结晶(乙醇),分解点264~265℃。溶于乙醇、甲醇、乙醚、丙酮、醋酸乙酯和热冰醋酸,微溶于氢仿和硝基苯,几乎不溶于水。溶于稀氢氧化钠呈绿棕色。溶于浓硫酸呈黄色并显绿色荧光。亮黄色针状结晶,熔点268~272℃(甲醇)。[成分分类][药理作用] 1.抗炎抗变态反应作用黄芩甙元对豚鼠离体气管过敏性收缩及整体动物过敏性气喘有缓解作用。并与麻黄碱作用协同。黄芩甙元的磷酸钠盐较硫酸钠盐作用强。黄芩甙元能抑制离体气管及回肠的 sehuliz-dale反应,对豚鼠被动性皮肤过敏反应、组织胺皮肤反应亦表现抑制。在抗变态反应方面,作用较黄芩甙强。黄芩甙元能抑制过敏性浮肿及炎症。能降低小鼠耳毛细血管的通透性。将黄芩甙元与半胱氨酸合用,化学介质的释放并不减少。表明黄芩甙元是通过抑制巯基酶和减少抗原抗体反应时化学介质的释放量,床抑制变态反应。 2.抗菌作用用黄芩甙元进行抑菌试验,结果有显著抗菌作用。体内试验证明较高浓度的黄芩甙元能抑制阿米巴原虫的生长。 3.利胆作用黄芩甙元能增加犬、兔胆汁排泄量,并比黄芩甙明显。 4.利尿作用: 黄芩甙元静注可使麻醉兔尿量增多。小鼠腹腔注射黄芩甙元也有利尿作用,且强于黄芩甙。 5.降胆固醇作用黄芩甙元能降低实验大鼠肝脏的总胆固醇、游离胆固醇和甘油三酯水平。[毒 性][不良反应][用 途][成分来源] 唇形科植物黄芩 scutellaria baicalensis georqi 根,并头草 s. scrodiifolia fisch. (s.galericulata l.)叶和根,紫葳科植物木蝴蝶 oroxylum indicum (l. )vent.种子、茎皮,车前科植物大车前 plantago major l. 叶。