毕格犬,Beagle dogs
1)Beagle dogs毕格犬
1.Pharmacokinetics of N,N-diacetylcystine in Beagle dogs;N,N-双乙酰胱氨酸在毕格犬体内的药动学
2.Pharmacokinetics of fructose 1,6 diphosphate magnesium in Beagle dogs;1,6-二磷酸果糖镁在毕格犬体内的药动学研究

1.Study on Extruded Feed of Beagle and Rhesus;实验动物(毕格犬、猕猴)膨化饲料的研制
2.One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings.毕尔格猎犬一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹
3.My dog is a Scotch terrier.我的狗是苏格兰小猎犬。
4.Pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel tablets in beagle dogs氯吡格雷片比格犬体内的药物动力学
5.Canine teeth large, strong, broken teeth not to be faulted.典型大犬齿,有力。断齿不是不合格。
6.small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland.在苏格兰培育的白色长毛小猎犬。
7.hound's tooth check rayon all-round pleated-skirt人造丝犬牙格子花纹周围褶裥裙
8.Determination of Plasma Concentration of Glimepiride in Beagle Dogs by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定比格犬血浆中格列美脲的浓度
9.Expression and Identification of Human Anti-Rabies ScFv-Fc in Pichia Pastoris;人抗狂犬病毒小分子抗体ScFv-Fc在毕赤酵母中的表达与鉴定
10.The Light of Dignity Illuminating the Darkness of Cynicism--Comment on Bi Feiyu's Novel Massage穿越犬儒主义黑暗的尊严之光——评毕飞宇的小说《推拿》
11.a red-and-white breed slightly smaller than the English springer spaniel.红色和白色品种,比英国斯伯林格斯班尼犬略
12.Britain has very strict quarantine laws for animals to stop the spread of rabies.英国对防止狂犬病制订了很严格的检疫法律。
13.Acute toxicity of lefucoxib in rats, mice and Beagles小鼠、大鼠和比格犬乐福昔布的急性毒性研究
14.Toxicity of glufosfamide in Beagle dogs following intravenous injection葡膦酰胺静脉给药对比格犬的毒性作用
15.Comparative Analysis of Hemorheology Indexes Between Beagle Dog and Human比格犬和人血液流变学指标的比较分析
16.Effect of percutaneous coronary microembolism on dog heart function经皮冠脉内微栓塞对比格犬心功能的影响
17.Preparation and Pharmacokinetics in Beagle Dogs of Gliclazide Osmotic Pump Controlled-release Tablets格列齐特渗透泵控释片的制备及犬体内药动学
18.Pharmacokinetics of gliclazide osmotic pump tablets in Beagle dogs格列齐特渗透泵片在Beagle犬体内的药动学

1.Effects of Exogenous Hormone on Extrus and Pregnancy in Anestrus Beagle Bitches;外源激素对间情期毕格犬发情及妊娠的影响
2.Study on Extruded Feed of Beagle and Rhesus;实验动物(毕格犬、猕猴)膨化饲料的研制
3.METHODS:After 8 healthy grown-up Beagles were anesthetized,a catheter was inserted to the Treitz ligament of duodenum,654-2 was injected through the veins,and different contrast agents including pure water and milk and 10 mL/L angiografin were infused through the catheter.方法:8条健康成年毕格犬麻醉后,插管至十二指肠屈氏韧带以下,静脉注射654-2,经导管注入不同的对比剂:纯水、纯牛奶、10 mL/L泛影葡胺后行MSCT扫描,平扫结束后行增强扫描。
3)Beagle's dog毕格犬实验
4)beagle dog比格犬
1.Comparison of toxicities of breviscapine in Beagle dogs and monkeys;注射用灯盏花素在比格犬与食蟹猴的体内毒性比较
2.Determination of vinflunine in Beagle dog′s plasma by LC-MS and study of its pharmacokinetics;LC-MS法测定比格犬血浆中长春氟宁浓度及其药代动力学
3.Determination of pirfenidone in Beagle dog′s plasma by HPLC-UV and study of its pharmacokinetics;HPLC-UV法测定比格犬血浆中吡非尼酮浓度及其药代动力学
1.Effect of Diets with Different Contents and Ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus on the Blood Chemistry of Growing Beagles;日粮不同的钙磷含量和钙磷比对生长阶段比格犬血清生化指标的影响
2.Using routine pathological methods, five Beagles dogs that had been artificially infected with Ehrlichia were examined.用常规病理学方法 ,对 5只人工感染埃立克体 (Ehrlichia)的比格犬进行病理解剖学和病理组织学观察。
6)Beagle dogs比格犬
1.Estrus Induction of Diestrous Beagle Dogs Used Diethylstilbestrol;乙烯雌酚对间情期比格犬发情的诱导
2.Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of cantharidin in beagle dogs斑蝥素在比格犬体内的药代动力学和口服生物利用度研究
3.Objective To investigate the relationship of hemorheological parameters between Tibet mini-pigs,Beagle dogs and human.目的探讨西藏小型猪、比格犬与人血液流变学指标的相互关系。
