1.Orbifloxacin Effect on Pathogenic Bacteria of Aquatic in vitro;奥比沙星对水生生物病原菌的体外抑菌作用
2.This has established the examination method and the organization sample preparation method on Orbifloxacin in the rabbit blood plasma and organization by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC) after having studied rabbit single dosage intramuscular injection Orbifloxacin 10mg/kg b.本文研究建立了奥比沙星在兔血浆和组织中反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)检测方法和组织样品处理方法,研究了兔单剂量肌肉注射奥比沙星10mg/kg b。
3.Orbifloxacin is one of new animal special-purpose pharmaceutical on the market.奥比沙星是第三代氟喹诺酮类动物专用抗菌药物,国外将该药用作治疗猪、牛等家畜的肺炎与腹泻的特效药。

1.Study on Optimization in the Preparation and Formulation of Orbifloxacin Nano-liposome奥比沙星纳米脂质体制备工艺及处方优化研究
2.Studies on Pharmacokinetic and Tissue Residues of Orbifloxacin in Rabbits奥比沙星在兔体内的药物动力学与残留消除规律研究
3.The Research of Antibacterial Activities and the Best Matching of Ornidazole and Pefloxacin Against Periodontal Pathogen;奥硝唑联用培氟沙星对牙周致病菌的抑菌作用及最佳配比研究
4.The Clinical Observation of Treating Cervical Erosion Using Resombinant Human Interseron @-Za in Suppository orm, Norfloxaction and Microwave;奥平、诺氟沙星配合微波治疗宫颈糜烂临床观察
5.The Olympics were telecast live via satellite.奥运比赛经由人造卫星做实况转播。
6.Comparison of dissolution of sparfloxacin tablets in vitro from different pharmaceutical factories不同厂家司帕沙星片体外溶出度比较
7.Pharmacoeconomical Analysis of Gatifloxacin and Levofloxacin in Impenetrate Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection加替沙星和左氧氟沙星序贯治疗尿路感染的成本-效果比较
8.Levofloxacin eardrops versus ofloxacin eardrops in treating otitis media or otitis externa左氧氟沙星与氧氟沙星滴耳液治疗中耳炎、外耳道炎的比较
9.Pazufloxacin vs.Levofloxacin for respiractory tract infections:A Meta-analysis of curative effect帕珠沙星与左氧氟沙星治疗呼吸系统感染疗效比较的Meta分析
10.Clinical Study of Moxifloxacin and Gatifloxacin for Treating Women's Urinary Tract Infection莫西沙星与加替沙星治疗女性尿路感染的疗效比较
11.Comparison of Therapeutical Effects of Gatixacin and Levofloxacin in Treating Urinary Tract Infection加替沙星与左氧氟沙星治疗泌尿系统感染的疗效比较
12.Comparative study of the clinical features between gatifloxdcin and levofloxacin in the treatment of multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis加替沙星与左氧氟沙星治疗耐多药肺结核对比研究
13.Stability of Gatifloxacin for Injection or Levofloxacin for Injection in Ornidazole and Glucose Injection注射用加替沙星及左氧氟沙星与奥硝唑葡萄糖注射液配伍稳定性考察
14.Beach volleyball has become an official event of the Olympic Games.沙滩排球已成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。
15.I mean, more than Shaq and Duncan?我的意思是:比沙克(奥尼尔)和(蒂姆)邓肯都多哦。
16.CONCLUSION Gatifloxacin for injection can be mixed in ornidazole sodium chloride injection.结论:加替沙星与奥硝唑氯化钠注射液可以配伍使用。
17.Sunday's final of beach volleyball Brought a pair of Olympic contenders to center stage.星期天的沙滩排球赛,一对奥运选手是人们关注的焦点。
18.Detecting the Dynamic Releasing of Ornidazole and Pefloxacinmesylate Sustained-release Periodontal Suppository in Vitro and Vivo;奥硝唑甲磺酸培氟沙星缓释牙栓体内外释放度的测定

1.The floxacin of FQNS have a lot of similarity in the mother structure, and the old route of their synthesis have many drawbacks such as more steps, time consuming, more foreign matter and poor yield.沙星类氟喹诺酮类药物在母环结构上有很大的相似性,以往喹诺酮类药物的合成步骤较多,反应时间较长,杂质较多,最后产品收率较低。
3)Flucloxacillin Na氟沙星 ,奥佛林 ,氟氯苯唑青霉素钠
1.Preparation and Binding Characteristics of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Sarafloxacin;沙拉沙星分子印迹聚合物的制备及其吸附特性
2.Pharmacokinetic Studies of Sarafloxacin in Pigs;沙拉沙星在猪体内的药动学研究
3.Studies on Mutagenicity and Teratogenicity of Sarafloxacin;沙拉沙星的致突变性和致畸性研究
1.Determination of entrapment efficiency of oxaliplatin liposome and its release profile in vitro;奥沙利铂长循环热敏脂质体的包封率测定及体外释放考察
2.Effect of Docetaxel Combined with Oxaliplatin and Fluorouracil in Patients with Late Stage Gastric Cancer;多西紫杉醇联合奥沙利铂、甲酰四氢叶酸/5-氟尿嘧啶治疗晚期胃癌疗效分析
3.Effects of Shengmai injection combined with Oxaliplatin in treatment of liver metastasis from colon cancer;生脉注射液联合奥沙利铂抗结肠癌肝转移的作用

比沙,M.-F.-X.  法国医师。主要从事解剖学、病理学和外科学的研究,提出"组织"概念。1771年11月14日生于图拉列特,1802年卒于巴黎。早年在法国蒙彼利埃大学学医,后赴里昂在M.-A.帕蒂指导下学习解剖和外科,1791年到巴黎师从主宫医院首席外科医师P.德索,1795年成为该院的外科医生和教师。    18世纪医学研究的主要倾向在于从形态学上寻求疾病的所在和原因。他观察大量病人的临床表现,先后作过 600多例尸体病理解剖,并将尸检中所见的病变部位的变化与临床症状加以对照。1800年提出"组织"概念,认为人体由膜性组织、肌组织、神经组织等21种组织组成,每种组织都有不同的生物活性,一种致病因子一般只是侵及某一种特定的组织,使其生物活性减少而导致疾病,这是组织病理学的基本思想。同时,他也看到一种病变组织可能影响另一种不同的组织,认识器质性与非器质性病变的不同,强调为了认识疾病的本质应将临床观察与病理解剖相结合。主要著作有《生与死的生理学研究》(1800)、《论膜》(1800)、《应用于生理学和医学的普通解剖学》(1801)。