1.Countermeasures on Negligence of Navigation in Foggy Weather;雾航疏忽行为与相应对策
2.Crux and Countermeasures of Mental and Political Work of Northeast Sichuan Contract Workers Sent by Enterprises;从分析川东北西南钻井公司劳务派遣用工的基本现状入手,剖析了当前劳务派遣用工在管理上存在的难点,并就对劳务派遣用工的教育和管理提出了相应对策

1.The Influence of Joining WTO on the Agriculture of Henan Province and the Appropriate Countermeasures;加入WTO对河南农业的影响及相应对策
2.Preliminary Analysis and Countermeasures of the Open Level of Mid-west China;中西部对外开放水平浅析及相应对策
3.The university graduates employment psychological problems and corresponding countermeasures;大学毕业生就业心理问题与相应对策
4.On English Listening Obstacles and Solutions;浅析英语听力各阶段障碍及相应对策
5.On the Factors Influence Listening Comprehension and its Strategy;浅谈影响听力理解的因素及相应对策
6.Land-expropriating Compensation Regulation Design and the Legislative Solution for Conflicts;征地补偿标准存在的问题及相应对策
7.The problems and countermeasures of ecotourism in China;我国生态旅游存在的问题及相应对策
8.On the Reasons and Countermeasures of Students Injury in Sports;学生运动损伤的成因及相应对策研究
9.On problems in Chinese dairy market and solutions to them;我国奶业市场存在的问题及相应对策
10.Discussion about the theories on RMB exchange rate revaluing;试论人民币汇率升值理论及相应对策
11.The changes of outside environment and corresponding countermeasures of higher vocational education;高职教育的外部环境变化和相应对策
12.Analysis on Cause of Affecting Teaching Quality and Counter measures;影响教学质量的原因分析及相应对策
13.The Influence of Information Dissymmetry upon University Library Management and the Countermeasures信息不对称对图书馆管理的影响及相应对策
14.Chinese enterprises should seize the opportunity and meet the challenge with suitable countermeasures. \ \我国企业应采取相应对策 ,抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战
15.Development trend of rail transposition and countermeasures taken by Baotou Steel;铁路运输发展趋势及包钢所应采取的相应对策
16.The Influence of the Interest Group s Development on Legislation and Our Countermeasure;利益集团的发展对立法体制的影响及相应对策
17.Internet to Young People Thought Morals Influence and Countermeasure;互联网对青少年思想道德的影响及相应对策
18.Study on Cultirate the Internet Negative Influnce on the Youth and Ways to Deal with It;浅析网络对青少年的负面影响及相应对策

corresponding countermeasure相应对策
1.Have analyzed the current situation of the domestic plastics trade and question existing at present in detail in this text,expound accession to the WTO in fluence to plastics of China pros and cons of trade,and corresponding countermeasure that China should adopt.详细分析了目前国内塑料行业的现状与存在的问题 ,阐明了加入 WTO对中国塑料行业的利弊及影响 ,以及中国应采取的相应对
3)corresponding countermeasures相应对策
1.The existence question and corresponding countermeasures are discussed on the basis of the investigations of the different vertical type-area on which cropland is turned to the forestry in Shanxi province.通过对山西省不同立地类型区退耕还林实施情况调查,对该省退耕还林存在问题及相应对策做了探讨。
1.In this context it expatiate on the main issues existing in the SGAP and also offer the countermeasures to solve the problems.林业管理一直是我国林业发展的弱项,造成“两率”低的主要原因除技术问题或资金问题外,机制问题和管理问题也是重要的方面,本文阐述了中德财政合作辽宁朝阳生态造林项目管理存在的主要问题,提出了解决问题的相应对策
2.This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggests that the enterprises should enhance the product added value and strengthen management and the government should reinforce the construction of administrators and improve the quality of services.针对存在问题,要从企业提高产品附加值和强化经营管理控制入手,和政府层面上的加强队伍建设,提高服务质量等方面采取相应对策
6)relative adaptation strategy相对适应策略
1.This paper also proposes a relative adaptation strategy(RAS) which provides space for individual schemas which are potential and a redundant reproduction operator(RRO) that naturally improves the quality of descendant and increases the convergence .受生物进化思想启发,将基因编码的内容分为遗传信息与自适应学习两部分,构造了潜在维持并提高种群多样度的自适应学习算法(SALA),提出了为具有潜力的个体模式提供生存空间的相对适应策略(RAS),设计了能自然地提高子代质量、加快收敛速度的冗余繁殖算子(RRO),并从生物进化的角度分析了三者的合理性与有效性,从而形成了基于相对适应策略与冗余繁殖算子的可持续遗传算法(SGA)。

Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto games B一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l 一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物