1.Objective To evaluate the effects of short action hypnotics triazolam and zopiclone on simulated flight performance so as to provide experimental evidences for the use of these drugs in aircrew.目的利用飞行模拟器评价短效类催眠药三唑仑和佐匹克隆对模拟飞行工作能力的影响 ,为在飞行人员中应用提供有关实验依据。
2.The extrinsic and intrinsic factors should be excluded,the confused recognition of insomnia and the incorrect behavioral reply should be corrected,good habit of sleep should be established and hypnotics should be used rationally.失眠是临床常见的疾病,临床治疗失眠必须对因治疗,要排除引起失眠的外在因素和内在因素,纠正对睡眠的认知错误和由此引发的错误应对,建立良好的睡眠习惯,正确合理地使用催眠药物。

1.Chloral hydrate is a rapidly effective hypnotic.水合氯醛为一种作用迅速的催眠药
2.a sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse.有弊端作用的镇静、催眠药(贸易名Quaalude)。
3.Hypnotic is the choice drug which etiologically and semeiologically treats insomnia.【中英文摘要】催眠药物是对失眠症进行对因和对症治疗的首选药物。
4.the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate used as a sedative and a hypnotic.被用作镇静药和催眠药使用的一种巴比妥钠盐。
5.OBJECTIVE: To summarize the aspect of the research work and clinical application of non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs, and reflect the progress of this kind of drugs.目的:评价非苯二氮类催眠药作用研究和临床应用,反映催眠药进展的侧面。
6.A nonbarbiturate sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H15NO2.苯乙哌啶酮一种非巴比妥酸盐镇静剂和催眠药
7.Bottles doctored with sleep inducing were discovered in the bar.有人在这个酒吧发现了装有催眠药的瓶子。
8.Synthesis of New Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Zaleplon and Its Analogues;新型镇静催眠药扎来普隆及其类似物的合成
9.Investigation on the Use of Sedative-hypnotics in Out-patient in SRRS Hospital本院门诊处方镇静催眠药使用情况调查
10.Objective To make a preliminary study on the sedative and hypnotic effects of the water extract of Fructus schisandrae Chinensis.目的对北五味子水提取物镇静、催眠药理作用进行初探。
11.RP-HPLC assay for diazepam,clonazepam,estazolam,alprazolam and triazolam in human plasma反相高效液相色谱法同时测定人血清中5种镇静催眠药物浓度
12.Detection of Sedative Hypnotic Drugs in Health Products by LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS法定性检测保健品中非法添加的镇静催眠药
13.Simultaneous determination of 5 sedative hypnotics in human plasma by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography反向高效液相色谱测定法同时测定人血浆中5种镇静催眠药浓度
14.an anesthetic drug that has a hypnotic effect.有催眠作用的麻醉药品。
15.Medicine Hypnotize is Child CT Scan the Success key Measure药物催眠——小儿ct扫描成功的关键措施
16.These pills will relax you and make you sleep.这些药丸有镇静催眠作用.
17.Pharmacological Studies on the Sedative and Hypnotic Effect of Salidroside;红景天苷镇静催眠作用的药理学研究
18.Influence of Oyster on the Hypnotic Effect of Pentobarbital Sodium in Mice中药牡蛎对戊巴比妥钠催眠作用的影响

1.Objective To study the situation and tendency of hypnotics used in psychiatric hospital during 1996~2006.目的考察广州市精神病医院(下称我院)1996~2006年催眠药物的应用状况及变化趋势。
2.Objective: To analysis the situation of hypnotics used in psychiatric hospital.目的:了解催眠药物的使用情况及变化趋势。
3.The two drugs effected daytime MSLT parameters similarly Conclusions:Hypnotics could increase the level of daytime sleepiness significantly,.结论 :催眠药物可使失眠患者白天的困倦程度明显增高 ,这可能与药物的受体后效应有关 ,与药物种类的关系不大。
3)Medicine hypnotize药物催眠
4)sleeping draught安眠药;催眠剂
5)sedative hypnotic drugs镇静催眠药
1.OBJECTIVE: To introduce the aspect of clinical evaluation and progress in non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drugs.目的:介绍非苯二氮类镇静催眠药的研究进展与临床评价。
2.Total of 8 sedative hypnotic drugs illegally mixed into health products were simultaneously detected by LC-MS/MS.建立了同时检测保健品中非法添加的8种镇静催眠药的分析方法。
