1.Effect of Cranberry on the Antioxidant Function in Aging and Irradiated Mice;蔓越莓对衰老小鼠和辐照小鼠抗氧化功能的影响
2.Objective To study Anti-senility eliect and action mechanism of Cranberry , and to establish whether the cranberry could improve antioxidant effect.目的探讨蔓越莓对小鼠的抗衰老作用及机制,观察其是否能有效地改善机体的抗氧化能力。
3.The cultivation significance,the family,the genus,the growth habits,the application of cranberry,the development history in recent 400 years,and the actuality of cranberry industry(cultivation areas,yields,production values,main producing countries) were introduced.介绍了蔓越莓果树的栽培意义、科、属、生长习性、用途、近400 a来的发展历史、国内外发展现状(包括栽培面积、产量、产值、主要生产国、中国的生产现状)。

1.What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how?何种产业趋势较易影响蔓越莓之生产过程,并指出其如何影响?
2.Effect of Anti-Adhesion Activity on P-Fimbriated Escherichia Coli by Application of Different Cranberry Products in Vitro蔓越莓制剂抑制P菌毛阳性大肠埃希菌对红细胞黏附作用的研究
3.Luxurious and silky smooth Alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity-sweet cranberry sauce.如丝般嫩滑的阿拉斯加黑雪鱼点缀着香甜的蔓越莓酱,呈现出奢华的体验。
4.evergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of northern hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries.北半球常绿或落叶性灌木的一个属,浆果;蔓越桔;蓝莓。
5.blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes.几种蔓生黑莓丛的类似黑莓的果实。
6.These raisin-size fruits are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.枸杞:形状葡萄乾大小味道类似蔓月莓、草莓。
7.creeping European bramble bearing dewberries.欧洲的一种结露莓的蔓生悬钩子。
8.They planted out strawberry runners here.他们在这儿种植了草莓的藤蔓。
9.Look at the fresh cranberries.你看这些新鲜的蔓越橘。
10.Turkey reminds me of cranberry sauce.火鸡让我想起蔓越橘酱。
11.There's a lot of flu about people are going down like ninepins.流感正在蔓延--传染的人越来越多.
12.Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Raspberry Canes under Natural Overwintering Condition树莓自然越冬枝条生理生化特性研究
13.Actually I prefer canned cranberry sauce.事实上我更喜欢罐装的蔓越橘酱。
14.Study on Growth and Fruit Bearing of Raspberry Cultivar "Autumn Bliss" under Two Overwintering Conditions“秋福”树莓2种越冬条件下的生长结果特性
15.A short distance from Plimoth, you can visit Cranberry World.你可以参观离普利茅斯不远的“蔓越橘世界”。
16.Dates, cranberries and red grapes have high concentrations of antioxidants, he said.枣子、蔓越苺和红葡萄的抗氧化剂含量很高,他说。
17.The debt crisis spread beyond Latin America into Asia and Africa.债务危机越出拉丁美洲的范围,蔓延到亚非国家。
18.But it had a 9 million dollar surplus in cranberries.不过在蔓越橘上则有九百万美元的盈余。

cranberry (d-complex)蔓越莓右旋复合物
4)cranberry wax蔓越桔蜡
5)cranberry bush [ tree ][植]蔓越桔
6)partridge berry越桔;蔓虎刺
