1.Methods The da ta of different kind of antibiotics therapeutic dose and also the total antibiot ic consumption expressed as defined daily doses (DDD)/day/100bed]as well as res istance rate of P.方法计算8年来烧伤病区各类抗生素的累积每日约定剂量(DDD)和平均每日每百张床位所消耗的DDD数,以及同期导致烧伤感染的铜绿假单胞菌对8种抗生素的耐药水率,并对抗生素的使用量与耐药率进行相关分析。
2.Methods: The accumulative daily defined doses (DDD) of different kinds of antibiotics were calculat ed yearly in a 9-year period, and the constituent ratio of different kinds of antibiotic in total antibiotics consump tion as well as the ratio of drugs yearly consumption to that in the same period were evaluated.方法:以累积每日约定剂量(DDD)为单位统计1994年以来我院临床抗感染药物的使用情况,包括各类抗感染药物年度累积DDD总量,各类药物的构成比以及各年度累积DDD与1994年累积DDD定比值。
2)defined daily dose,DDD规定每日剂量
3)defined daily dose约定日剂量
4)Defined daily dose限定日剂量
1.Applying defined daily dose to pharmacoeconomics researches;限定日剂量在药物经济学研究中的应用
2.Methods The defined daily dose(DDD) system was used to analyze the DDDs and daily drug cost of hypnotics consumption in our hospital.方法采用WHO推荐的限定日剂量作为基本指标的分析方法,对我院催眠药物的用药频度、日用药金额等进行统计分析并排序。
3.METHODS: A classification statistic was performed on the application of antiacids and anti-ulcer agents in our hospital during 2003~2005 applying the methods of order of consumption sum and defined daily doses(DDDs) and according to different pharmacological categories and dosage forms;and the consumption sum,number of patients receiving medication were collected,ordered and analyzed.方法:采用药品金额排序法和限定日剂量法,根据不同药理类别与剂型对我院2003年~2005年抗酸药与抗消化性溃疡药进行分类统计,并对用药金额、用药人次等进行汇总、排序、分析。

1.Applying defined daily dose to pharmacoeconomics researches;限定日剂量在药物经济学研究中的应用
2.METHODS: To use DDD and DDDs recommended by WHO as the indexes,to analyze availability of antidepressive drugs.方法:采用世界卫生组织推荐的限定日剂量、应用频度为指标,分析抗抑郁药的利用度。
3.committed dose equivalent【核】约定剂量当量
4.Analysis and Countermeasure Research on the Standards for Banana Pesticides Residue Limits in the Positive List System of Japan日本“肯定列表”制度中香蕉农药残留限量标准分析及对策研究
5.The accurate measurement of doses, especially of radiation.剂量测定尤指辐射的剂量准确测定法
6.collective effective dose equivalent commitment集体有效剂量当量约定
7.Dosimetric Characteristics of Electron Circular Applicators电子束环形限光筒剂量学特性的测量
8.The average radiation exposure of occupationally exposed persons was 0.10 mSv against an annual statutory limit of 20.他们的平均辐照量为0.10毫希沃特(mSv),低于20毫希沃特的法定辐照年剂量限值。
9.volume-limited respirator容量限定型射流呼吸器
10.limited legal tender currency note有限量法定货币纸币
11.thermoluminescence dosimetry热致发光剂量测定法
12.neutron accident dosimetry事故中子剂量测定法
13.thermoluminescent dosimetry apparatus热致发光剂量测定仪
14.The dose commitment is not certain.剂量负担是不能肯定的。
15.Do not exceed the recommended dosage.不要超过规定的剂量.
16.hydrated electron dosimetry水合电子剂量测定法
17.In official recommendations, the range and quantity of insecticide used each season have been limited to what is needed.每季节杀虫剂的使用范围和使用量由官方规定,以保证限制在所需要的范围内。
18.Practice for characterization and performance of a high-dose radiation dosimetry calibration laboratory?高剂量辐射剂量测定标定实验室的特点和性能

defined daily dose,DDD规定每日剂量
3)defined daily dose约定日剂量
4)Defined daily dose限定日剂量
1.Applying defined daily dose to pharmacoeconomics researches;限定日剂量在药物经济学研究中的应用
2.Methods The defined daily dose(DDD) system was used to analyze the DDDs and daily drug cost of hypnotics consumption in our hospital.方法采用WHO推荐的限定日剂量作为基本指标的分析方法,对我院催眠药物的用药频度、日用药金额等进行统计分析并排序。
3.METHODS: A classification statistic was performed on the application of antiacids and anti-ulcer agents in our hospital during 2003~2005 applying the methods of order of consumption sum and defined daily doses(DDDs) and according to different pharmacological categories and dosage forms;and the consumption sum,number of patients receiving medication were collected,ordered and analyzed.方法:采用药品金额排序法和限定日剂量法,根据不同药理类别与剂型对我院2003年~2005年抗酸药与抗消化性溃疡药进行分类统计,并对用药金额、用药人次等进行汇总、排序、分析。
1.Methods: Consumption of antineoplastic drugs was analyzed by sum and DDDs ranking.方法:采用金额排序法和限定日剂量数排序法(DDDs排序法),对南京地区样本医院2004-2006年抗肿瘤药物用药金额、限定日剂量数进行统计分析。
2.Methods:According as the cost of the drug consumption?DDD and DDDs, we summarized the antibiotic application of our hospital in 2006.结论:抗感染药物从金额总体构成比和限定日剂量(DDDs)排序来看选用合理,但仍存在抗菌药物使用起点过高的情况。
3.METHODS: Enteral nutrition drugs used in our hospital from 2002 to 2005 were analyzed statistically with regard to DDD (defined daily dose), DDDs, retail price and daily drug expenses.方法:以限定日剂量(DDD)、用药人次(DDDs)、零售金额(万元)、每日药费(元)为统计指标,对我院西院区2002年~2005年胃肠内营养药物的应用情况进行初步统计、分析。
6)Defined daily dose(DDD)限定日剂量
1.Objective Analysis of the use of anti-infectives in our hospital during the period 2005~2007 by the defined daily dose(DDD)system.方法从医院计算机系统中提取2005~2007年抗感染药物的消耗数量和消耗金额,并采用WHO设定的限定日剂量(defined daily dose,DDD)方法计算我院抗感染药物的用药频度,并对每年各类抗感染药的采购金额和用药频度进行排序。
2.Defined daily dose(DDD) analytical method was used to analyze DDDs,consumption sum and DDC.方法:随机抽取我院2007年10~12月2 166张急诊处方,统计分析处方诊断涉及病种及处方数量前5位疾病的用药情况,并采用限定日剂量分析方法,统计分析处方用药频度、金额和日用药金额。

卵巢癌的大剂量和超大剂量化疗卵巢癌的大剂量和超大剂量化疗  此法系指把化疗的剂量强度提高到一个新的“极限”。主要的理论根据是目前的化疗可达到3~4个对数杀灭,已接近完全杀灭,如再增加几个对数杀灭,就有可能对许多病人达到治愈的疗效。超大剂量化疗则可获得5~7个对数杀灭,并对部分耐药肿瘤细胞有效。在卵巢癌超大剂量化疗时,可增加到第3剂量级,如卡铂为1200~1500mg/m2,环磷酰胺3.5~4.0g/m2,在这样大的剂量时,病人的骨髓抑制毒性很严重,需要支持治疗。支持疗法有①自身骨髓移植;②自身外周血造血干细胞移植和③促粒细胞生长因子应用。目前较易被人接受并且较易施行的支持疗法是自身外周血造血干细胞移植和促粒细胞生长因子的使用。大剂量化疗时,化疗药是常规用药量的2~3倍,骨髓抑制毒性的支持疗法常为促粒细胞生长因子治疗。超大剂量化疗时,化疗药是常规用药量的4~5倍,而骨髓抑制毒性的支持疗法是自身外周血造血干细胞移植和促粒细胞生长因子的联合使用。