1.METHODS Carbomer-940 and glycerol was used as the main materials to prepare the gel,triethanolamine was used to regulate pH,the content was determined by UV spectrophotometer and polarmetric analysis.方法以卡波姆-940、甘油为主要辅料,三乙醇胺调节pH值,制备泰麻鼻用凝胶,分别采用紫外分光光度法和旋光法对凝胶中氧氟沙星和盐酸麻黄碱的含量进行测定。
2.METHODS Carbomer-940 and glycerol was used as the main materials to prepare the gel,triethanolamine was used to adjust pH,the content was determined by UV spectro-photometer.方法以卡波姆-940和甘油作为凝胶基质和主要辅料,用三乙醇胺调节pH值,制备盐酸恩丹西酮鼻用凝胶剂,采用紫外分光光度法对凝胶剂中盐酸恩丹西酮的含量进行测定。
1.Application and Evaluation of Carbomer for Therapy in Multi-drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis;卡波姆含药凝胶在耐多药肺结核治疗中的应用与评价
2.An Experimental Study on Prevention of Scar Formation After Laminectomy by a SMB-Carbomer Gel;丹参卡波姆凝胶预防椎板切除术后瘢痕形成的实验研究
3.Sucrose acrylate is used as a crosslinking agent instead of the expensive sucrose ether, and potassium persulfate is used as a initiator to prepare carbomer in the water solution.用丙烯酸蔗糖酯代替价格昂贵的烯丙基蔗糖醚作为交联剂,用过硫酸钾为引发剂,在水溶液中反应制取卡波姆。

2.Clinical study of Liposic in treating dry eye patients立宝舒卡波姆眼用凝胶治疗干眼的临床观察
3.Cape aloe,carbomer,triethenolamine,comfrey,glycerine and anti-oxidants.芦荟角,卡波姆(一种凝胶剂),康复力花,甘油和抗氧化剂。
4.An Experimental Study on Prevention of Scar Formation After Laminectomy by a SMB-Carbomer Gel;丹参卡波姆凝胶预防椎板切除术后瘢痕形成的实验研究
5.Experimental Study of Carbomer Glaucoma Model in Rabbits by Injecting Different Location in Anterior Chamber前房不同部位注射复方卡波姆诱导兔慢性青光眼模型的实验研究
6.Preparation of carbopol modified curcumin liposomes and study adhesion in vitro卡波姆包衣姜黄素脂质体的制备及体外黏附性考察
7.Pascal Chimbonda was tortured by the returning Wayne Bridge.帕斯卡尔.齐姆波达被复出的韦恩.布里奇折磨。
8.Estimating ohmic resistance of PEMFC based on double Kalman filters应用双卡尔曼滤波算法估计燃料电池欧姆内阻
9.Uygur Muqam and Arabic Muqam in Persia have their own characteristics and can not be lumped together.维吾尔木卡姆音乐与波斯阿拉伯玛卡姆音乐各有其特点,不能混为一谈。
10.CHUINKAM, Simon KHOAM西蒙·霍亚姆·丘因卡姆
11.Qeshm is the largest Iranian island in the Persian Gulf, and home to100- thousand people.卡什姆是伊朗在波斯湾最大的岛屿,岛上有10万人居住。
12.Strike while the iron is hot. --Camden趁热打铁。——卡姆登
13.Many a little make a micelle. --Camden积少成多。——卡姆登
14.KaKa's father, Mr. Thomas卡卡的爸爸,汤姆斯先生
15.Establish Muqamology to Start New Situtation of Muqam Research;建立“木卡姆学” 开创木卡姆研究新局面
16.At a time when most of Russia's press has been muzzled by the Kremlin, Politkovskaya was a relatively rare dissenting voice.那段时间,俄罗斯的媒体基本上被克里姆林宫管制,波里科夫斯卡娅则是绝无仅有的不同声音。
17.As follows, the result are Philip Carter 1st, Sam Cohen 2nd, Sandra Postlethwaite 3rd.结果如下:菲利普?卡特第一名,萨姆?科恩第二名,桑德拉?波斯尔斯韦特第三名。
18.Hi, Carol! Where's Tom?你好,卡罗尔!汤姆在哪儿?

1.Application and Evaluation of Carbomer for Therapy in Multi-drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis;卡波姆含药凝胶在耐多药肺结核治疗中的应用与评价
2.An Experimental Study on Prevention of Scar Formation After Laminectomy by a SMB-Carbomer Gel;丹参卡波姆凝胶预防椎板切除术后瘢痕形成的实验研究
3.Sucrose acrylate is used as a crosslinking agent instead of the expensive sucrose ether, and potassium persulfate is used as a initiator to prepare carbomer in the water solution.用丙烯酸蔗糖酯代替价格昂贵的烯丙基蔗糖醚作为交联剂,用过硫酸钾为引发剂,在水溶液中反应制取卡波姆。
1.The Study of Carbopol gel Rhedogy Characterization and Effect Factors;卡波姆凝胶流变学特性及其影响因素研究
2.Preparation of carbopol modified curcumin liposomes and study adhesion in vitro卡波姆包衣姜黄素脂质体的制备及体外黏附性考察
3.05% carbopol as matrix for preparing scutellaria eye drop and to eatablish the quality control stardard.05%卡波姆为基质制备滴眼剂,建立质量控制标准,并观察对结膜炎、角膜炎等50例患者的治疗效果。
4)Carbomer 934卡波姆934
1.Methods Carbomer 934 and HPMC were used as gel matrixes and mixed with azone or oleate to prepare lappaconite hydrobromid gel.方法分别用羟丙基甲基纤维素和卡波姆934作为凝胶基质制备氢溴酸高乌甲素凝胶,并加入月桂氮酮或油酸作为经皮吸收促进剂,采用TK-12A型透皮扩散池测定并比较其吸收速率。
5)Carbomer 941卡波姆941
6)Carbopol 971PNF卡波姆971PNF
1.Preparation and in vitro Evaluation of Gastric Floating and Sustained-release Tablets Using Carbopol 971PNF;应用卡波姆971PNF制备胃内漂浮型缓释片及其体外评价

卡波姆【通用名称】卡波姆【其他名称】卡波姆 卡波姆 拼音名:Kabomu 英文名:Carbomer 书页号:2000年版二部-133 本品为丙烯酸键合烯丙基蔗糖或季戊四醇烯丙醚的高分子聚合物。按干燥品计算,含羧酸基 (—COOH) 应为56.O%~68.O%。 【性状】本品为白色疏松状粉末;有特征性微臭;有引湿性。 【鉴别】取本品0.1g,分散于20ml水中,加10%氢氧化钠溶液0.4ml,即成凝胶状。 【检查】酸度 取本品0.1g,均匀分散溶胀于10ml水中,依法检查(附录Ⅵ H),pH值应为2.5 ~3.5。 苯 取苯适量,精密称定,加对二甲苯制成每1ml中含10μg的溶液,作为对照品溶液;另取本品 约1g, 精密称定,置具塞试管中,加对二甲苯10.0ml,振摇使本品分散,加0.1mol/L氢氧化钠溶液10.0ml, 密塞振 摇1小时,取上清液作为供试品溶液。精密量取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各1μl,照气相色谱法(附录Ⅴ E)检 查,用3m玻璃色谱柱,担体为201红色担体(60~80目),以邻苯二甲酸二壬酯与有机皂土等量混合, 作为固 定液,涂布浓度为10%,在柱温100℃测定。含苯不得过0.01%。 干燥失重 取本品,在80℃减压干燥1小时,减失重量不得过2.O%(附录Ⅷ L)。 炽灼残渣 取本品1.0g,依法检查(附录Ⅷ N),遗留残渣不得过2.0%。 重金属 取炽灼残渣项下遗留的残渣,依法检查(附录Ⅷ H 第二法),含重金属不得过百万分之 二十。 黏度 取本品0.5g,均匀分散于98ml水中,待充分溶胀后,混匀,用15%氢氧化钠溶液调节pH值 至 7.3~7.8(用精密pH试纸测试),加水至100ml,混匀(避免产生气泡),依法测定(附录Ⅵ G 第二 法),在25℃ 时的动力黏度应为15~30Pa·S。 【含量测定】取本品约0.4g,精密称定,均匀分散于400ml水中,搅拌使溶解,照电位滴定法(附 录Ⅶ A),用氢氧化钠滴定液(0.25mol/L)滴定(近终点时,每次滴入后搅拌至少2分钟)。每1ml氢氧化 钠滴定液 (0.25mol/L)相当于11.25mg的—COOH。 【类别】药用辅料。 【贮藏】密封保存。