1.Anticoagulant effect of direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran on atrial fibrillation;直接凝血酶抑制药希美加群在心房颤动抗凝治疗中的应用
2.This article introduces the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of ximelagatran and gives a brief description of some relevant clinical trials.希美加群是一种新型的口服抗凝剂。
1.In oral formulation, ximelagatran converts to the active form melagatran in the body,which acts by binding reversibly to alpha-thrombin and inhibiting both free and clot bound thrombin.服给药后迅速吸收,与食物及其他药物相互作用较小,迅速转化为有效的活性中间产物美加拉群(melagatran),通过抑制人α-凝血酶的活性产生抗凝作用。
4)Sodium glyci-didazole希美纳
5)Greek aesthetics希腊美学
1.Mathematics has been playing a very important role in the development of Greek aesthetics.在希腊美学的发展历程中,数学发挥了极其重要的作用。

1.On the Constructive Function of Greek Aesthetic Soul Performed by Mathematical Spirit;论数学精神对希腊美学灵魂的建构作用
2.Conservative Cultivation and Opening Research --On Chinese Confucianism Aesthetics and Ancient Greek Asthetics;守成教化与开放求知——浅谈中国儒道美学与古希腊美学
3.Pursuing Metaphysics and Saving Consciousness--On Ancient Greek Aesthetic Spirit and Influence;形上追求与拯救意识——试论古希腊美学精神及其影响
4.″Learning law from nature″and″Copying nature″--View on Pre-Qin and ancient Greece aesthetics thinking;“道法自然”与“模仿自然”——先秦和古希腊美学思想管窥
5."To the beautiful Greek."“那个希腊美人。”
6.On the Aesthetic Joints of Greece-Roman and Medieval Times;希腊罗马和中世纪美学的几个关节点
7.On Aesthetics Ideology Embodied by Ancient Greece Engraving Art;论古希腊雕刻艺术所体现的美学思想
8.On Life Aesthetics of Ancient Greek Mythology;古希腊神人合一的自由精神——对古希腊神话的生命美学观照
9.Western Translation Theory in the Ancient Greek-Roman Period and Its Aesthetic Features古希腊罗马时期的西方译论及其美学之源
10.Ecological Aesthetics in Ancient Greco-Roman Mythology诗意地栖居:古希腊罗马神话中的生态美学
11."The beautiful Greek of yesterday."“昨天那个希腊美人。”
12.Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.古典美学信奉古希腊和古罗马艺术和文学体现的美学价值
13.With the influence of Hellenism, Greek and Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced.随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。
14.a student of ancient Greek and Latin.古希腊文和拉丁文学者。
15.It found Greek learning in Egypt also.埃及还有人学习希腊语。
16.modern, scientific, Greek thought现代、 科学、 希腊思想.
17.The Impact and Effect of Greek Religion to Greek Art and Literature;论希腊宗教对希腊文学、艺术的影响和作用
18.Scientific development made Greece painting three-dimensional space, and so became the origin of classical art.但科学的发展使希腊美术描绘了三度空间,成为了古典艺术的起源。

1.In oral formulation, ximelagatran converts to the active form melagatran in the body,which acts by binding reversibly to alpha-thrombin and inhibiting both free and clot bound thrombin.服给药后迅速吸收,与食物及其他药物相互作用较小,迅速转化为有效的活性中间产物美加拉群(melagatran),通过抑制人α-凝血酶的活性产生抗凝作用。
4)Sodium glyci-didazole希美纳
5)Greek aesthetics希腊美学
1.Mathematics has been playing a very important role in the development of Greek aesthetics.在希腊美学的发展历程中,数学发挥了极其重要的作用。
1.Objective:to study the effects of Ximeining on blood lipid and the tumor necrosis factorα(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)in serum of DM mice with hyperlipoidemia,and investigate its mechanism.目的研究希美宁对2型糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)合并高脂血症(hyperlipidemia,HLP)模型大鼠的血脂及肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factorα,TNF-α)的影响,并探讨其作用机制。
