1.Synthesis of ilomastat as a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor;基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂伊洛马司他的合成
2.Among these compounds,four of them exhibited similar inhibitory activities against MMP-2 and five of them showed similar inhibitory activities against MMP-9 comparing,respectively,with positive control,Ilomastat.本文设计合成了15个α-卤代丁二酰氧肟酸类新型基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂,经核磁共振氢谱和质谱进行了结构表征,并以伊洛马司他(Ilomastat)为阳性对照,分别测定了它们对基质金属蛋白酶MMP-2和MMP-9的体外抑制活性。
2)Trojan horse特洛伊马
4)Trojan horse特洛伊木马
1.Research on the concealing technology of Trojan horse;特洛伊木马隐藏技术研究
2.Study and Analysis of Trojan Horse;新型特洛伊木马技术的研究

1.Automatically removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.自动杀除病毒、虫和特洛伊木马
2.Is it a virus, a worm, a trojan?“它是病毒,蠕虫还是特洛伊木马?”
3.Research and Practice Based on Survivability of Trojan Horse;特洛伊木马可生存性研究及攻防实践
4.Design and Implementation of Dual-link Trojan Horses一种双链路的特洛伊木马设计与实现
5.Key Technology of Linux Trojan HorseLinux特洛伊木马关键技术研究
6.A Trojan virus, like a Trojan horse, is a program that appears safe-- but smuggles in a worm or virus.特洛伊病毒,就跟特洛伊木马一样,看上去安全——其实暗藏“杀机”。
7.1184 BC - Greeks enter Troy using the Trojan Horse (traditional).据传说在公元前1184年的今天,希腊人利用特洛伊木马进入特洛伊城。
8.The term Backdoor describes a specific group of Trojan Horses.任期后门描述的一个特定群体,特洛伊木马程式。
9.Trojan horse attacking strategy on quantum cryptography is investigated.研究了特洛伊木马对量子密码算法的攻击.
10.Research and Implementation on Real-Time Detection Mechanism of Troy Dynamic Link Library基于DLL的特洛伊木马实时检测机制研究与实现
11.Attackers often use tracking cookies in conjunction with Web bugs.攻击者使用它来传输病毒,蠕虫和特洛伊木马到用户的工作站。
12.The three common ways through which hackers attack are the Trojans, Through monitoring, Message Bomb.三种黑客的攻击方式分别是:特洛伊木马术、监听术、信息炸弹。
13.Trojan Horse or Babel Tower--On the Development of Multiculturalism in the U.S.Reflected in Crash;特洛伊木马还是巴别塔——从《撞车》看美国多元文化的发展
14.Trojan horse( person or thing used to harm an enemy or opponent,who wrongly believes he is being helped)特洛伊木马(用以使敌方或对手上当误以为于己有益的破坏性的人或事物).
15.Research is being described as the academic Trojan horse whose personnel have all but captured the city of the intellect.研究工作被描绘成学术领域的特洛伊木马计,其工作人员几乎已经占领了智力城。
16.We declared that the wooden horse would bring good luck to the Trojans.我们声明木马会给特洛伊人带来好运的。
17.Homer sang of Troy.荷马吟咏特洛伊城。
18.a large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War.特洛伊战争中希腊人留在特洛伊外的一尊巨大的空腹木马像(里面装着希腊士兵)。

Trojan horse特洛伊马
4)Trojan horse特洛伊木马
1.Research on the concealing technology of Trojan horse;特洛伊木马隐藏技术研究
2.Study and Analysis of Trojan Horse;新型特洛伊木马技术的研究
1.Trojan Invasion Mechanisms and Exploration of Protective Measures;特洛伊木马入侵机制及防护措施探讨
2.This paper introduces personal-firewall network datapacket intercepting technology on windows platform, including the principle, characteristics and shortcomings of NDIS-HOOK and intermediate NDIS driver, and explains how the Trojan horse penetrates the firewall in network communication.论文介绍了windows平台下个人防火墙常用的网络数据包截获技术(NDIS-HOOK技术和中间层驱动技术)的原理、特点和不足,以及特洛伊木马如何穿透各种基于不同数据包截获技术的个人防火墙,并以此为基础,提出改进个人防火墙的一些建议和设想。
3.In the recent years, malicious codes including Trojan, worm, virus, DDoS, spam, phishing, backdoor, rootkit, and spyware have threatened network information security, and more and more countries paid more attention to take active measures to protect network, and spent a lot of money and people to research and develop network information countermeasures technology .近年来,特洛伊木马、蠕虫、病毒、分布式拒绝服务攻击、垃圾邮件、网络仿冒、陷门和间谍软件等恶意代码己经成为网络安全领域面临的重要威胁并在世界各地引起了高度重视。
6)Trojan horse backdoor特洛伊木马后门
1.RootKits are Trojan horse backdoor tools that modify operating system software so that an attacker can keep access to and hide on a machine.RootKit是特洛伊木马后门工具,通过修改操作系统软件,使攻击者获得持续的系统访问权并隐藏在计算机中。
