1.An Analysis of the Low Affordability of Medicines and Drugs in China我国药品低可负担性原因分析
2)Social Obligations会性负担

1.Marketization,local unemployment rate and Social burdens of China Listed Companies;市场化进程、地区失业率与上市公司社会性负担
2.And then you have a vicious circle of more unemployment and fewer taxpayer to share the burden.那便会产生失业率越高、分担此负担的纳税人越少的恶性循环。
3.disencumber oneself of financial responsibilities, social commitments摆脱经济负担、 社会义务.
4.Alleviate enterprises' social Burdens减轻企业的社会负担
5.nontax payments非税性负担的支付金额
6.It isn't too heavy a burden for the industry to bear.对电影业来说也不会因负担过重而负担不了。
7.DALYs--A Comprehensive Index Be Used to Evaluate Burden of Disease and the Burden of Disease on Mental Disorders;疾病负担综合性指标DALYs及精神障碍的疾病负担
8.However, most women' s burden of housework is still an obstacle preventing them from playing a strong social role and making allround development.但女性的家务负担重,影响她们社会角色的竞争力和全面发展。
9.Study on the Anhui Province s Burden of Disease and Mutual Relationship between Mass Health and Social Economy;安徽省居民疾病负担及其与社会经济的相关性研究
10.Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart.恐慌会使血管收缩,增加心脏负担。
11.9.2 The Organizing Committee will cover the qualified competitors' board and lodge during the competition.(二)比赛期间的食宿费用由组委会负担。
12.I will indemnify you for any expenses you may incur on my behalf.我会偿付你为了我而负担的任何花费。
13.Tibet's taxation and corvee labor will be born by the whole society on an equal footing.西藏差役由全社会平均负担。
14.Congress endeavored to lighten the taxpayers' burden.国会努力减轻纳税人的负担。
15.Supernumeraries Unemployment, Social Burden and Efficiency of State-owned Enterprises;冗员失业、社会负担与国有企业效率
16.The Study of the Economic Burden on Chinese Rurual COPD Patients;农村慢性阻塞性肺疾病经济负担研究
17.Study of Comparison Between Load Funds and No-load Funds at Liquidity Redemption Risk;流动性赎回风险下的负担基金与非负担基金对比研究
18.From Social Burden to Social Responsibility - On the Social Responsibilities Burdened by TVEs in South Jiangsu;从社会负担到社会责任——论苏南乡镇企业所承担的社会责任

Social Obligations会性负担
3)Recessive Burden隐性负担
1.The issue of farmer s burden concerns the national economy, even the future of the nation, yet the recessive burdens are still heavy though the rational duties are generally dropping, therefore it seriously hinders the up-lifting of the living standard of farmers and the advance of agriculture, and brings about various social conflicts. 农民负担问题关系着国民经济的全局,甚至关系到中国的前途和命运,虽然国家政策规定的合理负担呈下降趋势,但大量隐性负担仍十分沉重。
4)Affordable Housing可负担住宅
1.Affordable Housing in the UK and Its Reference Significance;英国“可负担住宅”建设的经验及借鉴意义
5)policy burden政策性负担
1.Policy Burden,Moral Hazard and Soft Budget Constraint;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束
2.By introducing policy burden, a stochastic variable, into the Principal - Agent relationship, this paper clarifies the mechanism of SBC (Soft Budget Constraint) induced by policy burden.通过在标准的委托代理模型的生产技术中引入刻划政策性负担的随机变量,本文阐明了政策性负担引发软预算约束的机制;并阐明对委托人而言,采取把政策性负担从生产技术当中剥离,让代理人仅仅在市场不确定性下经营,而后委托人从代理人提供的资源当中划拨相应部分来消化政策性负担的方式,优于直接把政策性负担嵌入生产技术过程来消化的方式。
3.Since information asymmetry and incentive are incompatible,policy burdens will lead to the adverse selection of university presidents,and hence the excessive loans and low efficiency.高校所承担的政策性负担造成了高校软预算约束和超量贷款。
6)social burden社会性负担
1.Different from many studies focusing on in- ternal corporate governance,this paper tests whether exter- nal circumstances had any effect on political interventions as- sumed by listed companies,with the corporate employee scale as a proxy of its social burdens.与以往过多关注公司内部治理的研究不同,本文以上市公司雇佣规模作为社会性负担的代理变量,研究了公司外部环境对上市公司受政府干预的影响。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-