1.Progress in research work on application of phytoestrogen in cosmetics;植物性雌激素在美容护肤方面的研究进展
2.Studies on phytoestrogens and their applications in cosmetics were reviewed.本文详细介绍了植物性雌激素的化学结构,同时还对植物性雌激素在美容护肤方面的作用及其应用做了较为详尽的介绍。

1.Drug Used Characteristics and Prescription-Formulating Principle in TCM Cosmetology and Skin Care中医美容护肤方的用药特点及组方规律研究
2.Through the knowledge of beauty I've acquired in Amway, together with the quality beauty products, Amway has helped me realise my dream of becoming a beautician.在安利,我学习到丰富的美容知识,加上安利的美容护肤产品,有助我实现做美容导师的梦想。
3.Complimentary beauty Products & Treatment.附赠美容及护肤产品
4.Commissioner not only taste wine, but also of the effectiveness of cosmetic skin care.葡萄酒不仅味道甘美,而且具有护肤美容的功效。
5.FASHION NEWS, STREET SNAP, MAKEUP &SKIN CARE ALL IN HERE!!!!时尚,街拍,化妆,美容,护肤。。。所有的流行资讯都在这里。。
6.An Adjective walked by, with her dark beauty.一位形容词走过,她那黑色的皮肤很美。
7.Now the beautician is doing the last step- moisturizing.现在美容师正在做最后一步——润肤。
8.Super Beauty soap does no harm to skin.高级美容皂,对皮肤无刺激性。
9.Mechanism of actions of skin-whitening cosmetics and its formulation development美白护肤品作用机理及配方研发设计
10.Preparation of Beautiful Whitening Cream with Angelica Sinensis,Aloe and Liquorice当归、甘草、芦荟美白护肤霜的研制
11.The good water of good mountain give me pure well skin and the beauty face.好山好水给了我白皙的皮肤和美丽的容貌。
12.The Application Research of Autologous Skin Fibroblasts in Medical Cosmetology;自体皮肤成纤维细胞在医学美容中的应用研究
13.Research on Application and Foreground of Capsaicin in the Field of Skin Cosmesis辣椒素的皮肤美容作用及其应用的研究
14.The situation and prospect of cosmetic dermatology of government hospitals in Shanghai上海市公立医院开展皮肤美容的现状分析
15.Foot guard essence: It contains bio-grease, VE, VB and the other active factors. It can repair xerosis cutis, whiten and protect skin.护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、vb等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。
16.This refers to products that come in a series, for example the face series, body series, slimming series and so on.所指的系列产品例如:美容美肤系列、槊身系列等等。
17.It contains special whitening factors and can effectively clean and protect the skin.* 含特殊美白因子,具有很好的洁净功能和护肤美白作用。
18.FB products are for Professionals who have skin knowledge and can give professional advices on FB products according to your skin type.答:因为FB的产品很专业,需要有很多皮肤知识的美容师根据您的皮肤类型给您专业的建议。

TCM cosmetology and skin care formula美容护肤方
3)cosmetic dermatology皮肤美容
1.The Application of the "Prevention Diseases" of TCM s Concept to cosmetic dermatology;中医“治未病”思想在皮肤美容中的应用
4)Skin cosmesis美容皮肤科
5)Facial(or face)pack美容润肤膏
6)skin-whitening cosmetics美白护肤品
1.Mechanism of actions of skin-whitening cosmetics and its formulation development美白护肤品作用机理及配方研发设计
