1.Study on a Lead-leaching Technique of Brass Components;铅黄铜零部件表面除铅处理
2.A sort of lead-leaching solution used for cleaning out the lead at the surface of lead-brass components in potable water system has been developed successfully.研制了一种用于饮用水系统黄铜零件表面除铅除铅溶液,并开发了与之相关的黄铜零件表面除铅工艺。

1.Mechanisms of Melatonin in Improving Lead-induced Rat Learning and Memory Impairments;褪黑素消除铅中毒大鼠学习记忆障碍的机制
2.Study of adsorbability of modified fiber of buckwheat husk and its effects of lead removal荞皮改性纤维吸附能力及除铅效果的研究
3.Pattinson process帕廷森粗铅结晶除银法
4.Removing Cd,Pb,Tl,Zn from Crude Indium by Vacuum Distillation真空蒸馏除去粗铟中镉锌铊铅的研究
5.Study on the Removal of Pb~(2+) in Water by Manganese Oxide Coated Zeolite二氧化锰改性沸石去除水中铅的研究
6.container, industrial, of lead (excl. those fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)铅制工业容器(配备机械或热功设备者除外)
7.In this paper lead in industrial wastewater can be removed by scrap-iron fixed bed reactor.采用铁屑固定床反应器去除工业废水中的铅。
8.Removing Cd, Zn, Tl, Pb, Bi from Crude Indium by Vacuum Process真空法从粗铟中脱除镉锌铋铊铅的研究
9.Study on Removing Trace Lead and Zinc from Nickel Electrolyte by Continuous Ion Exchange Process;连续离子交换除镍电解液中微量铅锌的研究
10.Study on the Application of a New Decoppering Technique in Refining of Lead Bullion;一种除铜新工艺在粗铅精炼中的应用研究
11.The Research on Treatment of Copper、Zinc、Lead in Mined Soils by Bioleaching;生物淋滤技术去除矿区土壤中的铜、锌、铅研究
12.Removal and Influence of Copper Ion on Lead Electrowining in Alkaline Solution铜离子对碱液电积铅过程的影响及其去除
13.Research on removal of lead,chromium and cadmium in drinking water by KDF mediumKDF滤料去除自来水中铅、铬和镉的试验研究
14.Removal of lead,cadmium,iron,and manganese from mine water by potassium ferrate coagulation高铁酸钾混凝去除矿井水中的铅、镉、铁、锰
15.The Reconstruction of the Sintering Plants Ventilation System in a Lead and Zinc Smelt Plant某铅锌冶炼厂烧结车间通风除尘系统改造
16.Study on Heavy Metal Lead Removal from Aluminium polychlorid by Microelectrolysis微电解法去除聚合氯化铝中金属铅的研究
17.Study on eliminating plumbum in soy sauce by method of electroadsorption with chitosan film壳聚糖膜电吸附法去除酱油中铅离子的研究
18.Harmful exposures to lead can be created when lead-based paint is improperly removed from surfaces by dry scraping, sanding, or open-flame burning.在铅油画不恰当地用干擦,磨砂,或明火燃烧等方式从表面除下时会产生有害的铅。

lead removal除铅
1.The importance of lead removal of propolis,the sources of lead in propolis and the solutions to reduce lead content in propolis were introduced.简述了蜂胶除铅的重要性、蜂胶中铅的来源和降低蜂胶铅含量的方法。
3)Pb removal除铅
1.Ameans for Pb removal from nickel chloride leach liquor is pro-posed in this paper,An anion exchange resin was used to absorb Pb,Someresults on small pilot test are described such as sorption, elution and loa-ding capacity tests,After the puritication, Pb content in the nlckel chlori-de solutio.本文研究了用离子交换深度除铅的过程,选用国产环氧型弱碱性阴离子交换树脂(代号701),进行了吸附、再生、树脂工作交换容量测定及半工业试验净。
4)lead removal铅去除
1.Through imitative experiment research on lead removal of contaminated rivers and ditches by three kinds of media of unsaturated zone,it is found that lead in contaminated rivers and ditches can be removed and depurated by different media, and removal ratio of lead increases with depth Different media have different removal results:medium sand have a higher removal ratio than coarse sand.铅去除的机理为吸附和沉淀 。
5)Sulphur deleadization硫化除铅
6)removing lead ions from waste water废水除铅

粗锡结晶机除铅铋粗锡结晶机除铅铋removal of lead and bismuth from crude tin by crystallizer eux{j一eJ一ngjr ehuq一onbl粗锡结晶机除铅秘(removal of leada;、d bis-muth from erude tin by erystallizer)利)jJ锡的结晶温度和铅锡(钗锡)共晶熔点的不同,控制合适的温度从粗锡中除铅钞的过程,为锡火法精炼流程的一步作业。结晶法是使粗锡在连续温度梯度加热和冷_一粗_cu一_- 析出晶体连续升温熔成液体和将液体连续 组成(摩尔分数劝/%降温析出晶体,则晶体成分就沿AB线移 ·___10 20 30 4050 6070 8090动,直至B点得到纯锡;而液体的成分将沿 }600.502KL}Bc线移动,最后当温度降至456.3K时,即 “/sr丫令卜~火x。}得到接近共晶点成分含铅38.1%的Pb一sn 芝、7击Pb)1议一~~~~‘二升户岁‘绷缪·968K二元合金。这种二元合金通称为焊锡。 侧丁。卜一多尸一一一一,花不不一-溉甲f一十A一二一二’‘.‘--一’二”一‘‘’一‘几 函_}/钓。功入。“”(压筋3斗}从图2所示的Sn一Bi系相图可以看到, 1/。a_灿)\l在富锡侧形成。固溶体,且在412K有共晶 ““品箭~豪亏弃溉于箭二箭共子溉井资苍飞点,结晶法除秘的原理和除铅的原理相似。 组成(质量分数。)/%结晶机主要由结晶槽,螺旋器和传 动机构组成(图3,另见彩图插页第10页)。 图IP卜sn系相图结晶槽为钢板制的“u”形槽,槽体按温度 递降的要求用电加热器加热。槽体略倾斜, 却作用下,产出晶体和液体,两者逆向运动,晶体中铅槽头有精锡排出口,槽尾设有粗焊锡放出 和钮的含量不断减少,最后产出精锡;而液体中铅和秘管。 的含量不断增加,铅和秘最后集中到液体粗焊锡中。 中国炼锡厂用结晶法除铅、秘有长久的历史。在啼7代冷却:、。州 20世纪40年代先后采用过算锡法和油锅调温结晶约4571<}}i__一’ 法,后因油雾大而停止。195。年改为结晶放液法和溜「入一:.:入廷五二‘上兹三公兰兰生匕洲月} 槽结晶法,但精炼速度慢,劳动强度大。昆明工学院李一呼一仁么U二丫\卜公或浏泣二趁定从全二立匕攀攀鲜 梦庚教授于1955年开始进行螺旋结晶机淞,1966出赢花“。“叭漏藻厂一产橇 年用工业用螺旋结晶机精炼粗锡获得成功,1975年由 云南锡业公司改进为电热连续结晶机,并得到广泛应图3结晶机及其作业示意图 用。 ’工艺结晶机开始作业时,先供电加热,开动螺旋 组成(摩尔分数:)/%器,控制转速。.67一1.sr/min,待各段达到预定温度 。10 2030 40 50 60 70809010。后,即可加入液体粗锡。锡液用喷水冷却结晶,晶体被 573f一一—一,,一,一飞石旅习螺旋器缓慢地移向槽头,同时逐渐升温,在栖头蕴度是 一解芝》L//引505K,产出含铅、秘分别低于0.04%、。.015%的精锡。 。任‘“r\~、、//l}液体不断向下流动,同时逐渐降温,槽尾温度控制在 恻423}\卜-一一一一二立爷‘二一石一一一习}457K左右,产出含铅约32%的粗焊锡。 明}“/21“叹幻99·州.----一__一_-·-一一 ’一373{/--一‘““-一_}1效果结晶机适用于精炼含铅、秘波动范围大的 。一}/‘习粗锡。一般含铅超过15写、含秘在1%以下或铅与秘比 。,。丫l大于6的粗锡都能用结晶机精炼得到合格精锡。根据 sn 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Bi型号不同,每台结晶机每天可处理5~30t粗锡,渣率 组成(质量分数。)/%2%一3%,锡的回收率99·8%,吨粗锡电耗40一 100kw·h。 图Zsn一Bi系相图结晶机具有设备简单、生产效率高、锡的回收率高 和不加任何试剂等优点,不仅中国炼锡厂广泛使用,而 原理结晶法以Pb一sn和Sn一Bi系相图为基础。且已出口到巴西、英国、泰国、马来西亚、玻利维亚和 由图1所示的Pb一Sn系相图可知,在456一505K温度荷兰等国,被认为是当前最好的精炼除铅、秘的方法。 范围内,当富锡侧(含Pbo%一38%)任一成分的合金参考书目 x温度下降到液相线Bc以下,就会析出一部分晶体云南锡业公司,昆明工学院《锡冶金》编写组,锡冶金, (俘一sn固溶体),其含铅量比原来低,而液体的含铅量冶金工业出版社,北京,1977。 、则比原来高。如果使析出的晶体和液体即时分离,并将P.A.wright,Extraetiv。Metazlurgy。f Tin,Elsevier, 77