金额,Sum of money
1)Sum of money金额
1.RESULTS:The sum of money of consumption of antipsychotics for schizophrenia in Guangdong Province was increasing year by year,and the use of the first generation antips.结果 :44家医院抗精神分裂症用药金额逐年增多 ,其中第1代药物应用呈下降趋势 ,第2代药物应用呈明显上升趋势。
2.METHODS: With sequencing method, the sum of money, amount of consumption and DDDs of botanical injectiones, used in three typical hospitals of Kunming from 1996 to 1999, were analyzed.方法:应用金额排序法及DDDs排序法,选择昆明市有代表性的3家医院统计分析其1996年~1999年植物药注射剂之用药金额、用量(DDDs)、日用药金额及其变化、结果:该类制剂的金额及DDDs均迅速增长,1999年较1996年金额增长65%,DDDs增长37%;该类制剂的金额、用量及品种主要集中于心脑血管类、抗感染类、抗肿瘤及其辅助用药这三大类。

1.Amount for 130% of the invoice value投保金额: 发票金额的130%。
2.significant amount巨大金额,巨大数额
3.value of project approvals项目核准金额(值)
4.maximum permissible amount (MPA)(金额) 最大允许量
5.Payments amounted to 10209053.70 yuan (RMB).付款金额为10209053.70元。
6.An amount assessed, as for taxation.税额被估定的金额,如税额
7.Well, what is the minimum amount?那么,大额存款的最低金额是多少?
8.Insured Items, Sums insured , Deductibles投保项目, 投保金额, 免赔额
9.Approval of Value Clause保险金额和估值条款保额
10.Please let me know my balance.请告诉我结余金额
11.increase in amount,number or intensity(金额、数量或强度的)增加
12.nontax payments非税性负担的支付金额
13.The total was less than $300.金额一共不到三百元。
14.considerable [little] savings高额 [小额] 储金
15.-- Petty cash records——小额现金记录;
16.net pensionable salary应计养恤金的薪金净额
17.Cash Balance Pension Plan现金余额养老金计划
18.excess reserves备付金(超额准备金)

Amount of money金额
1.METHODS: Antiinfective drugs used in our hospital from 2002 to 2004 were made classification statistic and comprehensive analysis by using the methods of amount of money of drug purchase,daily men-times of drug use and daily costs of drug consumption.方法:以购入金额、日用药人次数、日均药费对我院2002年~2004年抗感染药物进行分类统计、综合分析。
1.The author has given an extensive and in_depth analysis and expatiation upon the common usage and translation of the dates,amount and numbers(figures) in the economic and trade contracts by making use of numerous examples of such contract clauses and the experience of the writer s long engagement in such translation.作者以大量经贸契约条款为例并根据多年从事经贸契约翻译的经验 ,较为全面和详细地分析和阐述了经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的常见用法和译法。
4)AMT amount金额、数额
5)principal amount本金金额
6)amount of an annuity年金金额

保险金额保险金额  【保险金额】保险利益的货币表现。投保人或被保险人对保险标的的实际投保金额,也是保险人计算保险费的依据。保险事故发生后,保险人据以支付赔款或者给付保险金的最高限额。一般有定值、不定值、特定式和总括式几种方式。确定财产保险的保险金额,先是通过对保险财产的估价来确定其实际价值,然后再根据保险利益和保障需求在实际价值内确定其保险金额,或全额投保,或部分投保。人身保险的保险金额,则是按照被保险人的经济需要和投保人(或被保险人)交付保险费的经济能力,由投保人与保险人相互约定的金额。保险金额的确定,关系到被保险人能否得到充分保障和保险人的赔偿或给付责任,对双方当事人都是非常重要的。