4)Dexamethasone prodrug地塞米松前体药
1.Effect of desamethasone on the airway remodeling in asthmatic rats;地塞米松对支气管哮喘模型大鼠气道重建的影响
2.Protection of little dosage of Desamethasone to pulmonary function on acute lung injury model;创建急性肺损伤模型探讨小剂量地塞米松对肺脏的保护作用
3.The contents of ketoconazole and desamethasone in the spraying membrane were assayed by HPLC.观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠湿疹和体癣模型的疗效,以喷膜基质作对照,并分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜的疗效相比较。

1.pexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection地塞米松磷酸钠注射液
2.In the Dex-injected group, the relative values of mRNA of SP-A, SP-B and SP-C were 1.08±0.23,1.23±0.35 and 1.21±0.25 in fetal lung tissues,respectively.地塞米松组:1.08±0.23、1.23±0.35和1.21±0.25;
3.Organic Combination of Matrine and Dexamethasone and Authentication;苦参碱与地塞米松的有机拼合及鉴定
4.The Effects of Applying Dexamethasone to Filtering Surgery in Rabbits;地塞米松在兔眼滤过术中的作用研究
5.Determination of Dexamethasone by Single Sweep Derivative Oscillopolarography;单扫描导数示波极谱法测定地塞米松
6.Preparation and Quality Control of Compound Dexamethasone Acetate Cream复方地塞米松乳膏的制备及质量控制
7.Stability of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Eye Drops地塞米松磷酸钠滴眼液的稳定性考察
8.Effect of Dexamethasone on Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line SKOV-3地塞米松对卵巢癌SKOV-3细胞的影响
9.The effect of dexamethasone of treating acute pharyngitis地塞米松对急性咽炎的治疗作用研究
10.Research on Dexamethasone Acetate Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Gel醋酸地塞米松固体脂质纳米粒凝胶剂的研究
11.Effects of Antenatal Dexamethasone and Betamethasone Application in Pregnant Rats on Development of Brain in Offspring Premature Rats产前孕鼠应用地塞米松与倍他米松对早产仔鼠脑发育的影响
12.DXM supress MUC8 MRNA expression in nasal polyps and this result provide another aspect for glucocorticoid's antiinflammatory mechanism.地塞米松可抑制鼻息肉中MUC8mrna的表达 ,为地塞米松的抗炎机制提供了新的解释
13.Morphologic Studies of Round Window Membrane after Intratympanic Perfusion Dexamethasone and Dexamethasone/Hyaluronic Acid;地塞米松地塞米松—透明质酸圆窗灌注对豚鼠圆窗膜形态学的影响研究
14.Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of dexamethasone in treating infantile fester tonsillitis地塞米松佐治小儿化脓性扁桃体炎发热的利弊
15.dexamethasone 21-acetate (INNM)地塞米松21-醋酸酯(修改的国际非专利药品名称)
16.Objective: To study the effect of dexamethasone( Dex) on brain edema in irradiated rats.目的:研究地塞米松对放射性大鼠脑损伤的影响。
17.Effect of dexamethasone on biological characteristics of bone marrow stromal stemc ells地塞米松对骨髓基质干细胞生物学特性的影响
18.Study on the Inhibitory Effect of EGCG on Cataractous Lenses of Rabbits Induced by Dexamethason.;EGCG抑制地塞米松诱发白内障的实验研究

4)Dexamethasone prodrug地塞米松前体药
1.Effect of desamethasone on the airway remodeling in asthmatic rats;地塞米松对支气管哮喘模型大鼠气道重建的影响
2.Protection of little dosage of Desamethasone to pulmonary function on acute lung injury model;创建急性肺损伤模型探讨小剂量地塞米松对肺脏的保护作用
3.The contents of ketoconazole and desamethasone in the spraying membrane were assayed by HPLC.观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠湿疹和体癣模型的疗效,以喷膜基质作对照,并分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜的疗效相比较。
1.Clinical analysis of Dexamethason,654-2 and antivenom to 2interfere in SIRS and MODS after cobra snakebite;地塞米松、654-2和抗蛇毒血清联合使用干预眼镜蛇伤致SIRS及MODS的临床分析
2.Dexamethason slow-released granules on inflammation control in children performed with intraocular lens implantation for cataract;地塞米松缓释微粒控制儿童白内障术后炎症临床观察
3.The effect of dexamethason on expression of myosin light chain kinase in bronchial smooth muscle of asthma animal model;地塞米松对哮喘动物模型支气管平滑肌MLCK表达的影响
