1.Determination of Leucogen by Alkali Titration in Alcohol醇中碱滴定测定利可君原料的含量
2.OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC method for the determination of leucogen and its related substance.目的研究HPLC测定利可君原料药和有关物质的方法。
2)the benefit of the monarch君利
1.Preliminary usage of ritodrine in treatment of preterm labour;利托君防治早产的临床疗效
2.The study of the effect of ritodrine in the premature labor利托君防治早产的效果观察

1.Determination of Ritodrine in Human Plasma by LC-MSLC-MS法测定人血浆中利托君浓度
2.Efficacy of Ritodrine Hydrochloride vs. Magnesium Sulfate for Placenta Previa比较盐酸利托君和硫酸镁在前置胎盘治疗中的临床疗效
3.Down with Amulius the tyrant!打倒暴君阿穆利乌斯!
4.The gentleman knows what is right; the small man knows what is profitaBle.君子喻于义,小人喻于利。
5.Belgium, Sweden and Britain are monarchy.比利时、瑞典和英国是君主国。
6.Confucius said: "The Superior Man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage."子曰:「君子喩于义,小人喩于利。」
7.Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy.亨利二世采取了一些措施巩固君主制。
8.a monarchy on a Polynesian archipelago.玻利尼西亚群岛上的一个君主国。
9.Coca-Cola made By a patented formula offers you a unique and unforgettaBle taste.可口可乐,专利配方,独特口味,令君难忘。
10.But how can fame and profit concern a man of genius? Day and night I long for him to Bring his lute again.高才脱略名与利, 日夕望君抱琴至。
11.Will there be new winning conditions in TAD, like Regicide?TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗?
12.The Study on the Relations between the Benefit of the Monarch, the State and the People in the Minds of the Literati and Officials in the Ming Dynasty;明代“利”论中的君、国、民关系思想研究
13.Monarchial Power, Human Rights And Rights Of Woman--Another Explanation About The Iliad And The Han Gong Qiu;君权·人权·女权——《伊利亚特》、《汉宫秋》别解
14.Another comprehension of “Junzi Yu Yu Yi ,Xiaoren Yu Yu Li”;《论语·里仁》:“君子喻于义,小人喻于利”新解
15."It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to take wine, or for rulers to say, Where is strong drink?"利慕伊勒阿,君王喝酒,君王喝酒不相宜。王子说,浓酒在那里也不相宜。
16.Good luck to you for Buying the "Lucky"Brand products of our factory.请购买本厂的吉利牌产品,祝君大吉大利。
17.general good is the plea of the scoundrel , hypocrite and flatterer.抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。
18.A public trust is one that benefits some public purpose.公益信托是一有利公共目的的信托。

the benefit of the monarch君利
1.Preliminary usage of ritodrine in treatment of preterm labour;利托君防治早产的临床疗效
2.The study of the effect of ritodrine in the premature labor利托君防治早产的效果观察
4)difference in interests between emperor and officials君臣异利
5)to calm down the emperor and to benefit the state安君利国
